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Posts posted by SteveJRogers

  1. At this rate I could probably still send in feedback..


    See my post from the 1st of Feb last year.   Then listen to the referenced Hey, An Actor! episode.


    TL:DL version, bad stuff happened during the recording session, and the guys thought so little of the film that its not worth all the time and effort to give it the full FYEO effort (beat-by-beat, production drop ins, etc).

  2. How has Saving Mr. Banks not been brought up yet?

    To be fair, a lot more films, including others featuring Hanks as IRL persons (Apollo 13, Bridge of Spies) are probably more worthy of the HAA! spotlight, but this is worth a little more than a mention in the career rundown, just due to Pandy's love of making parodies out of George Banks material ;)

  3. Entirely fair. Just an idea to throw in for the odd special, ECW has more than enough material for the meat of your show.

    And yeah, that first season of LU is fantastic. I did get wacky-fatigue though, I don't think I even saw most of season 3. 

    Ah, I think this is a way you can get the guys off track, so ACFTCP can post your Survivor Series '97 episode BEFORE DDT Wrestling posts their November 2 Remember '97 episode! 

    Diabolical ;)

  4. August 2017 season at Brightside Tavern Shorts Film Fest

    Use the discount code Steve at Film Freeway

    Check out the site for more info

    Also submissions for Hang onto Your Shorts Film Festival 2018 (Spring) season is open

    Also use the discount code Steve at Film Freeway

    For more info, here is the fest's website

  5. Legion of Doom was Paul Ellering's stable in Georgia Championship Wrestling of the NWA that had the Road Warriors in it in 1983-1984.  Soon after it was pretty much interchangable as a name for the Road Warriors and Ellering.

    My guess is Vince didn't want to deal with licensing headaches over the "Road Warrior" name and just left it as LOD Hawk & Animal.

  6. It was a "worked shoot" as in, there was a lot of stuff in there that was genuine opinions, also he was a heel at the time, so that helped give a little needed "realistic" edge to what he was saying about why he was leaving after the Money in the Bank PPV.  But it was a pre-planned segment.

    Also Cena wasn't fighting Punk, it was a tables match against R-Truth that Punk cost Cena the win in.

  7. You know, if the League of Tirades Feedbackers were to continue, I was probably gonna adopt a CM Punk style wrestling persona. That said, I'm probably gonna end the whole promo business as well. Granted, when/if it ever comes back, I will absolutely come back with this stuff in force. 

    And now a pipe bomb parody is in my head..."Maybe I'll even go to A Cure for The Common Podcast...hey Kellen & Tom!" ;)

  8. It was more in reference to the Meme where everyone take misremembering something from their childhood as evidence that they're living in an alternate reality.

    Yeah, its a branch of Mandela.

    I've also seen famous misquotes now being used as "proof" as well, despite logical reasons behind why the misquote would be used (i.e. "No!  I AM your father!" being generic and needing "Luke" in out of context tellings of the line).