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Posts posted by KnightWing

  1. I find it slightly weird (but interesting) that Barry was willing to let Cold go so long as the Rogues didn't kill anyone. I would have thought it would be more sensible to put him in the prison (even despite the potential moral pitfall of that thing). Is Barry just supposed to trust that Cold will keep his word instead of killing other people? If he hadn't already killed in the past then it wouldn't be an issue, but now he's a wanted murderer, and Barry is a cop (kind of), and... he let him go? Hmm.

  2. I was never really a big Goonies fan either. I mean, I think if I'd been the same age as the kids when I first saw it (I was a few years older), I'd have loved it because it really is the ultimate "ordinary kids go on a big adventure" story. But if you view it outside of that wish fulfillment zone, I don't know it if works as well. But that's not to say that I didn't still enjoy it, albeit to a mild degree.

  3. So many thoughts.

    -EOBARD THAWNE! The theory was right! Wells is Eobard from the future! Eddie is his ancestor!

    -I can't believe I never thought of the Reverse Flash in the prison as being a hologram. That's so obvious it's crazy.

    -Tom Cavanagh played an openly villainous villain so well. Even when he was straight-up monologuing it didn't feel silly or forced.

    -That entire scene between Cisco and Wells(THAWNE!) was fantastic.

    -Eddie already is openly angry about Iris's connection to Barry, even while he's still living with Iris. He's on the path to the dark side for sure.

    -Even though the kiss was a bit quick, I think Barry's reveal of his powers ("sorry, peoples' lives are in danger, secret identity be damned") was amazing.

    -They're Groundhog Daying it up next week, apparently. Since Barry didn't know about Cisco and Wells, I wonder how that will be affected?

  4. For a good long while, DC and Marvel have been treating variant covers like an excuse to sell tangentially-related promo art. It doesn't matter if the cover matches the book; it's basically just an excuse to make money directly off a marketing tool (and theoretically inflate comic sales at the same time).

    ...Which is a stupid thing that they need to stop.

  5. Walt Disney Animation Studios has only made one direct sequel, ever (The Rescuers Down Under). There've been smaller-scale cheap sequels, but those were all done by lesser studios.

    Frozen is kinda interesting in that while I don't think we need a sequel at all, there's also no reason it can't have one. It's a little bit like Toy Story in that way.