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Posts posted by TheRetreater

  1. after begrudgingly seeing FF, no teaser there. Thankfully that is not why I went to see it, i blame my Brew Crew for that.

    I'm not one of those people but I know people who go see movies JUST for the alleged teaser or trailer that is supposed to be shown beforehand. So if you are one of these people, don't do it

  2. i feel like it is important to mention that this is based on a true story

    given i don't know where creative process begins and I don't care enough to really find out.

    but to call a scene in something based on a true story unbelievable and hold it against it may be ill-guided unless you find out if in the actual tale a similar thing occured. This is in reference to the Jury scene you speak of, of course

    but yeah, it's a bad movie. If it was a good movie i might have cared enough to do the research.

  3. Just as part of the meeting a future self angle, I would totally mark out if McGinnis showed up. Considering he wouldn't even be born yet in the main U, it has the ultimate built in failsafe.

    I don't really follow Batman though other than that. I seem to read all the books from his family but his.

    My friends and I were actually chatting about this a while back so I figured I would thrown in that fantasy scenario.

    Also I want to add I would be disappointed if Dick was at this point. He always seems to want to move on now and I feel that if all the signs ended up pointing to him, he would defy everyone and shoot down the offer leaving even Batman stunned.

    He wants to be his own man, not a continuation of a legacy.

  4. awesome. thanks for the list. I would have been disappointed if they interupted the runaways' arc.

    I should pick up Mutopia since ive been considering adding District to my regulars and this cross over should be a good jumping on point. Anyone checking out this thread able to throw in an recommendations on this book?

  5. I really glad I bought the singles to this... not really. Ultimate Nightmare isn't something I would recommend as a story to the apathetic fan. You would have to be a Sam Wilson fan to get the nod from me as a must read. He is super bad ass in this tale.

    the final scene with the big reveal didn't really do it for me and I had no idea that was the direction they were going in at that time.

    So as far as spoiling a surprise, yeah it was a big surprise... but they didn't pull it off very well in the first place. Buying this in issue form only reaffirmed my practice of buying "Ultimate" books in collected form

  6. Meh, Claremont was great in his time.

    His stories/plots/dangling threads just haven't had staying power for me. I've lost interest in all his stuff

    I'll read the result in a Wizard issue and mark out if it is someone cool, be faux-steamed if it is some I think is a stupid character, fit, whatever.

  7. I've been glancing through a friends copies of M though the only book I got of M thus far is Hulk (not a core M book but is including the tie-in). I enjoy how they really seem to be setting EVERYONE up to be THE GUY (or lady) who is able to break through the false reality.

    ooooh the suspense (half sarcasm)

    I'm looking forward to the Exile's tie-in

    Anyone know if Runaway's is going to tie in. I wouldn't think so but, hey, whatever happens will happen.