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Everything posted by Doug

  1. Doug

    Lego War zone

    Hey guys posted this over in my forum and thought "hey mabey earth 2 would like this!". So this is basicly a dierect copy from my forum, musicman is my best friend and forum member. Hey I have a exuse for posting this because it has killer croc in it but I would like to know, Could i post anyother creations yoda? Just checking.... any way here we go...... Start Quote So today Musicman came over over to my house and we wanted to build a lego battle zone. So the link explains it all. By the way there are mega blocks on the hill we could not find enough pecies for it. The car you see in the war will be posted soon! Here is the key to the armeis Good Guys (Me and Music)= Aqua Raiders Bad Guys = Skeltons, Clone toppers Unknown = Alpha team, Killer Crock, BattleDroid, Fire Fighter (What the heck?) The Observer (More on him coming soon) This is not the last battle so stay tuned and find out what they are battling for and who the observer i. Any way enoguh taunting here is the link, End Quote Hope you enjoy!
  2. Spanish is not your language of preference, Mike. Stop writing that inferior language! You...very nice man? :devil: :happy: Ni = no, ce = knowledge EDIT: I edited his post to point out where he said nice, my definition is where the word is derived from What you guys dont belive me?
  3. Im going cocco for coco puffs
  4. Well in my family underaged drinking is a no no. I drink soda and eat what ever I can find with sugar in it..... Lols
  5. Wait im confused! I did not like the gwen stacy part of the clone saga but i liked the ben riley part of the saga, though I altomitly like the Ultimte saga the best. I did not like the gwen one because it is still having affects on the comics today....... wait aminute thinking about this I relize I really do like all of the clone sagas.....
  6. Glad you like it! I will be using this just for a little longer
  7. O Gosh why would I want to reread the originall one? As you said the original was good but they played on it way to long, Im rereading the Ultimate clone saga
  8. In the worlds finest episode where you reviewed "Birds of a fether" You siad you wanted a avatar of the penguin in his viking helmet on that dragon, This is the best I have, And I am akind would you like it?
  9. Cough cough! Im rereading the clone saga! Again!
  10. *Sniff Sniff* They never had a chance! *Crys* HAHAHAHA I have a avatar you wanted! If you still want this current avatar I will send you the link to where i got it.
  11. You guys dont stress snack? Hard to belive..... :laugh:
  12. *Sniff Sniff* They never had a chance! *Crys*
  13. You, you dont have room for lego? I feel for you
  14. What you guys to "cool" for lego? :laugh:
  15. That's correct. Personally, I can't wait. Don't get me wrong, I love BTAS, but I'm anxious to cover new characters. Did you know this little dibitt of info? NICE NI = No CE = Knowlege
  16. Cool huh? I loved making this
  17. ohhh you said a bad word, naughty naughty, (Rant is a in-joke your on the out-side)
  18. Parents know there is cussing in the pod cast i just know they would be plzed if i told them there was no cussing.
  19. Im listenning to it and you talking about how you should get off your lazy ass to launch a website
  20. I cant find the button. I am pretty sure i have different version wait i think i may have 7.5 where is the button? like on the page pesiphic like looked at yur instruction and i relized you ment click the word i thought there would be a button! Lol, thank you
  21. I cant find the button. I am pretty sure i have different version wait i think i may have 7.5 where is the button? like on the page pesiphic like
  22. uhhh what version do you have?
  23. I have but it just does not like me or something What have I ever done to you itunes?
  24. When can you put it on i tunes? Any way do you have a link for it some where else?