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Posts posted by dc20willsave

  1. I'm still going to buy it on Tuesday but, yeah, I am also kinda skeptical. Then again, I don't think anyone was expecting Battlestar to be all that great when it came out. After all, all the old school people were up in arms about Starbuck being a girl.

  2. Today's episode was pretty good. The fact that it was all a dream was kinda telegraphed but it was still handled well and I can't wait until next week. Soundwave is one of my favorite characters so this can only go awesome places.

    That all said, I was starting to get use to a lack of Sari and they just have to go an ruin it. At least she's useful now. I almost feel like this episode's main purpose is to feature Sari next week going all gung-ho, maybe show she gained a level in Badass. Otherwise, I will continue seeing how exactly she s useful except as holder of the dues ex machina.

  3. the $100 version of Arkham Asylum will include a 14" replica Batarang modeled after the weapon from the game. Also lined up for the bundle are an Arkham doctor's 48-page, leather-jacketed journal detailing some of the Asylum's more criminally insane residents, as well as a behind the scenes DVD, and a code to download the exclusive "Crime Alley" challenge map.


    I preordered it today. The guy asked if I wanted the collectors or original I asked what was in it. He said "it costs 100 buck, but wait. It comes with a 14 inch batarang". I said "shit, they knew what to put in there to get me to buy it. I'll take it".

    Dang, and I was going to try and save money also. Well, it is a batarang. Damn, these collector's versions are made for gullible fanboys like us.

  4. What about Jon Stewart? Oddly enough, Phil Lamarr voiced both Static and GL.

    Forgot about John Stewart. John Stewart is there as well as Mr. Terrific and Vixen in JLU. That said, Static did start airing first and was the first superhero minority regular in the DCAU. Technically though, you are correct as well since the episode that officially made Static part of the DCAU, "The Big Leagues," came after the first episode of Justice League. Regardless, I am looking forward to Static when you get to it in WFP.

  5. To be fair, it's kinda understandable that Static wasn't originally part of the DCAU. The original comic, while a DC property, was not in the DC Universe. He is now which I would almost put because animated Static was integrated that well into the DCAU. That all said, I will defend Static's place in the DCAU because, frankly, it brings something to it that we didn't get before: an actual minority voice. Steele was in two episodes and Max in Batman Beyond was, well, kinda useless. Even Richie, the major white character on Static, was later said to have been intended to be gay, something that I can remember getting any place else in the series outside of Matt Hagen and his assistant in Feet of Clay. Anyway, I'll get off my soap box.

  6. On the DC end of the spectrum, Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld hasn't been seen since Infinite Crisis. I know I'm not the only one who thinks that she has potential, especially since she was kinda able to fight off the Spectre during Day of Vengeance. As far as Marvel goes, up until recently I would go with Northstar. Northstar is currently appearing in Uncanny so he might finally get some justice.

  7. A couple of new trailers are up highlighting some of the villains. Bane and Harley Quinn are currently up. Arleen Sorkin is the voice of Harley (yes!) and has a new costume. It's kinda hot but also bothers me since it plays like fan service. I hate to see what Ivy will look like if she's in the game. Then again, if Ivy is in the game, Harley and Ivy team fight. Still, as a Harley fan boy, I am so fraking excited for this.

  8. power rangers up to turbo when they changed the entire cast is when I watched and still watch when I can the show.

    I don't class it as a guilty pleasure as i don't give a shit who knows I watch it.

    Dino thunder was the last timer I enjoyed the show and even that was only because it had Tommy in it.

    I still watch Power Rangers. Power Rangers in Space was probably the best season of the episode. It was the first where there was a real season long plot line, the villains were sympathetic, and Countdown to Destruction, the season finale, was perhaps the best episode of the entire franchise. All the previous villains from every previous series take over the universe. That and we get Rita and Zedd so that is always a plus.

    Now, something that I hate to admit I used to watch was the soap opera Passions. The show caught me about the time that it introduced a character that a forum I used to post on called Zombie Succubus Witch Charity. So convoluted yet with lines like, "I'm picking mushrooms to destroy goodness" what's not to love?

    That's the one with a mermaid and a megalomaniacal monk as characters, yes?

    Those aren't even the best characters the show ever had. The main reason I ever watched was one of the characters was a witch named Tabitha who had a living doll named Timmy. There were times that she came close to realizing this was a tv show. Half the time it hinged on self-parody. Over the course of the show, the town in the soap was hit with tidal waves, hurricanes, a meteor, earthquakes, blizzards and, in the last episode, a volcano. I might add this town was in New England.

    I guess I just like terrible shows that mock their genre. The WB had a show called Popular. One episode had all the female characters hit PMS at the same time and get locked in the girls bathroom. The same episode had the line, "They called me quacks."

  9. power rangers up to turbo when they changed the entire cast is when I watched and still watch when I can the show.

    I don't class it as a guilty pleasure as i don't give a shit who knows I watch it.

    Dino thunder was the last timer I enjoyed the show and even that was only because it had Tommy in it.

    I still watch Power Rangers. Power Rangers in Space was probably the best season of the episode. It was the first where there was a real season long plot line, the villains were sympathetic, and Countdown to Destruction, the season finale, was perhaps the best episode of the entire franchise. All the previous villains from every previous series take over the universe. That and we get Rita and Zedd so that is always a plus.

    Now, something that I hate to admit I used to watch was the soap opera Passions. The show caught me about the time that it introduced a character that a forum I used to post on called Zombie Succubus Witch Charity. So convoluted yet with lines like, "I'm picking mushrooms to destroy goodness" what's not to love?

  10. I'mm choosing to look at cartoons that I still like to watch in addition to having enjoyed when I was younger. Also, I think it's fair to limit myself to one DCAU show.

    1. Justice League/Justice League Unlimited: My favorite part of Justice League was that it took everything of the DCAU up to that point and turned it up to 11. Plot points that we didn't think anything of before suddenly came to the forefront. Things that you thought nothing of had so much depth. Then you have episodes like "Wild Cards" and "This Little Piggy" that make you crack up and pull on your emotions at the same time. Truly, just awesomeness animated and personified.

    2. X-Men: I owe this cartoon to making me a comic book fan. The X-Men were just another thing to me until this. I bought my first non-Disney comic because it was cool. I played X-Men until Power Rangers came along but that's something else entirely. It gets bonus points for portraying a good version of The Dark Phoenix Saga.

    3. Darkwing Duck: I loved Disney as a kid. Sure, it's not based on a comic book but it has so many elements that both kids and adults could enjoy in a cartoon. While there was little to no continuity at times, each episode could go from sci-fi one day to horror to your basic evil twin episode. I still look at the episode "Just Us Justice Ducks" as being an inspired tribute to the silver age of comics.

    4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: In hindsight, this is a kinda whacked out idea. That said, it is really just great voice acting, some great writing, and some great humor. I do kinda grown at some of the later episodes but you can become doomed to jump the shark eventually if you fail to recognize when enough is enough.

    5. Spider-Man the Animated Series (90's): Some of what this show did was just awesome. We have a kids cartoon that had continuity long before Superman The Animated Series. Actions carried over from one episode to another and nothing was truly stand-alone. It gets bonus points for making a good Clone Saga.

  11. I actually kinda like the president's daughter. I don't see her as neccesarily being a bitch. Last episode, she was defending herself from an accusation. If anything,I trust Ethan less than I don't trust Olivia. She's actually a somewhat interesting character. She's being set up as this season's Sherrie Palmer. If she turns out not to be working an angle, then she's someone we can cheer for the downfall of. If she is truly sincere, then she might get the Chloe treatment and end up being a sympathetic character down the line.