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Posts posted by KnightWing

  1. See, I thought Grace did a good job with what he was given, and I don't think Spiderman 3 is going to be retconned due to its box office success/Sony pictures ownership. As such, there's probably going to have to be some semblance of continuity. Unless Avi Arad deems otherwise, as he is pretty much the law.

    It'd be pretty cool if they gave the remaining symbiote bit (in Connors' lab) to a different guy that wasn't full of outright hatred like Eddie was. Then they could examine a new character and his moral choices without even having to deal with Eddie or Spider-man at all. Sure it'd screw with continuity, but hey, now that Venom's a pansy-man and Sandman's a caring father, who cares at this point?

  2. There is still a chance for us to get a 2nd Season and for the numbers to go up. According to the link article above since the 13th episode will not air, they are contracted for 13 aired episodes, so they need to air a 13th episode which will allow them the opportunity for a 2nd season through s new contract. At least that is my understanding.

    As much as I hate commercials, I am now realizing the importance of advertising the programs on a constant basis. Fox has not been advertising their shows enough for people to know to tune in. I only found out about Dollhouse because I watched the Terminator series and I only found out about that series, because I watched a rerun of The Simpsons, a show that needs no advertising. They need to step up the ball

    Actually, I've seen more Dollhouse commercials than anything else lately. It's funny; they're advertising it as a sex-filled fantasy show. (waitaminute...)

  3. I'm getting vibes about this movie. Elektra kinda vibes....

    Yeah, I'm not sure how you can really do a Venom film. Is he supposed to be an anti-hero now?

    I really like the way they have Mac Gargan as Venom and Eddie Brock as the "reformed" Anti-Venom in the comics, but this film is supposed to make Brock a "sympathetic character." I'm sorry, but after you go to a church and PRAY FOR SOMEONE TO BE KILLED (irony at its finest), you're kind of irredeemable.

  4. STRONG words, my friend. I don't doubt WW is good (I've heard nothing but good things about it), but TNF was just epic.

    TNF is good, but WW actually has a straightforward narrative that lets you follow a single character rather than jumping between a dozen others that don't have development (Hal BARELY had enough development in the film, and J'onn was somewhere between a character and a simple plot device). Furthermore, it's got insanely fun action, which is something that TNF lacked.

    TNF is great for the sake of continuity ties to the Silver Age and overall quality, but I stand by my claim that it doesn't stand well on its own, nor is it a really well-told or fun story; it's a jumbled mess of a narrative.

    The only real hole in WW is the unexplained presence of the Invisible Jet, but that's semi-explained in the commentary.

    Seriously, watch the film; you'll love it.

  5. I just saw the Wonder Woman animated DVD. I have to say, it was by far the best movie, animated or otherwise, that I've seen in a long while. The action was flat-out incredible, and the dialogue was some of the best I've heard in recent memory. I strongly recommend that anyone even vaguely interested in the movie or DC animation in general watch it; it's by far the best of the DC Original Animated Films (yes, I include The New Frontier in that).

  6. I guess if they're going to introduce characters, I'd rather that they be fully developed instead of fodder thrown on only to please the fans.

    Well, the way I see it, it's okay as long as their characters aren't screwed up. In X2, we had Colossus, Shadowcat, Siren, and a bunch of other mutants that only got a glimpse of screen time, yet were still totally enjoyable (Colossus' thirty seconds of screen time and one line of dialogue still make me giddy). X3 was the opposite of that, however, with stupidified versions of Angel and the Morlocks. As long as Wolverine goes with X2's example, I'll be happy.

  7. A movie is a lot different than a cartoon. You can't have too much going on because people will get confused. Look at Spider man 3. People were pissed because it had 3 villains. This movie is going to have all the ones from the first movie, all the ones on the list, plus at least two that haven't been announced, plus all the humans. That's around 25 robots plus the human stars to keep up with in one 2 hour movie. That's too much.

    But see, this case is different because the individual transformers don't all have their own storylines. Spider-man 3 was messed up because it jumbled three different movies into one, while still trying to retain a deep emotional attachment to all three.

    If they add more transformers to an action scene, then fine. The way I see it, you don't even need to know the individual 'bots unless you want to; they're just soldiers, exactly like the G1 transformers.

  8. Too many Robots.


    I was actually disappointed with the low number of Autobots in the first film. I mean, the original cartoon had at least a dozen Autobots right at the start.

    I don't think that having more transformers will hurt the film, since it's likely that only Bumblebee and Optimus will have much of any character focus.

    They're just more soldiers in a war, right?

  9. See, J being so utterly hilarious was what made MIB so great. Him playing the veteran to Tommy Lee Jones didn't work at all.

    But MiB2 was just a badly-made movie anyway, so who's to say that the concept itself can't work? Maybe it could be a Space Alien Buddy Cop film. They could advertise it as "Starsky and Hutch in Space!"

  10. Raimi is overrated at best and needs to rein himself in. Studio involvement or not, the sheer over-the-top nature of half of that movie is his fault. It's not like they locked him out of the editing room.

    Actually, Raimi has said that he really didn't have much creative control over Spidey 3, and that the studios had way too much say in what went into the film. Now he's looking to get a better deal for the next film, where he has creative control.

    In an interview with British magazine Empire, Sam Raimi said he would demand complete control over the next Spider-Man film after the narrative problems affecting the previous installment.

    He said: "They really gave me a tremendous amount of control on the first two films, actually. But then there were different opinions on the third film and I didn't really have creative control, so to speak."

    It was rumored at the time that producers (including Marvel supremo Avi Arad) insisted on Venom's last minute inclusion in the movie.

    Many felt the Venom storyline hurt Spider-Man 3.

    So his approach for Spider-Man 4 would be to block out any interference: "The best way for me to move forward on films, I realise... and this was a lesson I had to learn for myself... is that I've gotta be the singular voice that makes the creative choices on the film."

  11. The real problem is that Raimi doesn't understand the newer Spidey villains as well. He really only has a passion for the "classic" stories and villains. That's probably why the films have a total lack of the modern Spidey humor and are basically retellings of the 60s comics.'s hardly the biggest flaw with that film. (Kirsten fucking Dunst, btw.)
