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Posts posted by wyze2099

  1. Yesterday my co-host and I recorded Episode 17 of 2099 Bitmapped, with a review of S-Man #10, and in it we mentioned a few things about the Grumpy Old Fans review. That episode is stilla long way off from being released, but the next one -- Ep 11 -- will have a brief pimping of Grumpy Old Fans in the intro section.

  2. In the August edition of Grumpy Old Fans (which is being released in September for some reason), Dan and Mike compare Catwoman (1993) #1 to Gotham City Sirens #24, Savage Dragon (1993) #3 to Fear Itself #3, and Spider-Man 2099 #10 to Ultimate Spider-Man #160. [ 1:38:17 || 47.4 MB ]

    The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/theshow/episodes/e2ts_479.mp3

    Haven't listened to this yet, but given that I'm a gigantic 2099 fan, I certainly will tomorrow!

    And speaking of coincidence, Spider-Man 2099 #10 will be one of the two episodes my co-host and I review on the next episode of our 2099 Bitmapped podcast. But considering that'll be Episode 17 and the latest one out is Episode 10 ... yeah, it'll be a while before it's available for listening. But still, interesting bit of synchronicity. Can't wait to hear what you guys have to say. I enjoy the Grumpy Old Fans segment.

  3. Hey folks,

    I've begun seriously thinking of starting a podcast devoted to 2099.

    It'd be called "2099 Bitmapped", where I and a co-host (or two) discuss the Marvel 2099 imprint and review and handful of comic issues each episode. The reviews could be set up one of two ways:

    - A certain number of issues of a given title each time (Spider-Man 2099 #1 - #3, for instance)

    - A publishing month's worth of titles each time. For instance, a certain month might have Spider-Man 2099 #4, Ravage 2099 #3, Doom 2099 #2, and Punisher #1. Yes this means the episodes would probably get longer as time goes on. But the advantage here would be to track the 2099 imprint's progress from beginning to end. And it would mean that we wouldn't have to review long uninterrupted stretches of the lamer titles.

    I'm leaning toward the latter approach, but regardless, the idea would be to do a podcast about the best and worst of 2099 and everything in between.

    So ... if anyone's interested, let me know. I'm looking for two co-hosts, total, as more than three people could make the show unweildly.

    Prospective co-hosts must have Skype software, an ability to review and discuss 2099 with an objective eye as well as a fannish one, and an ability to speak clearly and distinctly. A sense of humor wouldn't hurt, either. Availability on Wednesdays is preferred, as I have that day off for the foreseeable future. The show could also be recorded late at night after 1am Central Time on pretty much any other night.

    David Ellis

    skype handle: wyze2099

  4. she also voiced Elmyra from Tiny Toon Adventures. Basically take the max voice and make it 100000 times more annoying. But yes overall Cree Summer herself is a excellent voice actress. She just gets shite roles sometimes.

    Yeah, I've known she voiced Elmyra since that show first premiered. And she's voiced quite a few characters since then, from Alison Crestmere in the X-Men Legends video game and Blackarachnia in Transformers: Animated to a poodle in Clifford the Big Red Dog. I just hadn't realized how far her voice career had reached before Tiny Toon Adventures. *shrug* Learn something new every day.

  5. You're reading into that, because as far as I recall, we've never railed into Cree. I even think James has praised her more than once. Do we hate Max? Yes, but I don't think we've ever blamed the actress for that.

    Ah, my apologies, then. I guess I got that impression at one point during an early Static Shock review, where it was brought up that a character shared a voice actress with That Certain Batman Beyond Character. Much revulsion ensued, and it was hard to tell whether it was directed just at Max, or at Cree Summer as well. But if it's just at Max, then fair enough. I was never bothered as much by her, but to each his own. I hope I didn't sound like a jerk in my previous post.

    And hey, let's make something clear: I will always love Cree for the simple fact that she voiced Penny in Inspector Gadget, who I had the biggest crush on as a child. :wub:

    ...She voiced Penny? Really? Damn, I had no idea she'd been voice acting for that long, but now that I'm thinking back on Penny's dialogue, I can certainly pick out Cree's voice. I was probably Penny's age when that show was in first-run, so I do have fond memories of her. Hell, I always thought the weakest link in that show was Uncle Gadget himself. That show would've been off the chain if it'd been just Penny & Brain against Dr. Claw's goons.

  6. So, uh, while we're posting thoughts about WFP, here's one that I've noticed recently as I've been listening through the Static Shock episodes:

    In the Static Shock episodes when Cree Summer has voiced a character, there's the inevitable mention of The Batman Beyond Character Who Must Not Be-- ah, hell, I'll say her name: Max Gibson. It honestly feels like James and Michael are ragging on Cree Summer for voicing any character, simply because she voiced Max. Okay, I get it, Max is a reviled character on the show. But does that hatred have to translate to other characters she's voiced? 'Cause she's one of the most prolific voice actresses around. If the hatred for Max gets brought up every time Cree Summer voices a character in the DCAU, it's gonna get old. Just sayin', guys.

    That's really one of the few gripes I have about the podcast, so I don't want to sound like I'm ranting. Heck, I was the one who wrote in that e-mail that WFP is "as addictive as crack". I just figured I'd bring this up, as it could be something to watch out for.

  7. The year is 2100.

    Over the past year, the Second Heroic Age has descended upon a corporate-dominated world, ushered in by costumed reactionaries bearing such names as Spider-Man, Doom, the X-Men, and more.

    Over the past year, these individuals -- heroes, villains, or gods, depending on one's point of view -- have struggled against the oppressive status quo. Some have died. Some have disappeared. Some continue on with a new purpose. But all of them have changed the face of the late Twenty-First Century.

    Welcome to the world of the 2099 UnderGround Revised. A fanfiction website proudly continuing the adventures of the now-defunct Marvel 2099 line in digitized text format and still going ten years strong.

    Venture on..._


  8. I finished listening to this episode earlier, and man, I gotta say this was a hilarious episode. The movie itself was utter -- well, James, Michael, and Ian covered it. When I first saw "B&R", I borrowed it from the library for free ... and I still wanted my money back! I remember thinking that it said something about the movie when the best actor in it spent most of his screentime on a deathbed.

    I have a question: If Batman could beat Jesus, and Christopher Nolan was referred to as "Jesus" in the episode ... does that mean that Batman could beat Christopher Nolan? If so, what an ingrate...

  9. That's a really weird ruling that they must make a new movie by 2011 or get sued.

    No, it has to do with the contracts. They need to at least be TRYING to make a profit on that franchise in order to fulfill their end of the deal.

    I wonder if they canned their ideas for a Superman film because they knew they'd lose the lawsuit with the Siegels.

    Yeah, this is somewhat similar to the sitation Roger Corman was in with the low-budget Fantastic Four live-action movie in the '90s. That movie was never intended for release; it was just thrown together to keep the rights to a Fantastic Four movie from being taken away.

    In other news, I really hope whatever Superman movie they come up with actually gets the character of Superman. I don't mind a dark film with Supes in it, but he works best as a counterpoint to the darkness.

  10. This is interesting news. I've been a fan of TMNT since the '80s cartoon (which, admittedly, I can no longer stand to watch, as I prefer the darker take on them seen in the Mirage comics, the first live-action movie, and the 2003 animated series), so I'm curious to see what Nickelodeon does with the license.

    I'm hoping the new cartoon is at least as good as the 2003 cartoon (pre-"Fast Forward"). Heck, if Nick can do a cartoon like "Avatar: The Last Airbender", hopefully it'll do some justice to the franchise.

  11. Holy necropost, Batman!

    Uh, my bad?

    Oh, and welcome to the forums, Wyze.

    Actually, I always assumed that the reason Robin gained a fear of heights from the serum was because he saw his parents fall to their deaths right in front of him.

    That's a possibility as well, but it seemed to me that the particular varsion of the serum Scarecrow was using was simply adrenaline-based, keying on whatever the victim happened to be doing to trigger the flight-or-flight response. In the athletes' case: playing competitive sports. In Robin's case: getting high -- uh, I mean, ascending to the top of a building.

    Thanks for the welcome.

  12. You makes some excellent points, Mxy, and while it makes sense that Dr. Crane would constantly be tweaking his formula, I still find it hard to believe that Robin could ever be that fearful of heights. It just doesn't sit right with me.

    I honestly don't think the intention of that particular version of the formuila was to bring out one's deepest, darkest fears. It's simply meant to cause the victim to hallucinate the moment adrenaline is introduced. For instance, Brian Rogers and other sports stars saw their opponents as monsters when their instinct was usually to confront them. Robin is usually an adrenaline junky who's at home in midair. When the same adrenaline rush that usually allows him to enjoy acrobatics instead induces panic, the thing he most enjoys is undercut. It wasn't that he was secretly afraid of heights at all.

    I'd also point out that the first fear toxin introduced in "Nothing to Fear" didn't bring out deep dark phobias, either. Remember, Bruce's fear that he was disappointing his parents was at the FRONT of his mind thanks to the conversation he had with that professor. It wasn't until "Dreams in Darkness" that we saw a toxin that brought out context-free, deep-down fears.