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Posts posted by TheRetreater

  1. spoilers

    So it seems that atleast the mass population of earth will not remember what happened during house of m. Latest Cable Deadpool seems to take place post HoM, and none of the characters in this book mention the event outside of vague "if something maybe kinda happened to this world, but then it changed back, that could explain what happened to you, i guess".

    The book itself wrapped up alot of the past three ishes or so of Cable Deadpool but was kinda stretchy. alot of explanation, too much, too much, too much, dialogue was used/needed just to get their point across. Though I know atleast someone out there could enjoy that the ish ends in Intercourse PA

  2. holy shit that is a line-up and a half.

    With the exception of .hack (which i've simply never sat down to watch) and Gundam Seed (which just BARELY misses the cut), they are all top tier A-list shows for me.

    I wish I could get that on my tv regularly. It makes me want to pirate Beast Wars just reminiscing about it, ahh nostalgia...

  3. Halle Berry is one of the single most worst actresses on the face of this earth? bullshit.

    Catwoman was god awful with anybody, Storm has been written into each script so poorly. Neither are her fault, have you seen anything else with her in it? She's good, not the best, but good.

  4. Loeb and Joey Mad excite me, I really miss Mad's branch-out work. come to think of it, I miss all of the cliffhanger work, Crimson most of all.

    Now I've never been a huge fan Turner. Don't get me wrong, I think he's amazing, but he has yet to do that one project that really catches me. So despite that, I'm really excited about him too because he's just a flat out feel good story. I always like hearing about what he's doing because of his previous issues.

    And I know its only a matter of time before he gets something done that will blow my mind.

  5. Who watches this.

    This show is amazing, last I checked airing new eps fridays around 8 or so. This week they are instead showing a movie on Nickelodean.

    It follows the "Chosen One" plotform. The avatar, who went missing 100 years ago, is found by to young'uns, adventure ensues.

    the world is mainly divided into four groups, water earth fire air. they are divided into fmaller factions as well (the northern water, southern water tribe for example) but the four groups are the important split. Each nation has their own style of Mages, called Benders. The Avatar, which is reborn each generation in the next of the four nations, is supposed to create balance by mastering all of the four bending styles. But when the Fire Nation attacks the world, the avatar is not there.

    The best part of the show is the choreography (if you can call it that). the fights are incredible, the use of powers is awesomely inventive, it's new and fresh everytime I watch it. If you wanna watch something based solely on the action, this is it. But the show isn't just action, there is comedy and plot development, both paced extremely well. Character development doesn't occur much, the characters are set very early in the show and have thus far pretty much remained exactly the same.

    great show, check it out. talk about it here.

  6. I've just read the first ish of the "sequel" and have to say it is written better than Gaiman's. He did set the stage but Pak is doing a MUCH better job at telling a story. It is kinda like how Hobbit tells a story and LoTR seems more like a history lesson (and therefore bored me).

  7. To start, anyone reading this?

    I just picked up the TPB and it is great for characterization. The span of charactertypes is fantastic. The is such a great mix of styles and the interaction between "teammates" is believable and fun. The plot of the first arc was kinda contrived and the set-up for future tales was too vague to really get hyped about.

    if you like the B-list (and lower) being used well, very well, you may wanna take a look at this. Plus, the Wrecking Crew shows up in yet another book over the past year, I swear they are the new Wolverine (yeah he shows up for a couple panels as well).

  8. DOOM's MOM IS ALIVE!!! dude, why haven't you said this before, that is a bombshell. I hope it wasn't a big reveal or anything cuz that would be a huge geek out moment for some (me).

    p.s. He has an unhealthy relationship with his mom normally, it is just that she's dead. He did get her out of hell though. Great read.

  9. Ofcourse, much like I am doing with Donkey Konga, your roommate may try to see if there is going to be a sequel and then buy the package deal of the sequel as his second pad. My second set of bongos will be when I eventually buy DK-a 2. Or there could always just be the acquirement of an adapter and the use of a roommates PS2 pad.

  10. callisto has tenticles? is this just another one of Morrison's ego trip or is there a reasonable reason for that. Given I never cared about or paid any attention to her but i suppose it would be nice to know.

  11. Its very rude of you to MAKE a roommate buy this. He should want to buy it without your nudging if he's going to get it. God your a jerk. Given he would have to be stupid to not want it.

    I wouldn't really call the music in max2 (for example) Pop. But, the reviews i've seen say there is a bunch of dance remixes of nintendo songs as well as remixing classics. So I imagine that is like max2 in that sense, end of the world or whatever it is called in that game. so it should have non nintendo songs but i don't at this time expect things like "in the navy"

    stop being mean to your roommate thesteve. you jerk. I hate you.

    p.s. I'm sure a great gesture of making this up to him would be like buying him a present in a form of the second pad.

  12. I was very disappointed in it. I felt like it had a copped out ending, very unsatisfying.

    The plot itself wasn't too bad I guess though I did find it to be rather vague, unfleshed out. Characterization seemed to be just the same as well. If it wasn't for the repeated geek out moments I honestly don't think I would have enjoyed it too much.

    I was also disappointed at the announcement of a sequel-like thing though I do admit it is full of potential