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Everything posted by Missy

  1. Someone died from it today. A child, I think.
  2. And it's in my new area, so my mom is totally freaking out. *sigh*
  3. Nope. Send them again, and I'll post them tomorrow or Thursday as an IIWY? Extra.
  4. DMZ #41: As a brief look at Zee, this issue mostly works. I'd rather it were a two-part story, if only to help us better understand why she made the decision she did at the end, but it's still a strong character-driven tale. The art was a tad too cartoony for this kind of story, and I never felt like it nailed Zee's face quite right. Sometimes she has sharp, defined features, but other times she's mushy and distorted. The violence isn't served well, either, but the book looks okay overall. Out of 10: 7 Total Comic books: 8 Trade paperbacks: 32 Graphic novels: 1
  5. Okay, I've read DMZ #41. Though I echo many of your thoughts, I feel it's a borrow. Zee's a strong character who I'm glad to see again, but I wanted more of her internal struggle. More about why she changed her mind. More about her life living under those guys. And more of her brief life with them. For me, this would have been better served as a two-issue story.
  6. Another great job, Sean! Your review has me wanting to read that issue of DMZ, which says a lot, all things considered.
  7. Someone buy me an Xbox 360 or PS3 as a housewarming present, please!
  8. One of my favorites: DOCTOR WHO: Elderly man serially abducts young women. By the way, here's a link to lots.
  9. Another milestone: a first-time poster wins POTD!
  10. I should lock this and put it in Classics. Post of the Day!
  11. From now on I want this thread to be used for big vents, not minor complaints. For the small things, go here.
  12. Use this thread to chat about the minor things that are ticking you off.
  13. Missy


    A buddy of mine posted this on his Facebook page. In light of recent events, I thought I'd share:
  14. I'll be moving into my new apartment this upcoming Friday (01 May). Because of that, I'll be spending a good portion of my evenings this week packing and moving boxes around. Why do I mention this? Because it might screw with the E2 schedule. Hopefully I'll be able to get a lot of the editing done early, but if not, if something goes up on the site a little later than normal, you know why. From what I can tell, here's what might be delayed: Earth-2.net: The Show 314 and 315 IIWY? Bigger on the Inside 12
  15. This is what I went with.
  16. Hey, Dan reviewed it too. Why am I the only one being threatened?
  17. Thoughts during Earth-2.net: The Show 313 Gambit Classics, volume 1 Marvel Adventures Spider-Man, volume 12: Jumping to Conclusions Hellboy, volume 1: Seed of Destruction Total Comic books: 7 Trade paperbacks: 32 Graphic novels: 1
  18. It was inked by Klaus Janson, which surprises the hell out of me, considering both he and Romita have very rough styles.
  19. You're right, it's Romita, Jr.
  20. Missy


    What is that from?
  21. Can you expand on that, suavestar, 'cause Batman: Year One is easily the best Batman story ever. So to hear someone say it's only "alright" without going further boggles the mind. EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm not getting on your case, I just want to hear your thoughts.
  22. Right, that's his thing. And I'm normally fine with that. But this time it felt like he was reaching.
  23. He bitches about there being no depth... then he bitches when the Turtles got introspective.