Aaron Robinson

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Posts posted by Aaron Robinson

  1. Well, I've got no idea how these things typically work, but all I saw was an average tag match (in an actual ring suprisingly) with a bit of chain wrestling between a couple of decent wrestlers. I'm guessing this is also home to crappy backyard brawling where untrained people jump off cars and hit each other with barbwire covered baseball bats.

    Thats the type of shit I never want to see.

  2. Such negativity. It's going to be even more expensive down here when it's first released, but it's not going to stop me from purchasing one. I'm not in a huge rush to pre-order any of the new consoles that will be available, but when the hype dies down a bit, I'll buy it along with a couple of games and I'm sure I'll be happy with it.

  3. I went all out and bought the last 3 DVDs recently. I don't think I can get the box set anywhere in Australia, which is a shame because I can't see myself buying the whole series seperately, the DVDs cost AUS$30 each so it's not exactly cheap. I have to say it was a nice ending to the series though, predictable as hell, but the two final fights were great.

    I need to get my hands on the Cowboy Bebop set too.

  4. Quite a good review. You really went into a fair amount of detail. I'm curious though about what you thouhgt about the two sequals DRQ, since the series took a very dark turn from the next game onwards. Giving the title character a goatee, making the use of guns a major part of the gameplay as well as having alot more driving. I'll admit I'm not a fan of the series myself but my brother is quite fond of it, and from what I've seen and played the next two installments are pretty big improvements.

  5. I guess it's your gift. Your curse.

    Its the kind of thing I'd be willing to do with a couple of friends if I was ever bored. I just can't imagine spending the time setting it up and getting people interested though.

  6. I really didn't like the Nightstalkers last time. It's not that I don't like the characters, its just that they didn't fit in with the blade franchise. Plus I didn't like that fact that a couple of 20-something humans could easily defeat the superhuman vampires without even breaking a sweat. The whole "I listen to my brand new IPOD whenever I battle vampires" soured the experience for me even more.

  7. To be fair, anime has already seen samurai blending with hip hop (Samurai Champloo), but with Samuel L. Jackson at the helm I'm sure this will be awesome. They better not make him untalkative though, Samuel is best when he's cussing the fuck out of everyone.

  8. I heard it was The Cave just with a new cast and new title.

    Every review I've read has said that it’s what The Cave wants to be; a frightening movie that actually spends a decent amount of time building up the suspense and doesn't let its main characters fall into the typical stereotypes for horror movies. I’m actually pretty interested in seeing this.

  9. Wow it's been a while since this was bumped. I'd honestly love it if the Simpsons was cancelled and this movie bombed. It won't happen though. I have major doubts that this movie will be any good, the quality of the Simpsons has fallen way too much to for me to believe otherwise. Depending on the reviews, I might rent in one day on DVD, but I’m not going to watch it at the cinemas.

    Even though he said it a year ago, let me be the first to agree with ragernok2002 and say yes, I think the quality of Family Guy has fallen significantly as well. For the first three seasons they developed a bit of a plot line that was somewhat entrenched in reality, which made the over the top jokes somewhat funny. Then in season 4, they had to make everything zany, reduce the amount of actual plot and just cram in twice as many jokes, which seem to miss way more than they hit.

  10. I’m surprised at the lack of replies for this. It’s been out for a while, but I’ll give a quick review. Spoilers ahead:

    First and foremost this movie is primarily for fanboys of FFVII. Anybody unfamiliar with the game will just have to sit back and watch the pretty colours flash across the screen because character backgrounds are vary scarce, and the recap of FFVII can only explain so much. That’s not to say you won’t enjoy it (the animation is amazing), but its doubtful you’ll like it on as many levels as the fans of the game.

    If you are like me and are a big fan of FFVII, then prepared to be blown away. The animation (as I stated) is amazing, and the fight sequences are very well done. Just about all of the major characters make their return (including the secret characters) and there are plenty of little winks towards fans of the series.

    For anyone watching this, its probably best to turn off your brain to fully enjoy it. Plot twists are at times silly, and the scene where all of the good guys reunite at once, whether or not they are necessary, seems more than a bit over the top. Also, the fight sequences defy any and all laws of gravity.

    The plot follows three of the more stronger Serpiroth clones, as they try to reincarnate Sepiroth from the dead. Cloud once again, must use up all his strength to try and stop them. There is also the side story about a disease that is infecting a large number of children and young adults, including Cloud. But it really only serves to be something Cloud has to overcome.

    There are a few flaws that have to be mentioned. As I said, you should probably turn your brain off because there are a few plot conveniences. The story is also pretty straight forward, its more like a reunion show than a proper sequel. The end is also fairly anti-climatic, with Cloud overcoming the odds just like you’d expect. Finally, mobile phones play a huge part in the film, almost to the point where its distracting.

    That’s not to say it’s a bad film. You’ll spend most of your time mesmerized by what you see. But when its all said and done, and you reflect over what has happened, you’ll begin to notice quite a few flaws here and there. But who really cares about the destination when the journey is so awe inspiring 7/10.

  11. In my mind, I think it would depend on a few factors. If they were, let’s say, having a garage sale due to money issues, or to raise money for something, then I'd be complied to tell them. But if they were just trying to get rid of their old possessions, to move house or something, then I’d buy it without further consideration.

  12. Howdy members of Earth-2.

    I'm new to the board, having read a few reviews from the main page I thought I'd check out the forums. A few people may have read my posts on the Oratory forums (as Almighty Default, dear god do I need to change that name), as it is through that board I found out about this site.

    Samurai Champloo only recently got a run on Australian T.V. Having never heard of it, I initially dismissed it as another standard Samurai anime, but repeated viewing has got me addicted. I love the unique animation and the strange mixture of hip hop with 17th to 19th century Japanese history. I was just wondering what thoughts and opinions were of this show.