Episode 436


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Barry Allen is accused of a murder he's yet to commit (The Flash: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues), the Justice League tackles pint-sized problems (Super Friends: Mystery in Space), and Batwoman's latest foe hits a little too close to home (Batwoman: Elegy). [ 51:07 || 24.9 MB ]

The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/theshow/episodes/e2ts_436.mp3

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From the Oxford English Dictionary, it's an alternate spelling of "holla":

1. An exclamation meaning Stop! cease! Hence to cry holla; to give the holla to, to stop or check by this call.

2. A shout to excite attention

3. A shout of exultation

Etymology: < French holà (15th cent. in Littré) ‘stop’, ‘cease’, also a call to excite attention: ‘hoe there, enough, soft soft, no more of that; also, heare you me, or come hither’


Also, the storyline they're referencing for Batwoman is from 52.

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Also, the storyline they're referencing for Batwoman is from 52.

I think it might have also been referencing her other big appearance in Final Crisis: Revelations. Also written by Rucka. But I could be wrong.

Batwoman, I personally felt the art carried the book, and the writer came second. But others have disagreed with me, and said the writing is right up there with the art.

I agree about Flash, something just didn't click with me when I read the first issue. I loved the art, I usually love Geoff Johns, but maybe this was just one book to many for him with Brightest Day also coming on his plate twice monthly with Tomasi, and also the run towards Flashpoint. Or maybe it just wasn't too my tastes.

Great episode of WFTT as usual guys.

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