Erin B.

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Posts posted by Erin B.

  1. I know how you feel, James. It was lessons like computers crashing and data being lost that got me in the habit of backing up my system on an external hard drive (a piece of equipment that I believe no computer user should be without). But there is a silver lining. If you remember what the basic plot is, just start writing it again. Maybe the new version will turn out better than the original that you had been working on. That has been my experience anyway.

    Okay, this is going to sound a little weird. I was re-watching Superman's Pal last night and when Superman gave Jimmy in the watch, it reminded me a little bit of Lassie. For those who remember, the famous gag of Lassie is "Timmy's in the well." Well the watch, like Lassie, lets Superman know that "Jimmy's in the well". It is weird I know, but that was the vibe I got.

    I absolutely love The Demon Within. It is probably in one of my top ten of overall episodes in the DCAU, but then again I like the episodes that involve the magic users like Dr. Fate, Zatanna, Jason Blood/Etrigan, etc. I am still trying to find out how Superman knew Dr. Fate from before The Hand of Fate. At least with Batman's acquaintance with Zatanna and Jason Blood is explained enough to keep the story moving. The only explanation I can see is that Superman and Dr. Fate met in one of the Superman Adventures comics that DC was publishing as the show was being produced. Unless of course there is so lost episode of Superman: The Animated Series that never got aired and is at this moment sitting in the vault of Warner Bros. waiting for the the day where it will see the light of day again.

  2. That does not mean that you cannot still write, if only for your own entertainment. That way when you are established in the Warner Bros. community, you can dust it off and say "Here look at this script". As "Grammy Flash" used to say "Always have an ace up your sleeve." Never doubt "Grammy Flash".

  3. First of all, great show as always guys.

    I know that you are both itching to have a HBO type series starring The Batman. So have either of you considered writing it yourselves and shopping it around to see if anyone wants to produce it? After all if you want something written right, write it yourselves. Believe me, if I was a producer, I would hire you guys. But since I'm not, I would help in any way I can (editing scripts, technical crew, all around go-fer) if you guys were ever to someday write and get this bad boy produced.

    Thanks D.W. for finally addressing the Aquaman's powers issue. To add to the Wiki quote, here is what DC has to say about Aquaman's powers. This is taken from The DC Comics Encycolpedia, which was published in a collaboration between DC Comics and Dorling Kindersley (DK) Limited.

    Aquaman's special powers/abilities:

    • Can breathe underwater
    • Communicate with sea life
    • Can swim 100 m.p.h underwater
    • Possesses enhanced strenght and toughness as well as limited sonar abilities
    • (This entry is for the current Aquaman as of 2004) Left hand is made of enchanted water and possesses healing powers as well as other magical abilities

    Now to the question of whether or not Aquaman can or cannot communicate with sea birds. For that I turn to Showcase Presents: Aquaman, Volumes 1 and 2. In issue #294 of Detective Comics published August 1961, there is a story entitled: The Fantastic Fish That Defeated Aquaman. In said story, we see the return of a guy named Harry Black, who has built mechanical sea creatures to combat Aquaman's organic sea creature friends. As part of his plan to defeat Harry Black, Aquman summons a flock of Albatrosses (much to Aqualad's confusion). Needless to say, Aquaman saves the day, Harry Black is delivered to the Coast Guard by Aqualad, and all is right with the world again.

    In Detective Comics #299 published in January of 1962, there is another Aquaman adventure called Aquaman's Secret Teacher. The story kicks off with Aquaman having his octopus pals throw packets that have fallen overboard to a flock of sea gulls, who return to packets to the ship (The packets contained serums to cure an epidemic).

    In Aquaman #4 published July/August 1962, the adventure is called The Menace of Alien Island. In it, Aquaman and Aqualad manage to find themselves at the bottom of a deep pit. To get out, Aquaman summons a flock of seagulls lift them out using a chain, which was given to the gulls by some eels and fish.

    There are more instances of sea birds in the following:

    • World's Finest Comics #127 (August 1962)- Gulls drop Thorny Burrfish on bad guys.
    • World's Finest Comics #128 (Stepember 1962)- Gulls drop net on bad guys.
    • Aquaman #8 (March/April 1963)- Sea eagles help Aquaman rescue fish from lakes that are drying up.
    • World's Finest Comics #137 (November 1963)- Aquaman "surfs" on the backs of sea eagles after his powers have been severely weakened.
    • The Brave and The Bold #51 (December 1963/January 1964)- This one is debatable. In it Aquman teams up with Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Since Hawkman and Hawkgirl can speak the language of the birds, it is plausible that it is they who do the summoning and not Aquaman. As for me, I am still on the fence.

    So yes, Aquaman can communicate with all manner of sea life (fish, fowl, or mammal).

    I hope that clears up any question of Aquaman's abilities.

    This last few entries are shorter, because I have gone on too long and my fingers are tired. Not that I am lazy or anything. ;)

    Until next time,

    Erin B.

  4. Excellent podcast as always, gentlemen.

    You've brought this up before: How can someone listen to all episodes of World's Finest Podcast in a week's time? Well I put this to the test. It is possible, but only if you listen to it during your working day and the commute to and from the workplace. Luckily I have a job where I work more or less on my own and listening to old episodes of the podcast helps get me through the day, though my co-workers look at me weird when I start laughing for no apparent reason. But I did it. I listen to all 32 episodes in a week's time (not counting the weekend). I hope that answers the question

    In addition to your comments on the episodes covered in Episode 32, I have a few of my own to share:

    Ultimate Thrill:

    -"This is coming out of your allowance Master Bruce." -Alfred, after Batman brings home a damaged Bat-wing. This one of my favorite Alfred lines. Just thought I share.

    - Yes, sea lions are that dangerous, especially if you invade their territory (Male sea lions in particular since each male can have a beach full of females available to mate with. If anyone saw Alaska week on the Discovery Channel, you know what I mean. On a side note: don't be stupid and try and repeat half of what went on during Alaska week on the Discovery Channel. You'll only get yourself killed. Take it from someone who lives in Alaska.)

    - Who would rent hanger space to Roxy Rocket? She's a criminal for God's sake! Her face has no doubt been on the news and she used to work in the film industry. She's known! The owner of that hanger must had his common sense glads removed.

    - Henchgirls crash a plane into a water tower and live? :huh:

    - How many rockets does Roxy have?

    - "I love a man with staying power." -Roxy Rocket. Don't we all, girlfriend.

    - Roxy's costume gets ripped and Batman's stays intact? :huh:

    Over the Edge:

    -Sorry. Could not bring myself to watch it. I saw it as a kid on TV, unedited, and it traumatized me for life. :cry: I have not seen it since. Maybe one day, I'll be able to, but not without a box of tissues and a lot of chocolate to comfort me.

    Mean Seasons:

    - The ides are on the 15th of March, May, July, and October as well as the 13th of all the other months (Happy Ides of July everyone!). They were feast days in the Ancient Roman calendar in honor of Mars, god of war and had military parades to go with them. It would have made more sense if the April calendar that Calendar Girl had left had April 13th circled instead of the 3rd. As far as the "Beware the ides of March" thing, I think they were trying to be clever and quote Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

    -Bruce was checking for wrinkles. :laugh:

    -Did anyone notice that Calendar Girl stole Oddjob's hat throwing move?

    New Kids In Town:

    - "You asked for heroes. You didn't say anything about sanity." -Chameleon Boy. Just a fun line I wanted to share.

    - OH MY GOD! Brainiac killed Kenny! You Bastard!

    - "Don't be foolish. You'll need something better than a shovel." -Martha Kent. You go Ma!


    -"Cover some fashion show. It's why I became a reporter Jimmy." -Clark Kent. You just keep telling yourself that Clark. ;)

    - In reference to Toyman's robot henchmen (cowboy, knight, and astronaut): Where are the rest of The Village People?

    - Anybody notice that Barbie...I mean Darcie goes all Chucky when she's chasing Lana? It certainly looked like a Chucky reference from where I'm sitting.

    Anyway, that's all for now. I may have more when we get to episode 33 of World's Finest Podcast.

  5. Oh My God! I would totally freak out! I'm already freaking out at the prospect of it! Anyone out there know medium that could get right on that...?

    Wait. Doyle grew to hate Sherlock Holmes. In fact when he get asked about Mr. Holmes, Doyle would say "Oh him, well, let's talk about something interesting." Quick changing of the subject, if you ask me.

  6. There would have to be never-before-seen animation, new commentary, and some pretty amazing special features in order for me to shell out the money for that boxed set (you know it's going to cost an arm, a leg, and maybe a vital organ or two in order to pay for it). Now if it were Sherlock Holmes, however.... :D

  7. Most of the costume designs I think are fan-fucking-tastic. Others I wonder at. Maybe it's just the seamstress in me wondering why the fabric choices are spandex, leather, and tights? All are not very comfortable and tights tend to rip. If I were to design a super-costume, it would be breathable, flexible, and washable. My reasons: a super-costume is not exactly something that you can take to the dry cleaners and not all heroes/villians have someone like Alfred around to press their tights, you don't want to be chaffing in the middle of a fight, and the costume has to move with the person wearing it that it doesn't rip when said person goes to throw a punch....

    Okay, now I'm ranting. I guess I've made to many theatrical costumes in my time. Anyway I'm just throw my two cents in.

    (In case you didn't figure it out, I'm a girl)

    ~Erin B.

  8. Can't we just say that Wayne, Stark, and Luthor are all roughly worth the same amount. I mean after about 50 million do you really keep counting? These guys have money to burn between bat shaped crime fighting gadgets, a state of the art power suit, and world domination, respectively.

    Anyway, that's what my opinion. All three have more money than any of us will ever see.

  9. My Top Ten... well in no particular order:

    1. The DCAU (All of it)

    2. Animaniacs

    3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles (The old and the new)

    4. Avatar: The Last Airbender

    5. ThunderCats

    6. Transformers

    7. The Max Fleischer Superman Cartoons

    8. Looney Tunes (Classic, unedited)

    9. Tiny Toons

    10. Jonny Quest

    Honorable Mention:

    1. Swat Kats

    2. SuperFriends (All of them)

    3. X-Men ('90's FOX)

    4. Spider-Man (All of them)

    5. Pinky and The Brain

  10. I have not read 'A Study in Emerald' or 'Planetary'. I will have to take a look at those. Thanks for the recommendation. For those out there with an interest in forensics and Sherlock Holmes, there is a book out there called The Science of Sherlock Holmes: From Baskerville Hall to the Valley of Fear, the Real Forensics Behind the Great Detective's Greatest Cases by E.J. Wagner. It is the winner of an Edgar Award and has gotten acclaim from Sherlockians everywhere. Well worth the read.

    Erin B.

  11. Thanks for the welcome!

    I am Erin and I am very excited to be apart of I look forward to getting to know everyone.

    Now a little about me.

    I am an avid Sherlockian (that's is to say a Sherlock Holmes fan), who watches cartoons (especially the DC Animated Universe) and movies with a ravenous enthusiasm. Though I am not the biggest comic book buff in the world, I like to read them. I am especially fond of the Golden Age and Silver Age comics, because they are a prime example of pop culture during some very pivotal moments in American history.

    If there is anyone out there who would like to chat about the aforementioned cultural significance of comic books and cartoons alike, drop me a line.

    Erin B.