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Posts posted by illogicology

  1. I feel like they've basically done that in nearly every episode this series.

    He promises Amy he'll be back in five minutes, he fails. He nearly kills the star whale when he really should have noticed. He pushes and pushes at the daleks to find out what they want and basically kicks off a new dalek empire by not keeping his mouth shut. He makes the big mistake with the angels in the maze of the dead. Vampires in venice, he lets Amy go into the school and fails to save the last of an alien race. I don't have one for Amy's choice yet but i'll think of one. It seems that this Doctor has a way of making things worse before making them better, he's a lot more fallible and I love it; it's a real contrast to his older, wiser view of himself.

  2. I enjoyed, in fact I enjoyed it a lot, but I think it had issues. I think the split narrative gave it pacing problems early on, that got a lot better as the episode went on but I found the first 15 minutes hard to connect with. I wasn't having trouble following it or anything, just having trouble getting invested. I also thought the ending was a bit of an anti-climax and not as clever as Nye seemed to think it was. However, it was a lot of fun for most of the time an a definite improvement on last week.

  3. Updated List:

    Lost in Time Box

    The Beginning Box

    The Daleks' Invasion of Earth

    The Rescue/The Romans Box

    The Time Meddler

    The War Machines

    The Mind Robber

    The Invasion

    The Seeds of Death

    The Silurians


    The Sea Devils

    The Three Doctors

    Dalek War Box

    Carnival of Monsters

    The Green Death

    The Time Warrior


    The Ark in Space

    The Sontaran Experiment

    Genesis of the Daleks

    Planet of Evil

    Pyramids of Mars

    The Brain of Morbius

    The Hand of Fear

    The Deadly Assassin

    The Talons of Weng-Chiang

    The Invasion of Time

    The Key to Time Box

    Destiny of the Daleks

    The Leisure Hive

    The E-Space Trilogy

    New Beginnings

    Four to Doomsday

    The Black Guardian Trilogy


    Time-Flight/Arc of Infinity

    Warriors of the Deep

    Resurrection of the Daleks

    The Caves of Androzani

    Attack of the Cybermen

    Vengeance on Varos

    The Two Doctors

    The Trail of a Time Lord

    Remembrance of the Daleks

    The Curse of Fenric


    Series 1-4

    The Complete Specials - Blu-Ray (awesome)

    The Dalek Collection (Peter Cushing Movies)

    If anyone wants info about any of those disks; quality, features etc. just let me know and I'll fill you in.

  4. eh... not sure.

    The Doctor and Amy took a bit more of a back seat in this episode, that wouldn't bother me except Churchill didn't come off that great and there were no other real characters except Bracewell. I thought the first 10-15 minutes were great. The WWII styled Daleks, the bunker, the very obvious homage to Power of the Daleks. It was classic but all felt new, their plan to lure the Doctor in for the single purpose of convincing someone that they were actually Daleks was inspired and once again the Doctor's inability to hold back when it comes to them is his undoing. After that it lost its way for me though, the revelation of their plan was too early and the story gives away its trump card The suspense. What should have been an end of story surprise is actually an early development and everything after that was outlandish and totally inferior to what came before. I hated the new design too.

  5. My collection has recently been updated and I'm the proud owner of the Dalek War Box Set, Keys of Marinus & the Black Guardian Trilogy. Now if only my fairy godmother would grant me The War Games...

    Check out the two "stripped for action" documentaries on the Dalek War set, there's one concerning the Third Doctor comics from the time and one about Terry Nation's own Dalek comics and both are really fascinating viewing.

  6. I was going by what producer Barry Letts said in his autobiography. It's always possible he misremembered.

    If it's in Lett's biography then I'm probably way off. (and heartily apologise for over-zealous correction if I am) I know it's an often repeated fact that then I read in something (I want to say Doctor Who Magazine) was a myth, since they found Houghton's outline but I think DWM is more likely to be mistaken than Letts.

  7. I love Inferno, just to be a pain in the ass though, the parallel universe plot element being added later is a myth. It was there in Houghton's original outline; the monsters on the other hand weren't.

    Otherwise, awesome episode as always.

  8. Is that the new Silurian?

    I believe so. It looks a lot like the skull of the female looking reptile from the first trailer and I'm pretty sure they're silurians. While they don't have the same face as the old silurians (no kissy lips) I think humanoid reptiles with three defined ridges on the top of the head is too coincidental.

  9. The history of Doctor Who video games has always been rather tenuous. They've made six thus far, and not a single one has been particularly good.

    I would imagine a good Doctor Who game being largely similar to Mass Effect. Start of with an unseen Doctor getting killed, cut to character creation screen where you design your own regeneration and then off to the TARDIS. Then a story picks up that takes you from planet to planet, picking up various companions with various skills. Gameplay variation via your sonic screwdriver, used to hack doors, disable enemies with an electronic element and usual gaming techy stuff.

    I'd buy it.