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Everything posted by SuaveStar

  1. It's twins I swear to god that new diva is a twin. Also HHH has always been and will always be, a shit baby face.
  2. Well wouldn't it be great if The Brian Kendrick won the belt, even for two nights? HHH will only lose to Hardy as he likes him, but who knows. The world title will either be Punks or Batista's but they teased an Orton-Punk feud on Raw. The ECW match.......I am so scared about having to sit through that crap. Yay for Sky Sports showing it for free though :happy: Theirs no way I'm paying £15 for "New and exciting concept match"
  3. I was going to get that today, but my friend convinced me to pick up Face breaker for the 360. It's hard to get used to, but once you do, multi players quite fun.
  4. I'm referring to this in ring work. His promos and feuds were always great, but he gets a lot of shit for being lazy. I'd seriously put him in my top ten best babyfaces of all time. What are the other 9? Also Chris Jericho's heel performance right now has been described as his best heel work ever, and that is not a lie. Jericho's heel character is so great right now, and the best part is that he's right, Shawn did lie to him. As Mike said about Amanda Waller on an episode of WFP the best villains are always the ones who think they are right.
  5. Oh. OK. Just so's this post is a bit on topic. The championship scramble at Unforgiven: ECW Title: Mark Henry © Matt Hardy, Chavo Guerrero, Finlay and the Miz. World Heavyweight Title: C.M Punk© Batista, JBL, Kane and Rey Mysterio. WWE Title: HHH © Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin (Cisqo) MVP and The Brian Kendrick. Thoughts?
  6. Kennedy is just annoying now, he has so much potential, but he doesn't use it. Well the guitar obviously belongs to The Honky Tonk Man right? Sting is neither a face or heel, as TNA believes faces and heels are passée and fans don't care about that anymore. So basically, Stings annoying and old. Random fact, did you know that TNA books storylines from start to finish, and doesn't change the script for any reason. My case in point is the Abyss and Jim Mitchell story which lasted for Christ knows how long, whenever people would say it sucked, the bookers would say "Just wait till you see where it's going...." Wow, that was worth the crap Sting Vs Abyss matches. Also while I'm ranting on TNA, which I did not plan to do when I started. Booker T was a face for the whole time he was in TNA and has a boring feud with Robert Roode, I miss one episode of iMPACT and Booker is a heel, and the announcers say "We've heard him complain for weeks now, and he finally took action." Really?! What was/is the oratory? You guys mention it all the time.
  7. From Oh and I really mean this, give TNA three weeks, and they will have not only squandered Foley, but they will have turned him heel and forgot to tell anyone.
  8. I'm a Kennedy fan, but even I've stopped making excuses for him, he's not even trying anymore. OK, I'll rephrase that I was a Kennedy fan, he was ready for the main event last year, even the McMahon storyline would have helped, but now he's gone too far back the way.
  9. SuaveStar

    Heart Of Hush

    848's out. After what happened in 847 should make this hopefully a better more Batman-y issue. Also I'm a bit annoyed that their putting this under the R.I.P banner when the only reference to R.I.P is where's Jezebel.
  10. I just sat through Nightmare On Elm Street Part 6: Freddys Dead. It was so boring, I really got bored five minutes in and the dreams and effects annoyed the hell out of me.
  11. I've got to be honest, Lesnar will get killed in their. UFC signed him for a short term contract which is why their pushing this match. Lesnar is not a good fighter, from what I saw of his last two fights, he is a good hitter, but next to nothing else that could help him. Lesnars power and weight will only get him so far, but once Couture has him scouted, Lesnar is finished. it will be a good fight to see though.
  12. From If TNA can actually do something with Foley it could be good. They could just replace Don West and Mike Tenay with him on commentary. What does everyone else think of this?
  13. From . Thoughts?
  14. Peter Jones, Duncan Bannatyne, Simon Woodroffe, Theo Paphitis, Rachel Elnaugh and Doug Richard. Deborah Meaden hasn't appeared yet. Why do you ask? Is she ruthless? She's the female Duncan Bannatyne. You will love this ruthless, evil, money, grabbing, Meading.
  15. Well what do you think about it? Also welcome to the forums.
  16. I'm sorry, I just hallucinated. What? I really wish I could say it was all a bad dream, like having to watch the first season of reaper, but it's true.
  17. I wasn't going to be that harsh, but hell, I'll cast a "yay" vote for that one anyway. mike never really answered the question tho did he MUH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA lol yea I know B&R sucked but hell it was Alicia Silverstone in almost purple leather woohoo Yet the movie still sucked. Ironically Schumacher on the commentary said he took influences for batman and robin from B:TAS. Yes he really did say that.
  18. I mean like intros. Birds of prey had alfred talk about the birds of prey and then they would have a two minute bit, and then the song would start. It's just stopping and starting the show and is so annoying.
  19. Well the pilot was a bit dull, if I hadn't bought the set and saw that episode first, it would have got the Sarah Connor Chronichles treatment. Also another gripe I had which I have with most shows, like Torchwood which my friend made me watch one episode of that, I hate shows that have two sets of titles.
  20. Yeah, I think I'm going to have to get through a few episodes before I get into the show. Dragons Den is awesome! The sixth season is airing over here and it is great seeing these deluded people trying to get the dragons money. The best one I have ever seen was I really wish I was joking about that one. Duncan Bannatyne is awesome. Mike, who are the dragons on the show your watching? Have you got Debra Meading yet?
  21. Cool, I am watching one show at a time now through DVD sets that's why my list isn't as long as yours. I agree about these, I really enjoyed Birds Of Prey but the first episode was a bit crap. I'm watching Smallville as well, though I'm watching the dvd sets and have still to get season 6. More to be added.
  22. Well this thread, if ever used will be the thread where you say what shows you are watching and if you are enjoying or would you recommend it. I Just got through Dexter Season 1 and say if you haven't seen it, you are missing out on a fantastic show. I just started, by started I mean am watching the first episode of the first season as I type this, Six Feet Under.
  23. i just got an e-mail from my college saying that one of my lecturers screwed me over on an assesment, and now I don't really have a HNC I just have a bunch of Hn units and this may cause a problem for my university place. shit.
  24. SuaveStar


    Did you have a drink with that steak? The people need to know!
  25. What did I do with my Sunday night? I watched Nightmare On Elm Street Part 4: The dream master. I then reviewed the movie! Theirs something that annoyed me about this movie when I walked through it, late in the video I realised what it was. It is quite long, but I do take you through the whole movie to show you my point.