Mr. Keith

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Everything posted by Mr. Keith

  1. I know I've heard of Minus World 1, just don't know if I saw someone get there or actually played it. A Second Minus World? Eh, I'll give it a try once I figure out how to get to the First Minus World again.
  2. I actually bought Beyond Good and Evil right when it turned 20 bucks, and after all this time it's still in the wrapper waiting to get opened. As for games I'd like to buy, I've actually thought about Spinx and Hitman a whole lot recently. Phantasy Star Online 3 would be a cool edition to have, but doubt I'll ever get it. Mario Brothers 3, Mario and Luigi, Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, that Lufia game for GBA, Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow for GC, there's just waaaaaaaay too many games I'd like to own and I know I'm definitely missing quite a few from this list.
  3. You know, I've never understood that mentality. Why do games have to be exclusive to one system? I understand first-party titles (RE: Mario, Zelda, Halo, Ico), but what's it matter if a certain Capcom game is ported to another system? They really shouldn't be, but most of them are and considering the fact that as a huge GC fan and seeing over dozens of games going to PS2 and/or X-Box only *ala Punisher, Ninja Gaiden, Mortal Kombat, GTA and even the latest Godzilla game, even though it sold really well on the GC* it's nice to actually have a reason to own a GC besides just Nintendos games. Now Joes gone to PS2 and while it'll probably make alot more money, it's depressing as a Nintendo fan to see yet another reason to own a Game Cube gone to another system.
  4. Yeah, having an Online version would be cool, pity Nintendo doesn't have any faith in the Online market. Also wanted to add that along with Joe 2, the PS2 will also be getting the original Viewtiful Joe sometime in the fall. Wow..... there goes another game that use to be exclusive.
  5. A-men, Cheap. And Yoda I doubt they'd bring it to the X-Box. I might be wrong but I really don't think that Capcom has ever really supported Microsofts system that much before and wouldn't see any reason for them to start with Joe. Besides that one game with the huge controller*Whose name escapes me* and possilby some others, but it wasn't that many nor do they have any coming out anytime soon. I just don't think their that big on Microsoft.
  6. Joe is back!!!! :OMG: :OMG: :OMG: I knew they would eventually make another one, but it's great to hear that they've made it official. Thoughts? I know I'm not the only one who loved the original.
  7. *insert some whiney comment about this not being on the Game Cube* Game doesn't look that impressive, but I must say I like the idea of having bodies being hung in the enviorment you're fighting in. I wonder if you can actually attack one of the bodies and send them crashing into your opponent to cause damage? That'd be pretty damn cool!
  8. Mr. Keith


    Eternal Darkness*GREAT game, btw*, were giving the rights to make Metal Gear Solid for the GC and if they ever get the chance, hopefully a sequel to Eternal Darkness and Too Human. The President of Siilicon Knights even made a joke about working on a Legend of Zelda game in the near future, and he'd actually did something similar to that with MGS before we knew that they were in development on the game.
  9. Mr. Keith


    Gee, first Rogue Squadron and now this? I can't wait till RE finally does go away and the only reason to buy a GC is for Nintendos games... literally. Granted, they might still be making games for the GC and even GC2. But I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't or made them on all systems.
  10. Did I mention that I really don't like Final Fantasy:Crystal Chronicles?
  11. Mr. Keith

    Mario Kart

    I rented it awhile ago, back when Blockbuster actually had GBA games to rent. It was as close to the original Mario Kart as the GBA will be able to get I'm sure, but the first one will always be the best as far as I'm concerned.
  12. I actually read about Guilty Wings in one of IGN's mail bag and they claimed it's nothing but a false rumor.
  13. :twitch: Are you serious?? Where'd you hear about that cause the only FF games I know coming to a Nintendo system are Final Fantasy 1 & 2, and those are GBA games.
  14. YEAH! I'm still stuck on the second or third level, and I bought it well over a year ago!!!! Hardest. Game. Ever. I'll be happy once I finally defeat the first stage at this point. My god... I just checked the option mode and there's actually a HARD and a EXPERT mode on this thing? How can this game get any harder?
  15. Just got Super Ghouls N Ghosts for the GBA and frankly, I don't think I've ever gotten this angry at a first level of a game in years.
  16. Yeah! Did that get delayed or was it always set for May, because I thought I heard it had a March release date at one time or another. I just hope they've added a save feature for Mega Man I. Yeah, at first it was suppose to come out around February time I believe, than it got delayed a couple different times until it finally became a May release. And yeah, being able to save your progress in the first Mega Man would rock!
  17. Holy shit! I forgot all about old school Mega Man!! :OMG: :rockon: :OMG: :rockon: :OMG: :rockon: That game is gonna own everything.
  18. If you get a chance to play Killer 7, I'd like to know about that game since all we really know about it is that the graphics are awesome. Resident Evil 4, of course. :OMG: And yeah, anything on the Nintendo DS would be good.
  19. Wolverine takes my vote again, and again, and will continue to take my vote through out any poll invovling him. :toothy:
  20. Be sure to play Resident Evil 4 and tell us all how absolutely great it is. :rockon: Seriously, though, have alot of fun going down there. It should be a blast testing out all those new games.
  21. Eh, not that surprising. I think the Rock is starting to lose alot of popularity with his movies, not to mention that I think Walking Tall is playing at less theatres than Hell Boy has been. This news doesn't shock me one bit.
  22. Game Cube gets Spider Man, GC also gets Hulk, we even get that X-Men game based on Wolverine... WHY CAN'T THIS GAME COME TO THE GAME CUBE JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER ONES!?!? :bang: God, this game sounds really cool.
  23. Not only have I played the game, I actually own it*Got it for 10 bucks down at EB :OMG: *. Granted, after playing it a bit recently I noticed alot of things that I never really took into account at first *Such as difficult camera angles and such*, which is why I said I wished I'd picked DKC instead. But I still say that it's a great game.. may'be not 9.9 great ala IGN, but still great. Especially the different kinds of multi player games that you could play on it, which was easily my favorite part of the game.
  24. Golden Eye was actually one of the few first person shooters that I was able to get into, I loved that game. I voted for BFD, although I almost wished I voted for DKC.
  25. They rule and everyone knows it, so what's your favorite thing that Rare has done?