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Posts posted by Gareth

  1. Yeah, let's cut out the ridiculousness.

    That's exactly what they did. They cut out all the ridiculous dinosaur fighting and "Chris Pratt badassery" BS and selected enough clips to spell out the entire plot in 2 minutes.

    Two two and a half minute trailers better not be ninety percent of the movie. We're looking at a six minute runtime then.

    I'm sure you understood what I meant and your snarky runtime response was a joke, but to clarify: You've seen 90% of the substance of this movie, probably more. Nothing in the film will surprise you in the slightest after having seen that tralier, I guarantee you.

    This movie looks like complete shit, cut the budget down by 100 mil and you have an asylum production. A bunch of studio exects got together and said "people love Chris Pratt, people love dinosaurs" that seems to be the amount of creative energy that went into making it. I'm not going to waste my time on this Shlock.

  2. Birdman: This is a great actor's movie. Keaton, Norton, Watts, Riseborough and Galifianakis were all fucking brilliant. I don't know why, but my gut is telling me to hate Emma Stone, but she's amazing in this. I don't know what it is, I like her in everything. Beyond the acting though, this movie is fucking awful. The story's terrible. The cinematographical gimmick is tired and boring and obtrusive. I also wished they cut the fantastical bullshit out. Too bad.

    Haha, do you ever just watch a movie and go: "meh."

  3. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: So. Fun. A way better adventure movie than the predecessor. The set piece smackdown from ritual to mine assault to minecar race to bridge battle is dizzyingly amazing. One of the fastest two hours that's ever been on film. I've always considered it my favorite, but after this rewatch, fuck anyone who hates on this movie. So fucking great.

    Feature Films: 34

    Documentaries: 1

    Agreed 100%. I hate how it's become popular to hate this film.