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Everything posted by Missy

  1. Shana and I are making our way through the MCU, but not in any order. Recently we watched all four Avengers movies, the first two Captain America's, Doctor Strange and its sequel, we've got about 45 minutes left in Ant-Man. They mostly hold up, but Age of Ultron gets really wonky after a bit, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is the very first MCU movie I would call downright terrible. It's all over the place, relies way too hard on fan service, begs us to care about Strange's failed relationship with Christine, uses a literal device to deliver the plot, assassinates Wanda, is filled to the brim with awful acting, the dialogue made us pause to facepalm multiple times, and while I don't care that it visually breaks the MCU mold I do care that it relies on lame tropes for scares and doesn't push anything forward. As a blessing, because the movies takes places in and acknowledges the multiverse, Marvel could (though they won't) say this whole movie wasn't following the "real" Doctor Strange and Wanda, but ones from another reality. Rock 'n' Roll High School and Phantom of the Paradise, but more on those soon.
  2. For me it's only the films named Spider-Man, which includes Into the Spider-Verse and maybe, as Will said, the TV pilot.
  3. Des, were you always into Trek, or is that something new? Can't recall you mentioning it before your recent SNW posts.
  4. Remove that comma and we have a whole new movie franchise.
  5. Both Dave Hebner and Tim White have passed away.
  6. Pinocchio, The Fugitive, Jurassic Park, Logan, Dirty Dancing
  7. Tim Sale has passed away. He was 66.
  8. I really want to say ET, but I'm leaning toward Firestarter because it features her more. Next we'll go with Poison Ivy because it's Drew trying to break ouy of her mold as a child actress (see also: The Amy Fisher Story). Lastly, Charlie's Angels or Whip It. She produced both but directed Whip It, which could add to the conversation. That said, I don't know how much screen time she has in Whip It.
  9. George Pérez has passed. RIP legend.
  10. You're all set. Sorry about that.
  11. I forget how terrifying that movie is.
  12. Neal Adams has died at age 80, according to Hollywood Reporter.
  13. I just discovered the existence of Half Nelson, a Joe Pesci vehicle from 1985. All eight episodes are on YouTube:
  14. As an FYI, if all goes as planned, Shana and I will be on holiday in San Diego from June 7 to 14.
  15. Die Hard is a given, then I'd toss out The Fifth Element (just for your reactions), and Looper or RED.
  16. Saw that in the cinema because Jason Lee was in it, and was pissed when he unceremoniously died.
  17. Logan, but I've not seen Blade II since 2004-ish.
  18. Ooh! Depends on my mood, but I'll go with The Shining.