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Everything posted by lynndavid

  1. I had a similar experience in the early 90s at a San Diego Con. I attended the DC Vertigo panel and was disgusted to see that even though they had a lot of creators up there, most of them hardly participated, only doing so when they were asked a direct question, and then with very short answers. They all had dark glasses on, and appeared to be hung over or stoned. The panel had absolutely no energy, and was a great disappointment. I was so disgusted I wrote group editor Karen Berger a letter of complaint. I never heard back, though I found that even though I didn't make a conscious decision to do so, I quite buying most Vertigo books. On the other hand, I recently attended the Fables panel in San Diego and was really impressed by the enthusiasm of that group of creators, and by the fact that during the panel they passed a big stack of Fables number fifty down the line, each signing it, and then distributing the comics to the audience. Everyone got one. I thought that was a cool thing to do, and because of it I've ordered some of the Fables trades I'd missed. Lynn