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Posts posted by Rjoyadet

  1. Rest in Peace Michael Crichton, for soon you will be spinning in your grave.





    Actually I think I am going to like it. It seems to have that element of wonder that I missed in 2 and 3. Plus it seems like there aren't going to be any troodons or dinosauroids like I have heard some of the scripts were calling for.


  2. So, instead of the mostly racially insensitive portrayal of Native Americans, they've instead went for racially insensitive generic Islanders. Interesting... Other than that, the trailer looks bizarre but in a good-ish way.

    The way American Indians have been portrayed in Peter Pan movies are very bad. I think it might be a plus.

    Then again, Frank Miller left out Ebony Brown in "The Spirit" and the movie was still horrible.

  3. I still say The Village is the worse film, just for it being the height of his terrible addiction to dumb twists.

    Of course it is going to be bad if you only transfix on the twist. Then you would miss the whole point of it being a subversion of American Ideals. I saw it went against the ideas that everyone was happy and innocent in decades past (I am even including the Era of Good Feelings). By showing how easily the masses could be swayed and distorted with fear to fit one persons idea of the American Dream. Remember, this came out during the war on terror, which only proliferated more terror around the world.

    I also saw the love triangle between Bryce, Adrien and Joaquin (I will get to the lack of their names) was fascinating. How often do you see a triangle where the most able bodied is the odd one out? In most movies, especially with a love story, everyone has to be physical perfection. If there is someone with a disability they have to overcompensate in one way or another.


    Even in real life I am encouraged not to be with or marry someone with any kind of disability because then it is implied that I will live a difficult life having to take care of my mate and progeny. However Bryce had to be the one to step out and save the able bodied man she loved. Adrien could have easily been the Joker but you feel pity for his character. I almost saw a look of relief on his character when he dies.

    Also this movie was a good example of the Worf-Sapir Hypothesis in action. Everyone addressed everyone as a collective, never as an individual. They never gave a name to the wolf creatures, making them indestructible. At least until the end, when one is killed and they are given a name.

  4. How about "The Happening?" Gaia is mad about pollution and she tries to kill off the human race. Seriously.

    "The Mist" offended me on a personal level because of the negative way it cast Christianity. Pure propaganda. Ruined the movie for me.

    I completely understand. I remember being offended with "The Invention of Lying."

    All the women in my life (mother, sister, aunts, girlfriend,) are unapologetic M. Night Shyamalan fans and they all hate "The Happening."

  5. Off the top of my head:

    - James opting to retire "it worked in Blazing Saddles" during Highlander 2

    - Dubs finding the plane safety video on youtube

    - The intro to The Last Airbender (James' robot)

    - James' Jake Roberts impression

    - Dubs recapping the entire Transformers trilogy

    - The Haikus

    - Torque's keyblade

    - The Muffin Button

    - A montage of Final Words

    I am waiting for the Jamesbot to make a comeback.

  6. Can you save Ash from being opened up. Among my nerd toys being sold this winter I have a unopened Ash and deadite set.


    If nobody will buy the set I do not think I could let such fun go to waste. I may just open it up give Ash his boomstick and have him go up against a deadite with a sword. But then again It is splitting Ash so It may be the good or bad guy with the gun.

    To save Ash or see some other fun nerd items sold at a good price check out the things I have for sale on my Ebay site.
