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  1. I should say, thanks for both the plug and the comments above btw.
  2. Oh really? Cool. DIdnt know ep 12 was out. BUt now of course i'll have trouble listening to it and get all nervous like i do
  3. Love Jim Lee. Just love him. i do feel his best stuff was his X-stuff..probably as that was the group f characters i was most interested in but everythings good. Even ASB+R is worth something due to his artwork. And thats saying something!
  4. Yeah, ok, ok. Its my strip. But still. Basically imagine the Marvel characters shrunk down to first grade! Is it original? No. Is it amusing? I hope so. Is it daily since April last year? Hell yeah. About 250 or so strips. come check it out. And Yoda likes it so there you go!
  5. Got the Hardcover - absolutely brilliant comic. Kirkman can do no wrong.
  6. I heard Jenny talking about how she couldnt enjoy Spidey cos shed need to know EVERYTHING that had happened to him up to this point. How about Ultimate Spidey? Smae spidey goodness but created specially for such people. The first hardcover would be perfect..
  7. hEH. Yeah, its insane alright. My wife devoured it in about a week..but she had read a lot of the series already. I havent even started it myself yet.
  8. Its sitting in my pile to watch i just havent gotten around to it yet.
  9. A great place for Fraggle info. Man, i loved that show I cant really remember to well but ivoted for Wembley as well.
  10. I was going to make a 'witty' title but decided against it. Apologies if this has been covered but i've just started listening to the show. Has she read any Bone by Jeff Smith? Its fantastic - a great fantasy tale, cute characters, its funny and its a big epic stroy to boot. My wife practically reads everything i get but Bone is her favourite by far. Mike
  11. Heh. It made me want to watch Azumanga again! Anyway..great show! Enjoyed it from top to bottom..even if i did have to FF through Equilibrium. Do you guys give spoilers on the show?