Episode 415


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Kellen, Randy, and Steph take control of Earth-2.net: The Show to review M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender, the big screen adaptation of the fan-favorite cartoon series Avatar: The Last Airbender! Also, the trio makes a huge announcement for fans of the animated series! [ 1:14:18 || 34.1 MB ]

The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/theshow/episodes/e2ts_415.mp3

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I never watched the original series, but I thought that this was easily one of the all time worst movies I have ever seen in my life. The acting 98% across the board was bland at best and awful at worst, the dialogue helped none of it, the pacing was bad, and the plot all over the place in that I could berely register exactly what was going on.

That being said, the source material was strong enough to keep my interest, and I did enjoy seeing the film. Partly based on how fascinated I was by how bad I found it to be.

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Good show, guys, but I felt you two were a little too quick to jump on Randy.

Several times he was making a point about the movie having poor characterization and pointless scenes, and you threw the "you knew things would be changed" argument at him. But that wasn't the point he was making. He wasn't saying "they screwed with a character." He was simply pointing out that the movie and characters lacked depth.

Anyway, there's a part of me that sort of wants to see The Last Airbender, but I don't know. We'll see. Maybe when it hits the Redbox.

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Anyway, there's a part of me that sort of wants to see The Last Airbender, but I don't know. We'll see. Maybe when it hits the Redbox.

Don't. At least not 'til you finish the show's first season.

Also, I totally disagree with most of the "things needed to be cut" points. The movie was only an hour and a half long; there's no reason they couldn't have used another half-hour to give the characters some charm or development.

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