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Everything posted by Missy

  1. Astonishing X-Men Omnibus Caliber: First Canon of Justice Hercules: The Thracian Wars The Irredeemable Ant-Man Previews
  2. I'm not sure when or why it happened, but it's been noticed. Personally, I like the longer descriptions. Sometimes they might go too long, but that's better than saying something like "Superman fights Lex... again. Thoughts...?" Never thought about it, but I don't see why not.
  3. Missy

    The Music Thread

    "Can I Get A Fuck You" by Jay-Z
  4. Missy

    DVD ripper software

    I don't remember where I found it. Sorry. It's at work, too, otherwise I'd send it your way.
  5. Had a dream last night that The Undertaker died.
  6. Missy


    Tiny Titans! Aw yeah!
  7. The Zeta Project will be after the webtoons.
  8. Missy

    DVD ripper software

    I had this same problem about two months ago, and used DVD Ripper. Works great.
  9. Hey now, James said it was "one of our favorite moments in our recap episodes." So that's like a "thank you."
  10. True, but the echo is better than the "fist in mouth" problem.
  11. Sorry I missed this earlier today. Things have been busy here!
  12. Missy


    Hung out with a friend last night. Just got home. Shower time. Then off to work.
  13. True, Cable is a stupidly convoluted character, but he could be streamlined very easily. Drop the whole "sickly son of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor who was sent into the future to save his life" thing, and make him part of a futuristic genetic experiment that created two twin babies: one flawed (Cable) and one perfect (Stryfe). The perfect one was raised / twisted by a warlord (Apocalypse), and the flawed one was disposed of and found by a resistance group / cult that raised him to fight said warlord. Drop in some time travel, smart writing, religious overtones and lots of explosions, and Cable could be a new franchise akin to The Terminator. Plus, if done as a trilogy, imagine the cliffhanger to the second film as Stryfe removes his helmet to reveal his true face.
  14. I dropped the X-Force hardcover from my order, because next month might be a big one, and I needed to save my pennies.
  15. Loving this new series, Aaron! Legend of Princess and Gravity Bone sound very cool!
  16. Sorry for the delay in getting this one up. There were some issues on my end that needed to be dealt with before I could get to the actual editing.
  17. Posted this on Facebook yesterday, but I thought I'd add it here. This is mostly for the people from Chicago, but I think all of you will get a kick out of it.
  18. Maybe not in Greenwich, but in the average American home, I bet you do.
  19. Missy

    Episode 82

    Listening to the recap of Salo nearly made me vomit!
  20. There's already a thread.
  21. For the first time ever, a non-member wins post of the day!