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Everything posted by Missy

  1. Missy

    Wii news

    If those games get better controls, I'll try 'em again.
  2. As far as I can tell, my next shipment will include only two items: Previews and Magneto Testament. I thought there would be more, but then I remembered that some of the books I ordered were advanced solicitations. So Hitman: A Rage in Arkham won't arrive until the end of June, and I have to wait until the end of August for Avengers Forever.
  3. I started to rewatch A Simple Plan, but stopped the film 30 minutes in. The acting is horrible! I mean, Bill Paxton is hardly trying: "Oh god... he's dead..."
  4. Right, it could be an alternate reality, but I like to think DC screwed up and showed this early. Old Man Reddick! HA!
  5. Here's the cover with the new Flash costume I spoke about.
  6. Missy

    Models Inc.

    Source Okay, I'm sold! :happy:
  7. Sadly, deep breaths don't help my anxiety attacks. Waiting them out is all I can do. Also sadly, the radio thing won't work for several reasons, mostly because my area needs to remain (mostly) quiet.
  8. And now I'm having an anxiety attack. I'm gonna go hide under the covers.
  9. There's a woman I want to ask out, but I'm consumed by butterflies and lost words. Worse yet, knowing she loves music, there's a concert I want to take her to, but since I don't really know her musical sensibilities, Peaches might not be the best choice.
  10. I feel like a fucking teenager.
  11. Fahrenheit 451 Though I appreciate the impact this book had on both the world and literature, I didn't love it. It was a fast, solid read that kept me turning the page despite seeing where it was going. I can relate to Montag having his eyes opened to another way of thinking, and then taking that thought process to the extreme. And I felt horrible for him when his world crashed down on his head. But, I don't know, I think I wanted each and every word to hit me like a hammer. Which, I admit, isn't the fault of the book; that's my expectations clearly getting in the way. Down the line I do intend to read it once more, because I feel this is one of those books, like Of Mice and Men, that needs to be read a few times to fully appreciate it. (And yes, this is the first time I've read Fahrenheit 451. Somehow I made it through school without ever having to pick it up.) The Road Still reading this one. Slowly. Very, very slowly. I'm not a fan of Cormac McCarthy's style. That's why I couldn't get into No Country for Old Men. But I'm trying. I'm really, really trying.
  12. The first trailer is up. I'm interested.
  13. Earth-2.net: The Show 315 Hulk: World War Hulk Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Time of Your Life Atomic Robo: Dogs of War Thoughts during Earth-2.net: The Show 317 or 318 Secret Wars Secret Wars II Total Comic books: 8 Trade paperbacks: 37 Graphic novels: 1
  14. Ian, you don't have to cover GI Joe.
  15. He says otherwise in the blog. Keep in mind, they have two issues left, plus an annual.
  16. Paul Cornell, writer of Captain Britain and MI-13, says the book will end with #15.
  17. Anyone else having that problem?
  18. That's odd. I haven't listened to the mp3, but the Audacity file sounded fine as I edited the show. Jenny did whisper part of a solicitation at one point, a GI Joe one if I recall. Is that what you're talking about?
  19. Missy


    Yes, I think so. Someone want to buy that for me?