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Posts posted by TheSteve

  1. I think giving him back his mobility would be a very easy thing to do. He still has all of Latveria at his beck and call. And if they want to do Doom right, I think he would need to be the bad guy in the next movie, yes he could bring in someone else to do the dirty work, but he has got to be involved in one way or another.

    Galactus I think is a bit much for the non-initiated. Sure, you or I who know who Galactus is and know all about the FF and Doom would see it as no big leap. But look at it from the perspective of average high school kid with money to spare (which is the prime audience this is being made for, assuming all us nerds will just go because it says Fantastic Four on it). Ok, super powers coming from a cosmic dust cloud, there is a bit of suspension of disbelief, but it can be bought into because its a base reality of the world of the film. Throw in Namor, a mutant and an atlantean. Thats not a huge leap, unless you are living under a rock... and only come out to see Fantastic Four and Fantastic Four 2 that is not a totally incredible jump. Reed could easily be applying some of his knowledge toward looking at the oceans or tectonic plates or something and comes across Atlantis (which if they do Namor, I better well see an artistically stunning vision of Atlantis on the big screen). Galactus on the other hand. huge leap. He is not just a dude with powers. He is from outer space, there is one thing you need to overcome. Now he is not just a dude from outer space either.... he is a virtually immortal being which is less of a being and more of a cosmis force or simply a reality, like Death or Eternity (the only other two beings which remain from the big crunch). That is a HUGE leap, not only does it force an entire discussion of the nature of the universe to fully understand him, and would be a special effects nightmare, but its also really hard to top. No one in their right mind is going to pull out the big guns if there is potential for a trilogy...or more.

    I would love to see Namor, or possibly Mole Man. I think most of the other baddies are a little bit over the top for a movie audience. Of course, at the same time I would really prefer them to not make a sequel and just pretend this movie never happened, I was not a big fan of how they butchered most of the characters (Like DooM)

  2. Been doing a bunch of Warcraft III on Battlenet. And although it makes me a total tool, I have been doing a bunch of the custom games on there with building uber heros and the like. As well as getting my butt whooped as Humans.

    Also periodically looking over at the PS2 and being so torn by what to play that I end up playing Warcraft III.

  3. Katamari is a fabulous game, I cannot wait for the sequel to come out. It would likely do very well on the DS, although I do not know exactly how the controls would figure. I loved how they worked on PS2, using just the two directional sticks made the game simple and elegant.

  4. Do we seriously need something with more graphics power? As I recall I liked Super Mario Brothers 3 just fine, and it was a 2D sidescroller. I still play it, and if Nintendo still made 2D sidescrollers of that sort... I would still play them. So stuff gets more advanced with stuff like Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine where we finally reach the third dimention. What matters is the games not the power.

    Nintendo has stated that rather than just trying to be bigger and beefier they are going to try to do something different with the power they have. The limited backwards compatibility is a huge point in their favor, however not having an ethernet jack and making DVD capability require an extra widget are two strikes against it. I have also heard that they are going for a lower asking price, something about $200 or under, which is part of why they are not beefing, they are bettering.

    Besides, Nintendo has always had great games of their own, look at Donkey Konga for example. Something unique and quite a bit of fun. I am all over the Revolution unless PS3 and X-Box 360 come up with some pretty cool bonus features.

  5. Well, it was a popularity constest. Kinda like voting for a class president. But I am pleased that the reasons given for Batman were things like "He is totally outclassed... sooo..... ummm.... he throws a..... Anti-Jean Batarang, yeah thats it, he has one of those right?"

    Jean should win, but if Batman is going to win like this, at least it was for really stupid reasons like Bruce Wayne's hotness.

  6. I would say Lex Luthor, but hear me out on it.

    The two of them play a game of chess, I would probably not be willing to place a bet. But really, both of them are in similar situations, both ultra-rich and the head of powerful companies. Yet one of them goes out an periodically finds himself in some serious peril, and the other one hires people to do the same for him.

    Typical Day of Fighting Crime for Batman

    Go out beat up thugs, possibly encounter some form of kingpin, get shot at a lot, probably kicked and punched a few times.

    Go home, take a shower, find some bandaids, stitch up that nasty gash he got, put an icepack on the bruise on his arm.

    Sleep, wake up and pretend that you did nothing all night but sleep while being chipper and running a huge business.

    Typical Day of being a Criminal for Lex

    Roll into work around 8am after having a full nights sleep. Make some phone calls from a comfortable leather chair sitting behind a large desk with a TV nearby to keep an eye on current events.

    Around 10am have a cup of coffee... brought to him.

    Sign a few papers here and there, oversee a few "Kill Superman Zap-O-Ray Gun" projects.

    Take a late lunch and have sushi from no doubt one of the better cooks in the area. Recieve a phone call informing you that one of your insideous plans is functioning just as predicted. Recieve a phone call informing you that Superman broke one of your toys again, luckily insurance covers it.

    At the end of the day go home to a nice large house that you actually inhabit. Watch some news and does his best Mr. Burns impersonation as he comes up with another idea which he makes a phone call about in order to put it into action, then goes to bed with his favorite teddy bear.

    The most dangerous situation Lex puts himself in each day is shaving that crome dome he sports. On a bad day he might get caught in traffic. A bad day for Batman involves a Robin getting killed. I think Lex wins this competition.

  7. I have been enjoyed Exiles for over a year now. Its really a fantastic book, and it is great for people who know everything about comics just as well as people who know nothing. If you already know all the characters inside and out seeing different versions of them is a real pleasure. At the same time if you do not know who the characters are, 90% of the time someone on the team does not either and so you get a little bit of an in character introduction to them so you are never really lost.

    One of my favorite characters was Nocturne, but Morph is always a delight. Shame they have not killed off certain people yet though. I think the writers have gotten attatched to some of the characters and are kinda losing the willingness to kill people off to keep the team roster rotating. (Consider, three of the six Exiles around in the most recent issue were also around in the first issue). Still, one of the best reads out there, I am always on the edge of my seat waiting for the newest issue.

    Oh and Mr. Monday Night it was Timebroker.

  8. I am following most of the House of M stuff, including most of the stuff with House of M in the title... and I likewise am waiting for the Exiles tie in to come around.

    *Spoiler Alert for anyone who has not read those out to date and plans to*

    So far, I am liking a lot of it, excluding the obvious marketing ploy that Wolverine just automatically knows something is up. The guy has had his head messed with enough times that he should take a little bit more time before he suddenly goes kill death on everyone. Although I really like the comparison of what the world would be like with humans as the lower class and mutants as the powerful ones. Considering if a mutant is getting harassed by three or four humans on the street, odds are he can either make something explode, fly away, turn into a wooly mammoth, whatever. Whereas the human who is being harassed by three mutants, say someone who can make stuff explode, fly, and turn into a wooly mammoth, he is toast and really has no recourse, which really shows a greater injustice. Humans fear mutants because they have powers and some take that fear out as agression. Mutants do not fear humans at all and any agression perpetrated by them is simply being a jerk.

    Spiderman House of M is fun as well. It keeps the whole double life aspect in tact by having Peter/Spidey pretend he is a mutant. Gives him something he continues to hide from everyone, which has longstanding been one of his situational characteristics which gave him heartache and kept him from being truly happy with himself. The shaved head thing did not totally make sense to me though. And people have pointed out to me that he should be having a bit of a difficult time pretending to be a mutant since there are all sorts of things which detect mutants (which in this world I would assume might detect humans). Regardless, HoM Spiderman is off to a good start.

    HoM Iron Man is nothing spectacular. Its interesting (and more importantly to me it confirms that Johnny Storm is around, and has flame powers) but the art in it reminds me more of an Anime series, while it is very crisp and nice in a technical sense, it just makes the book have a more television feel to it. It was an informative read more than anything else. Helping my understand exactly how barbaric the mutants have become (Iron Man is a Gladiator in big arena fights... kinda like back in the days of Rome... but with an iron man suit).

    HoM Fantastic Four is just my prized possession at the moment. Great in EVERY way. Given, I was forced to do a little bit of research to find out who everyone involved was. This is what really has me puzzling and coming back for more issues in House of M. I want to know what is going down with the Fantastic Four. In HoM FF, the group is the Fearsom Four, consisting of Dr. Doom, The Invincible Woman (Valeria Richards it appears), The Inhuman Torch (Kristoff), and The It. Reed Richards is supposedly dead and bad stuff has happened to the other three (although Johnny is apparently a gladiator as seen in HoM Iron Man #1). The contention between Doom and Magneto is absolutely enthralling, and Magneto manages to come off a quite the good guy in this book, although at the same time I cannot help but feel for Doom.

    I think that covers my thoughts on House of M currently, I am looking forward to picking up HoM #4 tommorrow (I think it should be coming out) as well as any of the other HoM titles that happen to catch my eye.