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Posts posted by DanMan

  1. Never mind the last answer, 'cause it was Khiron/Victor Strange -- Dr. Strange's brother. Stephen put his brother into a stasis to protect him from the spell.

    Correct. The other answer was Hannibal King, who was saved by Strange because he never drained blood directly from a living human (which I learned of about three minutes ago).

    You're up.

  2. The Flash d. Quicksilver

    Robin d. Jubilee

    Elektra d. Catwoman

    Silver Surfer d. Green Lantern

    Superman d. Hulk

    Spiderman d. Superboy

    Storm d. Wonder Woman

    Batman d. Captain America

    Wolverine d. Lobo

    Thor d. Captain Marvel

    Aquaman d. Sub-Mariner

  3. Yeah, I'll come clean and admit I was addicted to the Pokemon games for a long time. I still have all the games from Red and Blue to Crystal, but I haven't played them in quite some time.

  4. FF 6

    This is why you kick ass. FFVI hands down.

    I also want to say Chrono Trigger but it doesn't really count. I like to see every little thing a game has to offer, so when I finally made Lavos my bitch it wasn't the same knowing I had at least another dozen endings to view.

    As for those that do count, FF IX and Suikoden 2.

  5. Hulk only ranks 10th? For a creature that can't ever be killed (see Hulk: the end for the full length of his regenerative power) and has near boundless strength and endurance, that magazine certainly didn't give him any credit.

    True, but I wouldn't worry much about what the magazine said. They have a spot explaining why one particular hero isn't higher up. For Doctor Strange:

    While he's beaten cosmic menaces to save the universe countless times, Doc Strange is only human with limited stamina, speed and reflexes.

    It's about the same thing for the Flash too. It must be a padded list, not for quality's sake but to get some better-known names out there, with Firestorm (who I barely even know of) present to try to discount this. I won't argue with you about the Hulk's regeneration abilities or his strength. It's a given he should at least be on here. But why so many heros just barely above the "normal human" mark? Xavier is/was the most powerful telepath on earth, but he's also a paraphlegic. Why not switch him with Psi-Lord (Franklin Richards), who was shown to have even greater psionic powers, including precognition. And if Superman is there, why not Gladiator? He's basically Superman with different vulnerabilities.

    I agree with Yoda's list up from #1-6, then I'd change it up as follows:

    7. Magneto

    8. Adam Warlock (not sure if he counts here)

    9. Gladiator

    10. Wolverine

  6. Name: Amadeus Macbeth

    Powers: The ability to absorb, store and release any and all forms of energy, wingless flight, heightened senses, limited invulnerability

    Costume: Think of Magneto's costume, but mostly black and without the bucket helmet. Silver hair still a must.

    Base/City of Operations: Mobile fortress, Pacific Ocean

    Weapons: None

    Special Weapons: None

    Fighting Style: Brawler, distance (through powers)

    Special Training: None

    Weakness: Feelings of inadequacy despite great ability, the possibility of absorbing too much energy, causing a potentially fatal "overload."

    Motivation: To gain respect through fear and to achieve even greater power

    Origin: Born with superhuman abilities and inspired by William Shakespeare's Macbeth character to do whatever is necessary to sate one's limitless ambition; and eventually driven mad by lust for ultimate power.

    Would you be a human, alien, god/supernatural being, or spirit? Human

    Would you have a lackey? Pendragon (right hand man), pyrotic (can mentally create fire)

    Would you be on a team? No

  7. Marvel. The amount I've actually read is far greater than what I've seen of DC. I'm a big fan of the JLA/JLI period and pretty much everyone associated with them, but my local comic book stores (actually about an hour away) didn't have many DC titles, and even fewer that caught my eye. I was more familiar with Spiderman and the various X-books, so I stuck with them, and only went to the competition every once in a while

  8. X-Men: Onslaught (1996)


    This was an incredible story with a fantastic build of two years at the very least. The saga got a proper start in X-Men #25 and didn't end until just after X-Men #55. Issue #53 has an awesome bit of continuity when Onslaught shows Jean Grey the dark side of Xavier's psyche. Jean finally learns that Xavier once had romantic feelings for her, which in real-time was over thirty years ago. Furthermore, Bishop discovers that Charles Xavier himself is the "traitor" who would kill the X-Men, something that was completely unexpected. Onslaught scan Bishop's mind and learns about the Age of Apocalypse, since Bishop is the only one that remembers it, and uses it to formulate his ultimate plan.

    If Marvel ceased to exist once this story concluded it would have been a fitting end. Xavier is powerless; so is the Juggernaut. Beast, who was captured by himself from an alternate reality who then took his place, was found and rescued. Bruce Banner and the Hulk are split into two entities. Magneto seemingly has regained his youth and is now on the side of good. The Avengers and the Fantastic Four are dead. Onslaught was built up to be the greatest threat the Earth had ever seen, and once he was defeated it appeared for a fleeting moment that the world was at last truly safe.

    Of course we all know that would never happen. The next best thing, however, was that Marvel was set up for stories for the next year at least, leading into the "Heroes Reborn" arc and "Operation: Zero Tolerance."

  9. Is Scorpion a demon too or only human? If he's human then Ghost Rider might be able to simply cast some hellfire and take his soul. If not, then they're pretty even. GR's motorcycle might be a non-factor depending on the terrain. I'll look it up but for now it's a null vote.

    EDIT: Apparently Scorpion is a "reincarnated spectre," so hellfire might have no effect on him. When it came down to hand-to-hand combat, I'd give it to Scorpion.

  10. Note: My knowledge is mostly from Marvel. If my ideas lean in favor of their characters, that's why.

    A few potential foes to consider:

    The unfairly overpowered villans (Galactus, Mephisto, Darkseid) for obvious reasons. Possibly Thanos and Despero on there as well.

    Superman: Without magic or kryptonite, Batman has no hope.

    Magneto: As long as Bruce has iron in his blood, Magneto owns him.

    Cloak (as in Cloak and Dagger): Cloak is a living interdimensional portal inside a cape, devoid of a solid form. If anything is thrown at him, it either passes through him or gets sucked inside his being. When Batman gets too close, he'd be absorbed.

    Possessors of any extrasensory perception: In the case of telepathy, Batman's opponent would be able to read his thoughts and know exactly where he was and what he was intending. If they were powerful enough, like Jean Grey or Prof. Xavier, they could convince Batman the fight was already over. In the case of Spider-sense or Daredevil's "radar," I think it would still come down to hand-to-hand combat. I'd give the win to Daredevil, but Batman might be able to overtake Spiderman with great difficulty (the exception to the rule).

    Silver Surfer: the Surfer might be the most overpowered hero of them all. No contest.