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Posts posted by illogicology

  1. Loving the Big Finish 8th Doctor stuff. Just coming up to the end of season 2 looking forward to season 3. It totally redeems McGann after the movie, he's one of the classic Doctors now.

    I wonder, has it ever been confirmed that Ecclestone followed directly on from McGann? Because it would be a cool twist if there was a unknown incarnation who was actually the 9th Doctor, bumping Tennant and Smith forward one each. It would explain Richard E Grant for one thing, or they could slot in someone else.

    There's an interesting explanation for Richard E. Grant that I like set up in the novels and audios. The three parallel Doctors approach; basically after the TV movie the BBC started their 8th Doctor novels while Doctor Who Magazine began a series of comics in their own continuity. Then when Big Finish's 8th Doctor series began they first fiddled with fitting it into the novel's continuity but struggled so set it apart. The novels then began hinting that several parallel version of the Doctor existed, Big Finish introduced this into their continuity in "Zagreus." So in a way, all three versions of the eighth doctor became accepted as existing in the audios and the novels. Then, in the last 8th Doctor novel someone looks into the the Doctor's timeline and notices that as the Eighth Doctor split, the three have regenerated at different times and in different ways making three ninth Doctors. Eccleston, Grant and Atkinson.

    So as I know nothing of this Who is Richard E Grant the 9th doctor of? Comics, books?

    Same goes for Atkinson. (Atkinson who?)

    Richard E. Grant was the 9th Doctor in a flash animation serial released by BBCi before the series returned. It was supposed to be the official continuation of the series until we finally got a real return in 2005. Russell T Davies is known to have disliked Grant's performance and no reference has been made to it in the new series. It's called Scream of the Shalka and is still on the BBC's classic Doctor Who site.

    Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean, if you're not up on your British comedians) played the Doctor in a Children in Need Charity skit written by Steven Moffat. For a comedy sketch it's actually a great piece of Who and can be viewed here

    P.S Stavros, you beat me by a minute! a minute, curse you!

  2. Loving the Big Finish 8th Doctor stuff. Just coming up to the end of season 2 looking forward to season 3. It totally redeems McGann after the movie, he's one of the classic Doctors now.

    I wonder, has it ever been confirmed that Ecclestone followed directly on from McGann? Because it would be a cool twist if there was a unknown incarnation who was actually the 9th Doctor, bumping Tennant and Smith forward one each. It would explain Richard E Grant for one thing, or they could slot in someone else.

    There's an interesting explanation for Richard E. Grant that I like set up in the novels and audios. The three parallel Doctors approach; basically after the TV movie the BBC started their 8th Doctor novels while Doctor Who Magazine began a series of comics in their own continuity. Then when Big Finish's 8th Doctor series began they first fiddled with fitting it into the novel's continuity but struggled so set it apart. The novels then began hinting that several parallel version of the Doctor existed, Big Finish introduced this into their continuity in "Zagreus." So in a way, all three versions of the eighth doctor became accepted as existing in the audios and the novels. Then, in the last 8th Doctor novel someone looks into the the Doctor's timeline and notices that as the Eighth Doctor split, the three have regenerated at different times and in different ways making three ninth Doctors. Eccleston, Grant and Atkinson.

  3. Yes but what I'm saying is that if she went on a date with the 95th Doctor, she really has no need to ask the 10th if he's done it yet unless she thinks he's older, which she makes clear she doesn't. Presumably she would have already been on that date and he had a different, older face so he couldn't possibly have done it yet.

    Assuming their later relationship developments take place with a later doctor then River Song asking Ten if he's been on certain dates yet would be like the third doctor turning up in the Sarah Jane Adventures and Sarah Jane asking him if he's fought Morbius yet. She knows he hasn't, he did that in his fourth body - she was there.

  4. Stavros is right. She might have thought Doctor 10 was Doctor 12, and though she had never seen this Doctor before, she knew it was him thanks to deductive reasoning: since the planet is dead, no one should be there, but since he is (because she called him through the Psychic Paper) she knows this stranger must be The Doctor.

    I think the point about the diary still stands though. She's aware that this Doctor is early on in the relationship, hence he must be the younger version. However, she asks him if he's done a specific encounter yet, as she only has the dates she's already passed herself in the diary then she must have been there, if he's earlier in the relationship (and therefore younger) but she meets him later with a difference face, she would know he hadn't been on that date yet because he wasn't wearing Ten's face when he was there.

    (Edited for clarity many times... stupid time travel)

  5. Oh, I know. That wasn't directed at you specifically (sorry if it seemed that way). I just sort of went off on one about the topic in general and my reasons why I never got behind the theory. I think you're totally right in that they're basically the same character.

  6. So, I just watched Waters of Mars for the third time and I have to say that my opinions have developed every time I've watched it. Interestingly enough, one of my biggest criticisms the first time around was that essentially there was only one development in the episode that went beyond what we'd all seen months ago in trailers. I thought that spilling the beans on the core theme of the episode weakened it a bit. Going into it with full knowledge of the ending has actually strengthened it for me. While I still think that it's a case of a significant ending tied to a largely insignificant episode, the connections to The Fires of Pompeii really strengthen it, I think. I've also gained more appreciation for the far more restrained use of humour in this episode.

    One the other hand, I thought the Children in Need teaser was rubbish.

  7. I thought it was better than Planet of the Dead but honestly I thought it was a case of an average episode with five minutes at the end as a teaser/prologue for The End of Time. I was also a bit disappointed to find that there really wasn't that much more than we'd seen in the trailer, the key points were all passed through like checkpoints. I found myself just waiting to tick off the set pieces as they went by.

  8. Right wing Americans are on TV slating my country's medical care system that makes sure everyone has access to treatment. They've found the one politician in this country who thinks the NHS should be abolished and they're treating it like we all run in fear from the NHS. As someone who has spent the last 2 years in a relationship with a cancer patient, requiring long courses of medical treatment, it bothers me to see the system that provided excellent care for her, sent ambulances to take her to each chemotherapy and clinic session, provided excellent after care and didn't worry about the fact that we are two students with no money and her family had just disowned her so they wouldn't be paying. The NHS that the politicians in the states are throwing around is nothing like the one that I know.

  9. The problem with these full-on digital downloads is how incredibly fucked Microsoft's current DRM scheme is. Until they fix that, I'll just stick to the physical discs, thanks.

    One day you won't have a choice. It's not just Microsoft either. Steam makes it so you have to be online to play anything you download which is a pain in the ass. There is also OnLive coming. One day when everyone has broadband, disc based games won't exist.

    My steam certainly doesn't. If I've downloaded it, activated it (if required) and not trying to play multiplayer then the computer requires no internet.