Kenny Evil

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Posts posted by Kenny Evil

  1. Dude, you had first pick. Kitty's like the most beloved by fans of all the X-men characters, no way she'd have gone to the second round.

    At this point my lineup is going to be SUPER weird.

    So Preston, your team is basically Psylocke, Cable, Xorn and Shatterstar?

    I know, I was only going to get either Beast or Kitty, and I wanted Beast more but still get ruing Hannah!

  2. True, it's just supposition on my part. There's also no evidence that he was straight either. I guess when you're trying to prevent the end of the world and planning 5 million deaths, there's not a lot of time for dating.

  3. Steven T Seagle Joe Kelly on X-Men. I think this was the height of the Bob Harras-Mark Powers reign of terror. I can't judge how well their runs went because it seemed like they could never put their own stamp on the books. Issue 351 of Uncanny was pretty good though.

  4. It's the problem when you have fuzzily defined ideas and no thought to how they'd apply in the real world. Frankly, that is a problem when you try to make superhero stories realistic, they fall apart pretty quickly. Nolan's Batman films are about as close as you can get, but if Superman started flying through Gotham, all of that would go away.

  5. I can see what knightwing is saying, but there are some key differences, chief amongst them being that Frank Miller is unaware of his own craziness and is a much, much worse writer.

    I can't recommend this book for everyone as it seems like a bit of a marmite one, but I enjoyed it and, as usual with a League book, it took me ages to get through it as I was spending so much time puzzling over all the cameos. It's heavily skewed towards British stuff since it's set in London, but the more you know about them, the more you'll enjoy it. one of my favourite bits was seeing Graham Linehan getting thrown out of Gosh Comics by Bernard Black.

  6. Yeah, I think Wolverine is somehow able to move around fairly rapidly and silently despite carrying around a 300lb metal skeleton at all times. I can't tell if I'm defending the polar bear thing or not there.

    This series sounds truly fucking terrible. It does sound like they came up with Avengers vs X-Men first and then filled in the story afterwards. It also sounds like the editor is probably using his blue pen quite a bit here, hence the odd characterisations from writers that should know better.

  7. I've actually read the book and this article is entirely reactionary and stupid. It also contains a huge spoiler for the latest League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, so don't click it or read the rest of my post if you don't want to be spoiled.

    Yes, the Antichrist is Harry Potter and it actually makes a lot of sense given the way 1969 ended. Potter himself is representative of the problems with culture, specifically pop culture these days where franchise and adaptations have taken such huge priorities that little original work seems to be created and nurtured. I mean, seriously look at this


    It's not just a matter of Harry Potter becoming an anti-psychotic abusing, overgrown wizard raging against the education system that failed him, the whole of the world of the League seems to be decaying. Hyde Park is shuttered off, with the statue of the Martian tripod rusting, Hyde's bones and other artefacts of the League's earlier exploits lay languishing in the back of the British Museum, Malcolm Tucker's style of spin and bullying is coming back into vogue and the biggest show on television is In America the nuanced and intelligent administration of Jed Bartlett is being replaced by the brazen and reactionary administration of David Palmer, who are introducing a CTU that promises to fix all of the world's major problems 24 hours at a time. The neonazis who made their presence felt in 1969 with double x graffitti seem to have much more power here as it seems they are affiliated with both the Freemasons and the Police, the latter of whom have become red-eyed monsters, constantly wielding batons and riot shields.

    The League has and always will be both a loving tribute to and a damning indictment of the culture that it is stealing from. It's not like Moore has treated everyone entirely reverentially except for Harry potter, after all the Invisible Man was first shown raping teenage girls, Allan Quartermain was found pissing his life away in an opium den, James Bond was a violent, thuggish pawn of the US and Billy Bunter became a sad old man living in the ruins of greyfriars.

    I've really enjoyed Century, even if it has been somewhat more cynical than the previous League books, and I'm really looking forward to what Moore and O'Neill do next.

  8. Yeah there are a couple of lame bits in that, like when he tells her again she's going to be Taken, but other than that, it looks pretty damn good. I've watched the first one, probably 5 times. It's like Die Hard for the new generation.

    What does it say that I've never seen Maggie Grace look hotter than when she was drugged up and about to be sold into a life of sex-slavery. That I am going to Hell, that's what.