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Posts posted by dc20willsave

  1. 4 hours ago, Dread said:

    Just finished season 6 of Star Trek: Voyager. Almost there.

    The Season 6 Finale has one of my absolute favorite moments. The Borg Queen, watching Unimatrix Zero, saying "Janeway!" with this look of utter contempt on her face after seeing her shank a Drone.

  2. After this year washed out, gonna definitely be making my way to C2E2 next year. The dates are April 11th-13th. Kinda excited also because I'll be getting to say goodbye to my 30s at one of my favorite cities.

  3. If this is late, sorry. Making a suggestion that is partially Will being a troll and partially serious. A lot of Amy Adams's early career were roles where she guest starred on teen shows on Fox and The WB. During that times, she starred in a pilot based off a recent popular film that got picked up but then was canceled before it aired. Fox decided, since they had two episodes worth of footage, to bring the cast back to shoot some additional footage and release it straight to video.

    So, I'm proposing Cruel Intentions 2. It reflect an early part of her career that normally wouldn't be able to be covered while also showing how far she had to go.

  4. 8 hours ago, Davedevil said:

    The actual Running Man part of it was really enjoyable, I lost my shit when the Dynamo came in. A big dude shooting lightning out of his wrists and singing opera? If that came from the book, then God bless Stephen King's coke-addled brain.

    Some of the bones of the book are used but it's mostly it's own thing. The book is really fucking grim.

  5. My Final Total was 451 films for the year.

    On 1/1/2024 at 8:45 AM, slothian said:

    Haven't seen it, but I think you're on an island on that one.

    It's been pretty divisive. The film club I'm in, the discussion has been all over the place. It's like #12 of the year for me but I know people who feel the same as Des.

  6. Spoiler

    Something to keep an eye out for: since the Mavity gag continued into this episode, I fully expect it to be something that comes up again before the end of the season. Someone is going to say "Gravity" and it's going to be a hint that they're not from this reality, that they're from outside reality, or they're a Time Lord.


  7. Thoughts on the Christmas Special:


    Overall, I enjoyed it. We are seeing some of RTD's old habits coming back (Seeding a mystery at the beginning of the new series, silly monsters, the Doctor doing a lot of running, Mom as a supporting character) but damn if I don't care. Towards the end of the episode, I found myself thinking, "Mrs. Flood is such an interesting name to give to a one-off character" up until that stinger. Between that and the mystery of Ruby's Mother, I hope that's all the mysteries.

    Above all other things, I don't think I have ever been more attracted to a Doctor until Gatwa. Between just being hot and his raw charisma, I am so excited to see what he does.


  8. Thoughts on The Giggle:


    Holy crap, that was a good story! Like, I just had so much fun with watching it. Okay, yes, NPH's bad accent I could give or take but then just... EVERYTHING! Bigeneration, Ncuti running around in just his pants, Donna being a badass repeatedly, Mel! Plus, hints for things to come. This might be the first time ever that I've left a regeneration story without being sad because the possibilities of Two Doctors, Two TARDISes, Donna working for UNIT, the skies the limits!