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Posts posted by TheRetreater

  1. Stewart is flat out good. This is exciting not because of the Stewart geek-out factor but because this means this is going to be at the least one above average performance out of the voice actors. I'm really excited for this movie. fun, fun, fun times ahead :yes:

  2. Live makes xbox. So if that is your style, go for it. I've never really felt the need for Live type things and prefer multiplayer with the players next to me or in-house party games. I really don't see one being ridiculously better than the other to make it anything beyond a taste issue at this point.

  3. The next logical step I would take as a writer would be to make The Question an entire army. Several faceless investigators all working towards one goal.

    Like the Newsboy Army. I'd enjoy a question army (read: a revamp of gcpd)

    Jason Todd, was in Nightwings book OYL, and Black Marvel family member Osiris was in Teen Titans (on the list of short lived members during OYL). Plus Jasons slated to return in Teen Titans according to Deathstroke.

    On top of that appearances by Robin, Batman and co pretty much confirm that this is the norml DCU. On earth 2 Bats would be dead. Plus Nightwing meeting up with Batwoman? It can't be a different earth.

    52 has something to do with Nightwing being meant to die in the Crisis doesn't it? I think it might also have something to do with the return of Kal-l later this year in JSA.

    One of the current Nightwing plot-threads is that he should have died. The Stranger I believe is the one leading the reader to that conclusion. I don't know how much that will have to do with 52 since it is really only being brought up well after the when 52 would end in continuity. I'm probably an Ish or two behind on my Nightwing since I haven't picked up my box in a while.

    See, this is why I refrain from reading many DC titles: their continuity is to way too messed up. Every time they try to clean it up, a larger mess is created. :zzz:

    agreed, which is why I kind of fear a new E2. I tend to just ignore all this stuff when I read DC and pretend it is streamlined.

  4. Alot of heroes disappeared for a while after IC. I can accept that they aren't being looked for because of the Arrow and Batfamily precedent.

    Ah, unless they've forgotten about them thanks to the new continuity on New Earth. Maybe Steel, Question, Animal Man, Lobo and all of them never existed on New Earth.

    I would hate for this to be the case.

  5. This rumor has been cycling around quite a bit at my comic shop, but only for the past month, month-and-a-half. I could completely buy into it but I really just don't want to.

    In one theory, the story takes place on E2. I feel like it is kind of a cop-out. creating this great story forever changing characters we know and love... only for them to not actually be the characters we know and love.

    Another theory, that it is mainly the common solution or answer for all/most the characters isn't quite as bad but DC's seperate earths and all always just leave a bad taste in my mouth.

    I really just want it to be something new and different.

  6. The Outsiders were all thought to be dead (except nightwing) by the public but instead they were doing covert pre-emptive vigilante work, even using a known criminal (Boomerang's kid). All the superheroes supposedly disapprove of their work but let them do it.

    After stranding a small nation's leader, who got like half a million people killed, (or so) on a desert island, Superman shows up to shut down their operation for using less-than-shiny tactics (I swear, superman is always at his best as a Nightwing supporting character, see Nightwing: Year One for more proof). Nightwing gets right in his face.

    Supes tells him to stop, Wing says he won't, Supes starts to lecture him on Right and Wrong, Wing says he's helping the corners that Superman's hands are too big to reach, Supes says its hurting people, Wing says only bad people. Wing says he doesn't need Supes blessing.

    Nightwing then pulls out a lead case and tells Supes that he should know what is in it. Supes hesitates. Nightwing says shiny heroes are too worried about tarnishing themselves to do what needs to be done. Supes hesitates some more then threatens that he could stop Wing if he wanted to and flies away. Outsiders applaud Nightwing bluffing Supes. Nightwing then puts a chunk of kryptonite in the storage room, looking all ashamed of himself.

    I think it was like 36 or 37 but my books are packed away right now, so pardon the choppy recollection. The Supes standoff was set up perfectly by an Alan Scott as White King cameo earlier in the same issue.

  7. Spider-Man unmasking was THE comic book moment of the year.

    the Cyclor (I'm stealing your word) arrival was pretty good, too.

    All my favorite moments in DC weren't really HUGE moments, which hurts the argument for "moment of the year."

    My favorite DC moment was 1yr later Nightwing bluffing Superman in Outsiders.

    How can Nightwing be soooooooo awwwwweeeeesssssosooooomommmme in every book but be soooooooo lllllaaaaaammmmmmeeeee in his self-titled book? This goes back to even before crisis and one year and all that.

  8. That's actually a much better team than I would have expected, though I'm a bit disappointed that only half the team is different. Panther has FF history and Storm has a strong connection (obviously) to Panther and wields a mighty weight of respect on her own. It's gonna be weird having Torch and no Sue. I feel like they are going to have to come up with a good reason that they split, they are a tight sibling pair.

    I won't be getting it. Mainly because the only FF I've ever gotten into is UFF and I can't imagine this being long-term enough to swing my mind.

  9. I'd like to see some games that don't rely on the gimmicky touch screen so much. I don't always feel like scribbling the stylus around.

    I agree. Game-makers too often feel the need to use all of a system instead of just what they need to make a good game. I blame reviewers for this partially. How often do reviews take off points for games that (are good games but) don't use the full touch screen capabilities? It seems like a common point made by all reviewers that fit that build of DS games

  10. ya know what sucks? the people already involved in this. Howard Deutch, Mark Steven Johnson (possibly the next Uwe Bowl (however you spell his name).

    I really like DD, though I understand others' distaste. I thought it was good.

    As for Howard... I'm a huge fan of the Replacements as a film. Keanu can perform when he's told exactly what to do and it was done. Even if you disagree with that, Pretty in Pink, man! Pretty in Pink! Personally like it or not, it is a great film!


    MSJ--hit or miss, take or leave 'im

    HD--I have a hard time seeing this as a bad thing, or that it sucks

  11. The problem with Wolverine is that he's too powerful. As much as I enjoyed the CW tie-in issues, some moments were suspect, especially the amount of damage Wolverine came back from against Nitro. When Logan can completely regenerate from a single cell, he turns into Superman (RE: unstoppable). So yeah, I fully understand why some people, including yourself, might find his books and the character uninteresting.

    I do find his level of regeneration a bit overdone, but I tend to just pretend that it is stupid good (and not the cool kind of "stupid good").

    I've never really bit into the whole "everything is a mystery about my past, let's drag that out really long." Seriously, in X-books and his title books, how much could we be told about his secretive past without them ever actually telling as anything about his secretive past? That would also help explain why I'm more accepting of Origin.

    Of course, I might still hold a grudge from the Hulk fight.

  12. God of War is far beyond "another action game." There's a reason it was nominated for (and won) many Game of the Year awards.

    It was good, yes. Very good. It just never made me want to play it more/again. I have played it, it was fun, but it wasn't fun enough for me. According to my friend I was about halfway through when I stopped, I think that was about the time I got distracted by either the X collection or the first Sonic collection.

    And if you're interested in Shadow of the Colossus, you must play ICO first. Must!

    Too late. The reason I'd be willing to buy a ps2 for these games is because I've already played them and want to play them again (or more depending on the type of game that may not really have a distinct and conclusive "end"). I've heard many good things about ICO but none of my friends have ever had it.

  13. curse you, wolverine.

    I really just don't feel a draw to him and have a difficult time seeing why there is one. It doesn't help that most of my friends feel the same way as I do.

    I'm actually a bit surprised Origins does better than the regular series. Of course, comic shops might not have completely settled into their numbers on that book. Just checking the books out every now and then on the racks, it does feel like a more interesting book.

    Good detective work, chief! :yes:

  14. I've only recently considered getting a PS2. I've always just played my friends'. I'd be getting one just for things like Tactics, Vagrant Story, Guitar Heroes, and the number one reason--Shadow of the Colossus

    Don't forget ICO and God of War.

    I've never played ICO and would try it once I hypothetically acquired a PS2, but God of War to me feels like just another action game. A really good one, I give you, but I prefer PoP. So GoW wouldn't be a draw towards ps2.

  15. I know it is crazy cheap, but it is pretty interesting that the PS2 sold the most amount of units still. I would have thought that the shelf life of it was almost at an end. As in everyone that would have wanted one would have it by now.

    I've been pondering getting one myself. My old PS2 sounds like an old man in the morning when I try to power it up, and takes for freaking ever to load. For $129, it's almost manageable to pick one up solely for replacement / mod chipping reasons.

    I've only recently considered getting a PS2. I've always just played my friends'. I'd be getting one just for things like Tactics, Vagrant Story, Guitar Heroes, and the number one reason--Shadow of the Colossus

  16. I'll throw a bone to Wolverine here. When you're talking about the smartest Marvel characters, his name doesn't normally jump to mind; but the man can fluently speak like a dozen different languages and knows their cultures backwards and forwards. And he's a highly capable tactician. I grabbed this from the Wiki:

    Forge's description of Logan's mental and physical prowess:

    "...[it's the] equivalent of an Olympic-level gymnast performing a gold medal routine whilst simultaneously beating four chess computers in his head."

    He isn't Doom or Reed-level intelligent, but he's smarter than most give him credit for.

    I never really thought about that but it is a really good point. You talk about all the science-minds but Wolverine would be a sociology and anthropology genius.

    Back to WWHulk; The more I think about it the more I come to this decision: Hulk needs to win to keep credibility and to not make the story anti-climatic. I fear if he doesn't win he would go the way of Aquaman/Namor. DC/Marvel always tell us how powerful they could be but they never suceed. I've pretty much decided that for me to take them seriously again, they would have to make an attempt to take over the land-world and pretty much suceed.

    The Hulk is pissed at Reed and Tony. To satisfy my hopeful requirements, he would have to "take out" at least one of them. I'm not really sure how he could rock Reed without just putting him in the hospital for... then length of time that the alternate FF fills the FF books. For Tony, it could appear like Hulk takes out Ironman and Tony just goes into hiding and runs shield full-time and Hulk is none-the-wiser.

  17. Alan Scott has been my favorite hero pretty much since I started reading comics other than Archie and TMNT. Alan Scott's existence leads to the reason I have a tattoo. The concept of GL and how the ring worked was very important to my personal growth over the years. That man's work impacted my life.

    my best regards...

  18. Doom is one of those villains that Marvel tries to push as "the only thing keeping him from being the best is himself." Kinda like how, until recently, the only person that can stop Thanos is Thanos gimmick

    I've got a problem with just classifying people as smarter than others. There are so many fields in so many sub-fields. It's one thing that Ultimate FF has touched on a bit more than 616, specializing the smart peoples.