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Posts posted by dc20willsave

  1. Is Oscar the Grouch a Time Lord?

    - His trash can is bigger on the inside.

    - He's grumpy, but truly good-natured like the first Doctor.

    - Slimey, Fluffy and Bruno are his faithful companions.

    - And he can change his appearance, in that he used to be orange.

    Plus, I mean, tell me they don't look alike:


    I think you're on to something. And now that you mention it, Kermit the Frog does look suspiciously like a Slitheen.

  2. From The Hollywood Reporter:

    A new incarnation of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" could be coming to the big screen.

    "Buffy" creator Joss Whedon isn't involved and it's not set up at a studio, but Roy Lee and Doug Davison of Vertigo Entertainment are working with original movie director Fran Rubel Kuzui and her husband, Kaz Kuzui, on what is being labeled a remake or relaunch, but not a sequel or prequel.

    While Whedon is the person most associated with "Buffy," Kuzui and her Kuzui Enterprises have held onto the rights since the beginning, when she discovered the "Buffy" script from then-unknown Whedon. She developed the script while her husband put together the financing to make the 1992 movie, which was released by Fox.

    Kuzui later teamed with Gail Berman, then president of Sandollar Television, bringing back Whedon to make the TV series, which was produced by Fox TV and launched on the WB in 1997. Kuzui and Sandollar received executive producer credits on "Buffy" and its spinoff, "Angel."

    The new "Buffy" film, however, would have no connection to the TV series, nor would it use popular supporting characters like Angel, Willow, Xander or Spike. Vertigo and Kuzui are looking to restart the story line without trampling on the beloved existing universe created by Whedon, putting the parties in a similar situation faced by Paramount, J.J. Abrams and his crew when relaunching "Star Trek."

    One of the underlying ideas of "Buffy" allows Vertigo and Kuzui to do just that: that each generation has its own vampire slayer to protect it. The goal would be to make a darker, event-sized movie that would, of course, have franchise potential.

    The parties are meeting with writers and hearing takes, and later will look for a home for the project. The producers do not rule out Whedon's involvement but have not yet reached out to him.Speaking from Tokyo, Fran Kuzui said the company is constantly approached not only about sequels but theater, video games and foreign remakes for "Buffy." When Vertigo's Lee contacted them, they were intrigued.

    "It was Roy's interest in taking Buffy into a new place that grabbed us," she said, noting that original exec producer Sandy Gallin also was consulted. "It was based on our respect for what he does, and his particular sensitivity to Asian filmmakers, that we wanted to work with him."

    Kuzui, who is prepping do direct a movie in Japan in the fall, added: "Everything has its moment. Every movie takes on a life at some point, and this seems like the moment to do this."

    Yeah, quite frankly, I wonder if they realize that the original movie was terrible and there are people out there, myself included, that occasionally forget the movie ever existed to begin with.
  3. Like I've said before, Donna grows on you. I personally loved her by the end of The Runaway Bride but I know one of my buddies hated her for most of series 4 until The episode after The Poison Sky (not saying the name since it's a slight spoiler). I'll agree that her sketch show could be irritating to say the least but if we let one aspect of an actor's career influence the rest then Jamie Fox is just another comedian, Will Smith is the Fresh Prince, and Wil Wheaton is annoying.

    As for Martha, she really became a better character once she joined UNIT. In fact, most of the companions in the new series become better later on. Captain Jack was kinda two note to me prior to Torchwood.Mickey gained purpose after leaving the TARDIS. Same for Martha.

  4. Yeah, that's kinda standard moving incentive. Moving isn't something you do because you feel like being nice, it's something you do because you're either getting paid or getting food. The worse part is that you were volunteered. You have my sympathy.

  5. If this is the last season, I will be very disappointed. While it was epic, I still felt like we had no real answers about Sari. Along the same lines, it seemed like if you were voiced by Cree Summer, you just fell to the wayside. Female Starscream just appeared in the one episode this season and then she went poof. Blackarachnia is just kinda of left to her own devices in the past. I want another season not just because it would be awesome but because there are just too many plot holes for my own tastes.

  6. To be fair, in all three seasons there are a good chunk of filler episodes. Out of twenty episodes in season one, I counted at least six that could be discarded. Other thing can be condensed down (The vision of Avatar Roku that warns about Sozin's Comet could happen at the Southern Air Temple for example) with pretty much the first three episodes and the last three being the only ones that have to happen bit for bit as they happen in the series. I will agree that it's hard to adapt something as sprawling as Avatar and I do not envy the person who has to shrink down seasons two and three because the only way to really cut down on season two is to eliminate Long Feng, which, quite frankly, takes a lot out of the story. Season three seems easier on the surface but even with the filler episodes exorcised, compressing Sozin's Comet down to about an hour of screen time is damn near impossible.

  7. With the exception of a mini-series about the same time as the movie, she usually wears just the white dress with the skulls or some kind of leather outfit. It hasn't been updated since 2004, but here's a costume gallery of Mystique.

    I meant Poison Ivy, actually.

    Yeah, I'm not a fan of Mystique's movie "costume" at all. Reptilian skin=/=hot.

    Oh, okay. Yeah, in the comics, her costume is anything from a green, leafy leotard to some strategically placed leaves.

  8. I love Wil Wheaton, I just hate Wesley Crusher. Most people who hate the character hold nothing against Wil Wheaton for playing the part. Hell, he hates Wesley more than anyone else it seems like. That said, Wesley does get better as the series goes on but, oh god is he annoying during the first season. The fact that they let him stay on the Enterprise after The Naked Now just shows that Picard is a very forgiving man.

    Anyway, watching Troll 2, and yeah, so just threw away my popcorn.

  9. They should let the readers decide! I'd personally like to see him marry Jason Todd.

    Then, years later, Pureheart Prime punches the walls of creation, nullifying Jason Todd and Archie's marriage. Or Archie makes a deal with the devil to save Miss Grundy's life in exchange for their marriage. Whichever.

  10. Why does everyone dislike Dr. Pulaski?

    I'll admit one reason is that she isn't Dr. Crusher. I know that's not a very legitimate excuse but it is one. But I do have legitimate reasons also. Part of it is her attitude toward Data during much of her time on the show. I know she gets better about it toward the end of her run but still, cyborg or not, you're a doctor. Have a bone of fraking compassion. She always just seemed kinda cold to me. I'm sure I would have liked her better if I didn't have much better doctors to compare her to in the history of Star Trek but when you have characters like Dr. Bashir, The Doctor on Voyager, McCoy, and Crusher then you have a lot to live up to. Still, anyway you slice it, she's still preferable to Wesley Crusher.

  11. Have seen two more episodes of TNG from teh seventh season, and I wants more.

    Its really a very good show towards the end, even with Troi. Season 3 onwards is well worth watching.

    That really is the trend with most Star Treks. Season one and two of most of the series is focused on figuring out the direction of the show and characters. Season 3 of TNG is when we get rid of Dr. Pulaski. Coincidentally, it's when Roddenberry had less to do with the series. DS9 is a major example. Season 1 and 2 kinda just establish the tensions with Season three introducing the Defiant and the beginnings of the Dominion War. Voyager delays it a season until four when things start picking up (Voyager is my favorite Star Trek Series. I know, I'm ashamed of me also.).