Walking Dead


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The Walking Dead. For years, the title was known -- and adored -- by comic fans, and then this past October the franchise went mainstream with the AMC television show. Now, it's a phenomenon that nearly everyone knows about.

A video game was inevitable, and Telltale Games is happy to answer the call. Today, the developers behind adventure games such as Back to the Future and Sam & Max announced that it has entered into a "multi-year, multi-platform, multi-title" Walking Dead partnership with Robert Kirkman, creator of the franchise. Specific platforms for the project weren't announced, but the agreement covers PC, Mac, consoles, handhelds, mobile and social gaming media. Telltale is looking at a fourth quarter 2011 release.

IGN: What kind of game is this? Third-person action? Adventure? Where does this game take place in terms of the Walking Dead timeline? Will we see characters that haven't been explored on TV and/or comics? Who do we play as? Are we Rick, someone in his group or just a survivor in the Walking Dead World? Oh, snap, are we zombies?! Tell us something?!

Robert Kirkman: The game is at an early stage, and we're in the process of mapping this all out now.

IGN: What Walking Dead universe does the game fall into? Is it happening in the comic world? The TV show? A mix of both?

Robert Kirkman: Definitely within the comic book world, just like the novel series.

IGN: Telltale is known for episodic adventures; is that what's happening here?

Robert Kirkman: Yes, it's definitely episodic.


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