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Posts posted by Professor

  1. Yesterday while on my lunch break at work, I go to the bathroom. Great start to the story, eh? So while I am in a stall an old man walks into the bathroom and tries to open the door to my stall. He then keeps asking if I work here. After I say nothing he leaves. Weird, but whatever, and I forgot about it.

    Until today when I was at work. This old man actually filed a complaint about it. His complaint was that the guy with long hair refused to give him a price check. So I have to explain to my new district manager, who just happened to be there, why I did not in fact help this guy. Explaining that I was sitting on a toilet took much longer than it should have. I was then told to not let it happen again. I then asked if I am expected to help a customer when I am on lunch & sitting on a toliet? She FINALLY understood what happened and then apologized for what happened.

    Now, why am I annoyed? When you submit a complaint; you might get a direct, personal response. This guy did not like the fact that employees are not expected to help while in the bathroom. He sent off another email, and now the regional manager wants to talk to me tomorrow.

  2. I am really getting annoyed with my roommate for his stance of arguing to argue. Here is what he has argued at length after I make some innocent comment.

    Me: "Hey, Rob is coming to the bachelor party. And I was looking forward to winning the poker game."

    Him: Argued that poker is a game 100% luck and you cannot have skill in poker since it is 100% luck.

    Me: "I am glad baseball is back."

    Him: Argued that baseball is not fun to watch.

    Me: "Well, that is your opinion. I find it fun."

    Him: Argued for half an hour that my opinion was wrong.

    Me: "I like the new OK Go Rube Goldberg music video."

    Him: Argued that music videos ruined what music is supposed to be.

    I didn't say anything this time. I just ate a cookie that I bought from the bakery in the grocery store. He argued that the cookie was not as good as homemade cookies. Mind you, he wasn't the one eating the cookie.

    I just don't understand it. I am happy that he buggered off for the rest of the afternoon.

  3. Random fight tonight at Steak & Shake. My table is just sitting around talking when the huge party (15ish) get up to pay. They are all 16-20. Apparently, they looked at the drunk people (who had walked in five minutes prior) wrong. They big drunk guy got up and started to say stuff such as "when you are at a restaurant, you ignore the drunk people son" and "I could destroy you kid" and then sits down. The kids pay and leave after another one sided shouting match, with much profanity. Then, the entire drunk party runs outside and starts fighting two 16 year old kids. The cops get called and the drunk people speed off.

    About 20 minutes pass and my group goes to pay while the cops are getting the kids' statements. I make the joke that the drunk people went down a block to the Waffle House because they had not ordered food yet. So when we leave, we don't see them at the Waffle House. We saw them in the IHOP which was on the way to my friends house. We call Steak & Shake to inform the cops of this fact. They come over, wait for backup and now have four drunk assholes in custody.

    I must say is that this was most entertaining. When I call them drunk assholes, I say that because I know they are. They used to come into the bar I used to work at and had to leave for trying to start a fight. General personalities are that of assholes, but they are now going to jail. Which makes this such a happy story. Except for the 16 year old kids who have black eyes.

  4. I FUCKING hate when people argue about anything just to argue.

    I was just having an argument with my roommate about the nature of rooting for college sports teams. I say you root for who you want, and he says you can only root for the school you went to. Fine, whatever, standard banter.

    Then as he is leaving I say "Don't forget your cellphone" because he forgot it last night. This starts a one-sided argument about how since people back in the day didn't have cell phones there is not much use in them. Even if you are in a car crash, you can always walk to a pay phone or someone else will call the cops and thus a cell phone will not help. And to make a point he left his cell phone.

    What really makes this story is that he left his laptop and work keys on the table too. Since he doesn't have his cell phone, I cannot call him.

  5. The nation’s public school curriculum may be in for a Texas-sized overhaul, if the Lone Star state’s influential recommendations for changes to social studies, economics and history textbooks are fully ratified later this spring. Last Friday, in a 10-to-5 vote split right down party lines, the Texas State Board of Education approved some controversial right-leaning alterations to what most students in the state—and by extension, in much of the rest of the country—will be studying as received historical and social-scientific wisdom. After a public comment period, the board will vote on final recommendations in May.

    Don McElroy, who leads the board’s powerful seven-member social conservative bloc, explained that the measure is a way of "adding balance" in the classroom, since "academia is skewed too far to the left." And the board's critics have labeled the move an attempt by political "extremists" to "promote their ideology."

    The revised standards have far-reaching implications because Texas is a huge market leader in the school-textbook industry. The enormous print run for Texas textbooks leaves most districts in other states adopting the same course materials, so that the Texas School Board effectively spells out requirements for 80 percent of the nation’s textbook market. That means, for instance, that schools in left-leaning states like Oregon and Vermont could soon be teaching from textbooks that are short on references to Ted Kennedy but long on references to conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly.

    Here are some of the other signal shifts that the Texas Board endorsed last Friday:

    - A greater emphasis on “the conservative resurgence of the 1980s and 1990s.” This means not only increased favorable mentions of Schlafly, the founder of the antifeminist Eagle Forum, but also more discussion of the Moral Majority, the Heritage Foundation, the National Rifle Association and Newt Gingrich's Contract With America.

    - A reduced scope for Latino history and culture. A proposal to expand such material in recognition of Texas’ rapidly growing Hispanic population was defeated in last week’s meetings—provoking one board member, Mary Helen Berlanga, to storm out in protest. "They can just pretend this is a white America and Hispanics don’t exist," she said of her conservative colleagues on the board. "They are rewriting history, not only of Texas but of the United States and the world."

    - Changes in specific terminology. Terms that the board’s conservative majority felt were ideologically loaded are being retired. Hence, “imperialism” as a characterization of America’s modern rise to world power is giving way to “expansionism,” and “capitalism” is being dropped in economic material, in favor of the more positive expression “free market.” (The new recommendations stress the need for favorable depictions of America’s economic superiority across the board.)

    - A more positive portrayal of Cold War anticommunism. Disgraced anticommunist crusader Joseph McCarthy, the Wisconsin senator censured by the Senate for his aggressive targeting of individual citizens and their civil liberties on the basis of their purported ties to the Communist Party, comes in for partial rehabilitation. The board recommends that textbooks refer to documents published since McCarthy’s death and the fall of the Soviet bloc that appear to show expansive Soviet designs to undermine the U.S. government.

    - Language that qualifies the legacy of 1960s liberalism. Great Society programs such as Title IX—which provides for equal gender access to educational resources—and affirmative action, intended to remedy historic workplace discrimination against African-Americans, are said to have created adverse “unintended consequences” in the curriculum’s preferred language.

    - Thomas Jefferson no longer included among writers influencing the nation’s intellectual origins. Jefferson, a deist who helped pioneer the legal theory of the separation of church and state, is not a model founder in the board’s judgment. Among the intellectual forerunners to be highlighted in Jefferson’s place: medieval Catholic philosopher St. Thomas Aquinas, Puritan theologian John Calvin and conservative British law scholar William Blackstone. Heavy emphasis is also to be placed on the founding fathers having been guided by strict Christian beliefs.

    - Excision of recent third-party presidential candidates Ralph Nader (from the left) and Ross Perot (from the centrist Reform Party). Meanwhile, the recommendations include an entry listing Confederate General Stonewall Jackson as a role model for effective leadership, and a statement from Confederate President Jefferson Davis accompanying a speech by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln.

    - A recommendation to include country and western music among the nation’s important cultural movements. The popular black genre of hip-hop is being dropped from the same list.

    None of these proposals has met with final ratification from the board—that vote will come in May, after a prolonged period of public comment on the recommendations. Still, the conservatives clearly feel like the bulk of their work is done; after the 120-page draft was finalized last Friday, Republican board member Terri Leo declared that it was "world class" and "exceptional."

    —Brett Michael Dykes is a national affairs writer for Yahoo! News


  6. So, I am at work Sunday night. It is about 8PM and not really all that busy. Then I get a phone call. And they say:

    "Do you want play a game?"

    and hang up. Not only did I get that call, all the phone lines got the same call at the same time. Then people start to smell things burning.

    Cops get called and they find some kids setting the sales flier on fire in the bathroom.

    Huge lucky break that power had been turned of in the bathroom due to remodeling.

    Did I mention I hate Saw?

  7. Instead of being scheduled in my department at work today, I get to be the store monkey. No reason given. I haven't been the store monkey in well over three years. And with all the rednecks blowing their tax returns on useless crap, that store is going to be packed.

  8. PPV Name/Theme Ideas:


    Legends PPV

    War Games

    Street Fight

    Money in the Bank PPV


    Battle Bowl PPV

    So we have the option of a "Totally Not King of the Ring" tournamnet, or a bunch of gimmick PPVs. I just don't see the point of Hell in a Cell/Elimination Chamber PPVs. Use these matches rarely and it would draw more interest. That said, I have wanted a War Games match for years.

  9. Okay, simple request here. An argument has raged in my house for an hour now. So please help me settle this.

    Batman is the man and Bruce Wayne is the mask.

    Clark Kent is the man and Superman is the mask.

    Do you agree with these statements?

  10. Now: 2000 Buick Regal SE - I liked it so much, I bought the same exact car after a deer made me crash the last one.

    First: 1992 Ford Explorer - Still runs good but the 4WD went out so I upgraded.

    Want: 1968 Mustang Fastback - Technically, I already owned this. However, it was for me and my dad to fix up to be my 1st car when I was 16. He had to sell it when I was 15. One of these days I want to find one and fix it up with my dad.

  11. Two things:

    1) I'm at the gym on a treadmill. Guy in a full suit jumps on the one next to me in a full suit and starts matching my speed. Then he pulls out a bible and asks me what I know about Jesus. He didn't seem to like me telling him to fuck off.

    2) If you want to host a super bowl party, that is fine. If host a super bowl party at my house without asking me first, that is not okay. Not that I mind, but you should still ask first.

  12. Watching a history of the nWo bulk buy I bought when I was on the Oratory years back. It's 43 DVDs - every single match, promo, and segment from Scott Hall's debut to the formation of the nWo Wolfpac.

    It's equally fascinating and infuriating.

    Wow. That made me remember that I was in on Dragon Gate and UFC bulk buys back when I was on the Oratory. I should get around to watching those at some point.