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Posts posted by Gareth

  1. The Hunger Games: this movie is an insufferable turd. One of the worst I have seen in years. There is nothing to care about in the characters. There is a ridiculous design element that they do absolutely nothing with. The acting may as well be static images of wooden cigar store Indian statues. Pathetic.

    With a movie like this, there's no way you would've gone into it having already made up your mind about it right?

  2. Seems like you took everything I said as literally as you could, so let me clear it up:

    I didn't shit all over it, I gave several example of poor sets, effects, etc. displayed in the trailer followed by an "If the writing and acting are good hopefully it will suck me in." If anything that's a somewhat level-handed reaction regarding everything but the visuals. As long as we're quoting people there was a "Looks awesome," "Damn that looks great," "Goddamn....that looks good," "watching that weekly" "Wow. Just. Well." etc. I would not classify that reaction as "ho-hum" by any means whatsoever.

    ​I imagine you read my response as "shitting all over it," as you like to say, because I backed-up my statement with specific evidence from the trailer rather than just saying it doesn't look great. Whenever I said "look's like shit" I literally meant looks, doesn't look visually like a quality production, as far as I could tell the acting and writing seem quite good.

    Finally just to reiterate, everyone's jumping on me for making rash judgments, but look at your comments, you are making judgments just as rash only difference is you are all focusing on the positives. Oh, and I didn't say, why is everyone taking this personally? I said "it's like everyone's taking this personally" referring to the reactions to my criticism.

  3. Shit. It's likely not even finished color correction.

    But, by all means, let's shit all over something that is a minute and a half long representation of what a season of television is supposed to look like.

    Ten posts by people saying this looks incredible and then I say it doesn't look so incredible and now suddenly I'm the one making the rash judgement? My God it's like everyone's taking this personally. Do you not know the purpose of a trailer? It's to give you a representation of what the show will be like.

    It's not the color correction that I have a problem with, it's the already filmed scenes that were in the trailer that I can promise you will not be redone. I'm sorry but there's no good support behind these posts except to attack the fact that I don't think the show looks well made. The scenes in the trailer are finished and just because they're taken from the first episode doesn't give them any special privileges to look bad, I'm sorry, but it doesn't.

  4. This show has been picked up for two seasons and this pilot will serve as the first episode of the show. Are you saying the rest of the series will look radically different from this pilot? Am I missing something?

    Generally pilots have a slightly higher budget than the average episode of a TV show anyway. So this pilot argument isn't making much sense to me.

  5. You must live in an alternate universe that is, to our world, what the Land of Oz was to black-and-white Kansas. Were that a trailer for a Chris Nolan Batman movie, then your argument might be spot-on, but this is a made-for-web trailer thrown together using footage from a pilot. If that looks like "shit," then your standards are pretty friggin' insane.

    Fargo just aired recently, it looks like a film every week. Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, etc. all look wonderful. This looks like an online production. Look at those examples I gave above, there is now way in hell you are fooled by that awful bar set or those painfully obvious digital blood squirts. This is supposed to be a big city and every street scene had no more that a couple people. The Heroes pilot had a lot of street scenes and it looked like friggin NYC, I really don't get how I'm the only one seeing this.

  6. That looks so cheap! The sets are tiny, very few extras, and awful TV lighting. I mean look at that scene in the bar, that's so weeknight TV it hurts. A busy city street is illustrated by one car driving past and one guy the sidewalk, I know this has a limited budget but come on! However, nothing beats the hilariously bad blood splatter when Bruce's parents are shot, I'm 99% sure thats the plug-in effect on Windows Movie-Maker.

    If the writing and acting are good hopefully it will suck me in but as far as production quality, this looks like shit.

  7. I actually didn't mind that, in fact I thought that scene when she tearfully gets on her bike, rides it, and then the reveal of where is was going was one of the most powerful scenes in the movie. My one tiny complaint is that when she's beating the shit out of that car the alarm would've gone off, that's literally it.

    Out of curiosity what are the two movies above Short Term 12?

  8. Short Term 12 (2013) directed by Destin Daniel Cretton

    Absolutely, without a doubt the best film of 2013 and one of the best films I've ever seen. Easily the most raw and emotionally draining film I've ever seen. I won't spoil anything but the film is about these four young adults who work a center that houses troubled children and that's about all you need to know before watching the movie. All of the performances are incredible most notably Brie Larson who is chillingly good. This movie alone is evidence that Destin Daniel Cretton will become one of the most important writer-directors of this generation. I had exactly one problem with this film and it's so minor it would be silly to bring it up.

    I Am Not A Hipster (2012) directed by Destin Daniel Cretton

    So after Short Term 12, I knew I had to seek out any other film Destin Daniel Cretton. Luckily his first film was on Netflix, so I watched it. Much lighter and inturn not nearly as good as Short Term 12. Still a good film however, and definitely evidence of Cretton's talent.

    The Dirties (2013) directed by Matthew Johnson

    Better than I expected but still containing many issues. The one issue I have with this movie that doesn't concern the found-footage aspect is with the main character (who happens to be played by the film's director.) So this kid Matt, the films protagonist is funny, likable, has friends, a loving mother, very extroverted, talks to everyone including attractive girls with hesitation, passionate about films etc. a person like this would never do what he does at the end of this movie. Sure he is bullied and has issues with his friend but that isn't enough to make someone like this do what he does. That aside, every single thing is this movie is ruined by the fact that it is supposedly a found footage film. Nothing makes any goddamn sense at all if you're supposed to believe that there is always some guy there with a camera. The brilliant final scene is absolutely butchered if we were supposed to believe there was someone else in that room filming. To nullify this problem I convinced myself that this "guy with the camera" is actually an imaginary creation of the main character. After all, as far as I can remember he's the only one who ever speaks to him directly. This theory doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it makes more sense than there being a guy we never see, always holding a camera in every scene of the film. Aside from those two flaws it was a surprisingly engaging, often funny movie and I would actually recommend it.

    These three films are on Netflix and I would recommend all of them (but watch Short Term 12 before I Am Not A Hipster).

    Feature Films: 13

    Documentaries: 2