Mister R

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Posts posted by Mister R

  1. Yeah, I don't think he was the greatest Joker ever either, but still a breath of fresh air after the one in Brave and the Bold. I do hope we see more of him.

    What I was more disappointed with was that Black Adam had no lines, yet C-listers like Count Vertigo and Wotan did.

    I had no clue who Wotan was until they mentioned him by name. Same with Atomic Skull. I do like Brave and the Bold's Joker, but a little goes a long way with that potryal of the character. Lol.

  2. Not sure if I like the Joker's voice actor (Brent Spiner). I do like the character design, but I need to hear more from him. Given that Weisman likes to play long games with character and their story lines, so I am pretty sure we will see Joker again.

  3. I've got to get me some Demon Knights. Every-time I get the shop near me, they are out! I'm a bit surprised really. At first glance, this doesn't look like a book that would sell so well.

  4. Mine are as follows:

    Identity Crisis

    52: The Companion

    52: Volume 1

    Y - The Last Man: Volume 1

    Y - The Last Man: Volume 2

    Y - The Last Man: Volume 3

    Y - The Last Man: Volume 4

    Y - The Last Man: Volume 5

    Y - The Last Man: Volume 6

    Y - The Last Man: Volume 7

    Y - The Last Man: Volume 8

    Y - The Last Man: Volume 9

    Y - The Last Man: Volume 10


    Gotham Central: Volume 1

    Gotham Central: Volume 2

  5. So here are my two cents on Batgirl and Justice League.

    They are more or less start up comics.

    Pilots if you will.

    And I am perfectly okay with that.

    It is pretty obvious that these issues will flow better once they are issued in TPB. But for now, I am pretty jazzed to see how the characters in JL will react once they all team up.

    I do like that we get to see Cyborg before his accident.

    Batgirl is pretty awesome and spunky. I am really diggin' her characterization.

    Now I've read The Killing Joke, so I know she was paralyzed, but does that time not count or something now?

    I'll be heading out tomorrow to snag a copy of Demon Knights for my sister, the Green Arrow & Spectre fan, and The Resurrection Man for me. :)

  6. Just picked up my copies of Justice League # 1 and Batgirl # 1 . Haven't gotten a chance to read them yet because of school. Also one of the reasons why I haven't been on here that much.

  7. I think with the new re-boot I'll pick up the Justice League and Batgirl.

    I have nothing against the other heroes. These are just the ones I want to read about.

  8. I have fuzzy childhood memories of the original Thudercats. So watching this new venison is really interesting. I've been enjoying it so far. The characters are interesting and the designs are just beautiful to look at.

    This is one that am going to stick with. :)

  9. I just downloaded Contra III: The Alien Wars from the Virtual Console service.

    I've never played a Contra game before, but I've heard about them. And so far, despite dying a lot, I'm enjoying it. I'm on the Second Stage, which is an over head one. And that type of thing hasn't aged very well.

  10. No. I'm sorry, but that's just crazy. Editorials on geek websites not allowed to be positive. It's just wrong.

    Is that on the Geek Ten Commandments?

    "Thou Shall Not Have Positive Editorials"

  11. If your sister still wants to get into Green Arrow and The Spectre, I've heard the Jim Ostrander Spectre run is meant to be fantastic, though it is not traded, and would involve looking for back issues.

    It turns out the trade paperback that we ordered for her was the Ostrander and The Wrath of the Spectre storyline. Which I believe, is "Adventure Comics 431-440, and Wrath of The Spectre 1-4.

    The Green Arrow one is Green Arrow: Year One.

    Basically she, more or less pointed to the characters she liked and asked the shop owner to order the "good stuff" (her words) for her. :lol:

  12. :lol: She did order a collection of the Golden Age Spectre stuff, and possibly the Ostrander stuff as well. She also order, I may be wrong here, a Green Arrow: Secret Origins type of collection to bring her up to speed. I also lent her a behind the scenes DVD from Smallville, since they had a documentary about Green Arrow. Granted some people aren't crazy about that show, but if it gets them interested in the source stuff, why not? :)

    It was watching Green Arrow on Smallville that got me interested in reading the Green Arrow comics, as outside the Luthor's he was the best character on the show.

    I dug him on there too. I liked Lex and Lionel as well.

  13. If your sister still wants to get into Green Arrow and The Spectre, I've heard the Jim Ostrander Spectre run is meant to be fantastic, though it is not traded, and would involve looking for back issues.

    Green Arrow on the other hand is easier. Read the Green Arrow series by Kevin Smith, and just continue with that series in the trades, the writer goes from Smith, to Brad Meltzer to Judd Winnick, who all love Green Arrow. Smith's run is just two trades, so not to much to get into, but still a fantastic read, with a great story.

    She would need to know small things about Green Arrow, like that he was dead when the series starts, and his son Connor, who he barely knew is the current Green Arrow, and Ollie is just coming back to life, and he has a grown up sidekick, who has a daughter and has dealt with drug issues in his past before joining the Justice League and becoming his own hero.

    I'm starting to get why DC wants to simplify their comics now.

    :lol: She did order a collection of the Golden Age Spectre stuff, and possibly the Ostrander stuff as well. She also order, I may be wrong here, a Green Arrow: Secret Origins type of collection to bring her up to speed. I also lent her a behind the scenes DVD from Smallville, since they had a documentary about Green Arrow. Granted some people aren't crazy about that show, but if it gets them interested in the source stuff, why not? :)

    The Michael Fleisher/Jim Aparo Spectre run is a must. Here's a link to issues reprinting the stories.

    Thank you for that. I'll look into for her. :)

  14. My question(s) are this:

    With all of the re-booting and re-numbering going on, how easy would it be for a novice (like me) to get into these titles?

    I do have an understanding of some of the characters based on the television (live-action and animated) and films that were based on their books. But as far as individual back stories go, I'm a bit lost.

    The other question, is this:

    Is this a tabula rosa, in terms of story? Are we starting with a complete blank slate here? If so that is fine. However, if there are lingering continuity or story-lines from the other books, would I need to read them in order to understand what is going on with the new stuff?

    Everyone else has already given some indication, but here's what I say:

    Get Justice League #1, that should introduce you to the new Universe, and because it comes out a week before anything else, you can read it and say "I quite like Green Lantern/Batman/Wonder Woman/Superman. I'll read more of their stories in their own books." Geoff Johns is writing it, so it should be quite accessible, but still be enjoyable to old DC readers. Which is what they want.

    Also, if possible, just take the time to go to your comic shop, and flip through the books, and decide which ones will take your interest. DC is usually quite good about having preview pages posted on their blog (DC Source, google that, and you should get the blog) you can look at the preview pages and decide if the book is worth your time from that.

    Don't go into the books thinking you will be caught up in serious continuity, and just go in wanting to read a good story, and you should be fine.

    Also, don't forget to look back at this thread and every comic you've read in 2011, to see forum members post what they think of the books as they come out, to gauge if the books will be interesting to you or not.

    Welcome to the forums as well Mister R.

    Hello there! Thank you for the welcome. The advice you have given me is pretty much what I've told my sister. She wants to get into Green Arrow & The Spectre (The Jim Corrigan version) after we viewed the DC Showcase shorts on the newest animated films.

    It is really good advice. But like you said, it is easier to focus on the stories and not the continuity.

    I will definitely be back in this thread as well. :)

    It seems like pretty much all the books are going to start from a new point, even if they're holding on to continuity. The only ones that take place in the past (aside from the medieval- or western-era stories) are Action Comics and Justice League, since those are doing origin stories for the first several issues.

    It seems like the only thing you might want to avoid at this point is Green Lantern, since everything we've heard from that seems to indicate that it's just the start of a new "season" rather than a new series, so it won't be any easier to jump into.

    The Batman books are keeping most of their continuity from before, but it looks like they're all starting at a new point storyline-wise, and it wouldn't take much for them to explain all the important stuff for each book.

    "I'm Batman. I fight alongside the newest Robin, who's also my son."

    "I'm Dick Grayson. I was the original Robin, then I became Nightwing, then I took over as Batman for a year. Now I'm Nightwing again."

    "I'm Barbara Gordon. I was Batgirl, but then I got paralyzed by the Joker. Now I can walk again, apparently."

    So, aside from GL, it seems like everything is fair game. If, by chance, there is something you get confused by, there's always Wikipedia, or you can ask us. We're usually friendly.

    Thanks for the info.

    And for the Bat-family, that seems about right. Lol.

    I think the main issue for a lot of readers (new or old) is continuity and backlog. Continuity, because if you want to why the Joker and Batman hate each other, you should have read issue #385 or something. Backlog, because there is so much back story to have with some of these characters.

    That being said, I don't mind the reboot. I am looking forward to starting fresh. I just hope that this doesn't blow up in their faces or something.

    Also, the lot of you have been extremely nice so far.

  15. Here are a few more:

    * Some of these may have been on during the week. But my satellite (the kind you could sit in) usually played them during the weekends.

    1) Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers

    2) Bonkers

    3) Pinky and the Brain

    4) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    5) The Jetsons

    6) The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest (1995-1996 reboot series)

    7) The New Batman Adventures aka Gotham Knights

    8) The Smurfs

    9) Scooby-Doo: Where Are You?

    10) The Looney Tunes Hour/Bugs Bunny Showcase

  16. With all of the re-booting and re-numbering going on, how easy would it be for a novice (like me) to get into these titles?

    In theory, they're supposed to be super easy to get into now, as people like you are the target audience for this.

    Is this a tabula rosa, in terms of story? Are we starting with a complete blank slate here? If so that is fine. However, if there are lingering continuity or story-lines from the other books, would I need to read them in order to understand what is going on with the new stuff?

    That's where it gets tricky. Some books, like Green Lantern, are remaining pretty untouched, others are being heavily changed, and some are being wiped out entirely. It's kind of a mess, honestly.

    Glad to know I'm wanted in someone's demographic. :lol:

    That' s what I've been seeing. Hence the confusion.

    The plan is to make their comics fully accessible to new readers. However, some bits of continuity are being held over in the Batman and Green Lantern comics.

    I guess that wouldn't be too bad. But there is going to be some poor reader who is confused when a C-list villian shows up. Lol.

    Welcome to the forums, Mr R!

    It's not so much a tabula rasa as it is a selective pick and choose from character's histories, as far as I can tell. I don't know how accessible the #1s are going to be, I haven't really seen that much in terms of previews beyond JL #1.

    So, right now, the best I can give you is ??, sadly.

    The most I've seen is the cover art of the #1s. That's it. I am going to get the JLA one, since I do like the Justice League, but I hope I'm not in for a world of confusion here.

    And hello to you as well.

  17. My question(s) are this:

    With all of the re-booting and re-numbering going on, how easy would it be for a novice (like me) to get into these titles?

    I do have an understanding of some of the characters based on the television (live-action and animated) and films that were based on their books. But as far as individual back stories go, I'm a bit lost.

    The other question, is this:

    Is this a tabula rosa, in terms of story? Are we starting with a complete blank slate here? If so that is fine. However, if there are lingering continuity or story-lines from the other books, would I need to read them in order to understand what is going on with the new stuff?