Something Old, Something New: Fantastic Four, Doctor Strange: The Oath


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Coordinating a massive crossover, such as Civil War, can't be an easy task. Counting lead-ins, direct tie-ins, indirect tie-ins and aftermath issues, Marvel will have meshed around 120 comic books and launched nine brand new titles by the time the event is over (or shortly thereafter). So mistakes are bound to happen.

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Well done sir!

I haven't read FF since Acts of Vengeance and I don't plan on starting it up. To me it's one of those titles that has just stagnated since its inception. To me, FF is the Lee/Kirby stuff and that's it. FF can also be the UFF series which I feel is being done infinitely better than the FF has in decades.

Plus, I have never like a JMS book.

The Dr. Strange thing is something I'm staying away from because of money but I'll throw down for the trade when it's released. I love the character and am currently formulating a pitch in which he is a supporting character.

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The Oath is seriously awesome. Wait for the trade if you must, but definitely get it at some point.

My major gripe with the FF, as a whole, is that the book isn't sci-fi enough. While the family dynamic is great, they should be in space for extended periods, and time traveling in both directions. The exploration of undersea, alien, parallel and microscopic worlds should be paramount. Considering they were (re)born in space, why doesn’t the book take place there?

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The Oath is seriously awesome. Wait for the trade if you must, but definitely get it at some point.

My major gripe with the FF, as a whole, is that the book isn't sci-fi enough. While the family dynamic is great, they should be in space for extended periods, and time traveling in both directions. The exploration of undersea, alien, parallel and microscopic worlds should be paramount. Considering they were (re)born in space, why doesn’t the book take place there?

Exactly! Which is why UFF is so right. Ellis was on the right track with exporing more scifi aspects. Screw Exiles! FF should be exploring the multiverse. I would pitch FF leaving Earth almost entirely. Alternate dimensions, intergalactic revolutionary wars, Galactus, Skrulls! That's what the FF is.

Remember when the Baxter Building was a place they dropped by once in a while? Now they never seem to leave.

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