David Gallagher

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Posts posted by David Gallagher

  1. I thought McFarlane was brilliant. Apparently a few people from the Academy were angry wth some of his work thiking he went too far. It's Seth McFarlane for Christ's sake! That's what he does. I'm no Family Guy fan but I thought Ted was a lot of fun.

  2. Okay NBC. You have my attention.

    Mine too. Actually you had it yesterday when I discovered that the role of Lecter's therapist was being played by Gillian Anderson.

    Anything Mads Mikkelsen does gets my attention. A Royal Affair and The Hunt are two of the best films in recent year and he's stunning in both.

  3. I liked the film quite a bit but for someone who like me has a history with the theatrical production (not a stereotypical gay at all, honest) it's a bit like catching a truncated edited for tv version of a film you love - all the basics are there but a lot of the little details are missing. Understandable as there just wasn't time to adapt the whole production for a big screen outing. Casting was great and though his voice was a weak link Russell Croew still brought his usual intensity to Javert.

  4. In response to Stavros's E-mail comparing Doctor who with James Bond, I noticed one other thing the two have in common, Julian Glover. James Bond took him on in For your eyes only, and the fourth doctor challenged him in City of Death. Not to mention he blew up the rebel base in Empire strikes back and drank from the fake cup in Last Crusade. Now if only he could play a Star Trek villain.

    And he's getting more exposure than he has in years now in Game Of Thrones

  5. I like Tate as a comedian, and thought she was good in this special as an aggravating companion but I didn't see where she would fit in as a full time companion 18 months later.......boy was I wrong - she had me from Fires Of Pompeii onwards, she was the conscience of the doctor.

  6. I know you've both heard Big Finish plays, but have either of you heard more than a few? There's a great spinoff series for Jago And Litefoot which has just led to a release called Voyage To Venus where J&L travel with the Sixth Doctor. Totally delightful! The best news is that it is available from the BF site for only £1 as a download.


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