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Posts posted by TheRetreater

  1. I caught one of the re-airs of Colbert and have to say I really wish more promotions like that happened. It would be so good for comics. If you didn't catch it,

    at the very end of the episode Colbert read a letter from Joe Q stating that Steve Roger's Will pronounced that Colbert receives the Shield since Colbert is the only other person American enough to deserve it. The letter was entertaining, Colbert made quips afterwards about picking up chicks and Wakanda and

    a good time was had by all.

    If comics can regularly do just little things like this, the characters and the universes will immerse themselves into the minds of the common public.

  2. I've never been a big fighting game guy so I'm only going to list the games I've played in more than a passing fancy.

    MVC2: Shuma, Amingo, Megaman, Servbot, Tron, Venom, and Thanos were all characters I found the most fun and probably used the most. My friends would do alot of "themes" the most entertaining for us was "Team Big Russian Red Crotch." If I was going to pretend to be good I'd use Iceman-CapCom-Iron Man

    SC3: I have the most fun with Raphael, Ivy, Astoroth. I'm generally better than everyone I get the chance to play against so I do alot of Charade. My best is probably Astoroth. I got pretty good at making up for his slow nature by the air throw. When the player is owning you with speed he has a quick knee that sets up the air throw, which then gives you the distance Astoroth needs to perform.

    Smash Bros (64): Luigi was the most fun. always in pink. I never really figured out who I was best at in that game.

    SSBMelee: I've got a huge passion for the Dr Mario games so the Doc is my favorite. Zelda and Puff are alot of fun to play too. Puff is probably my best though I often get distracted and spend too much time working towards one move (roll out, or the embarassment, or even the spin spike)

    MK series: hate the games now but am sad to say loved it as a kid. Sub Zero and Johnny Cage were the most fun. Ice and Crotch Punch. I switched over to the new Zero because the ice statue was cool.

    X-Men CotA: Iceman was probably my best. He is just so ridiculously good at keep away with great distance moves and great knockback attacks if they do get close. Silver and Spiral were the most fun.

  3. Just saw the movie about an half an hour ago.

    Man the action scenes were awesome and the comic-esque narration didn't detract from the movie at all

    (not that I was expecting it to).

    Also, did anyone else see the Spider-Man 3 trailer with a couple of Venom shots in it?

    The camera work was really good. I thought the narration really destroyed the tone of the movie. The action was indeed awesome, but that is pretty much all it ended up being. There was nothing surprising and I really think you will like or dislike the movie depending on what you expect going into it.

    I put my spidey 3 trailer notes in the spidey 3 thread for those interested

  4. It looks like brock/venom will be a more (even if only slightly) than just the very end of the movie. The trailer I saw in 300 showed what looked to be a fight scene between venom and spidey.

    While the church scene in the trailer was cool, Topher just isn't third-billy-goat-gruff enough for the role of brock.

  5. I haven't read the issue yet but I caught the story posted else where and figured I should put it up here if it wasn't already.

    I'd think it is more likely that Fury is the one behind it if it is a ruse. He could have Cap (rocking some kind of new duds/name) and Winter Soldier as his "army."

    I do see Castle operating as Cap at some point.

    This would have been such a cool ending in the civil war books. The last page of the epilogue could have been Cap with the final panel being the blood-soaked avenger.

    But the real issue here--why do all the snipers in the Marvel Universe suck?

  6. It took about two hours for the video to appear on my comp last night. I tried to get it up as soon as they announced it after the short preview on Heroes. I was in bed talking on the phone with my girlfriend when I heard a sound. She was promptly put on hold for 8 minutes.

    It was extremely entertaining, a very well designed action sequence. My mind is really just boggled about how they are going to fit Harry, Sandman, and Venom (much less symbiote spider-man) all in one piece.

  7. I hope they actually bring something new to this one. GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas all felt like the same game.

    The same *awesome* game. :happy:

    I know what you mean, though.

    They were all very awesome but it almost suffered from Madden syndrome by the time San Andreas came out. I'd played the others before and if I own one I don't need the next. Vice City had enough enhancement to make it stand-out from III but San Andreas really felt like a great game I had already played. I love stories in game but the stories of these games aren't enough to pull me into it or make it feel different from the others, so I topped out at Vice City and let SA attack my friends' wallets instead.

  8. My biggest problem with the ending is not that Cap dropped it real quick but that his entire team immediately stopped when he said too.

    Let me put it this way: In an issue of Daredevil, I believe it's 233, Daredevil notes that Captain America "has a voice that could command a god... and does." When Thor and Hercules, the sons of Odin and Zeus (respectively), take orders from Captain America, a mortal, you can be damn sure guys like Spider-Man will listen.

    I don't disagree with the authority but I feel that it destroys any credibility that the other heroes had for the cause. Were they fighting for what they believed? If they stopped fighting, no they weren't. The all become sheep, blindly following. For someone like Hercules, who on some levels requires the moral compass and humanity that a Cap can provide, it makes sense to stand down. For someone like Spider-Man, Luke Cage, etc. standing down because Cap says so tells me they are fighting for Caps belief more than their own. They are turned into shallow zealots with no stance left to defend their terrorist actions (since from a citizens stand-point, many of these acts would very much be terrorist acts).

  9. as much as it pains me to say since I don't like any of the three matrix movies, Neo was better for Keanu. I think more highly of Keanu than most people and as fun as "Bill and Ted's..." was for us I feel like only someone like a Walken to truly pull off a role that exists as "act poorly." With the right direction Keanu can be a good actor (i.e., good performances in Hard Ball, Replacements). The first Matrix is very much a what-could-of-been movie for me, including Keanu performance-wise.

    That and it made him a huge star

  10. My biggest problem with the ending is not that Cap dropped it real quick but that his entire team immediately stopped when he said too. I would rather see Cap simply start fighting and watch his side fall apart without his leadership. Then the antis could have reasonably crumbled into whatever little factions they are going to be in.

    All in all I really enjoy the series. It wasn't the most well written story or the most well executed story but it does create a most exciting status quo and I don't believe civil war can truly be analyzed without that context.

  11. Joe Q basically came out and said that pretty much everything from the Morrison run was up in the air and gave writers free reign to take or discard whatever they wanted and retcon the mess. I remember there being alot of angry fans on both sides and not the best of tensions between between Morrison and Marvel.

    That's not just for Morrison's New X-Men run; that's how Joe feels about continuity in general. He'd rather have well-written stories over ones bogged down in continuity. The way he sees it, there's no reason to kill a story because it contradicts something that was written elsewhere. That's not to say all continuity is up for revision. Iconic stories, such as the origin of Spider-Man and death of Gwen Stacy, will remain unchained. But the death of Typeface or Microchip's origin, those can be rewritten because they didn't have a huge impact on the Marvel Universe and comic books in general.

    Morrison's run may have been the best X-run in ages, but, despite what his fans may think, it's not immune to retconning.

    I thought it was awful, but that isn't the point. I bring up Morrison's run to my friend because I know Morrison was upset about Joe's reaction to it. Morrison hated that he would allow and even encourage people to alter the key facts of his story. Mainly that he fully intended Xorn to always be Magneto, period. Instead Xorn became some other mutant controlled by bacteria pretending to be Magneto.

  12. Joe Q basically came out and said that pretty much everything from the Morrison run was up in the air and gave writers free reign to take or discard whatever they wanted and retcon the mess. I remember there being alot of angry fans on both sides and not the best of tensions between between Morrison and Marvel.

    and yes, poor poor Austen.

  13. A friend of a friend has been given an assignment where she is supposed to discuss real life controversy stemmed from fictional comic characters. It is supposed to be things like "fans found out the secret identity so DC changed it last minute to Hawk" and "DC Capt Marvel books needed to use a different title because of Marvel's Capt Marvel."

    Her character for the class is Magneto.

    I tossed her in the direction of Byrne fighting with Claremont (and I think Gruenwald) about turning Magneto into a straight-forward villain.

    Also, the complicated mess and Quesada's involvement in the end of the Xorn nonsense.

    Did Kirby and Lee fight over him at all?

    Anything you guys can think of?

  14. Nathan will be the main player to die before the season is over. Trust me on this. And I think Simone's death will be Peter's "Uncle Ben" moment: he used his powers selfishly, and it cost him dearly. From now on he can only use them for good, not gain.

    just curious here since his death is also on the top of the list when I'm speculating with my friends, but what makes you think that? honestly, that option has dropped drastically in my group's opinions since we were kind of expecting him to sacrifice himself for Peter offering the Uncle Ben type moment that Peter doesn't need anymore.

    There were a couple of times in last night's show that Peter looked really evil. What's the deal with that? Rather than an "Uncle Ben moment", how about the moment that turns him bad?

    Parker was a pretty big prick for a while before the Uncle Ben moment too. But because he is a generally good person, like the other Peter, the moment straightens him back out.

  15. I didnt think that one of the main season characters was supposed to de for another episode or two yet? Probably dont imagine her a main character but isnt that what was said anyway?

    I considered her a main character in an ensemble cast. Obviously a couple people stand out as being "more" main, peter and hiro and such, but she ranks up there the same as isaac and nathan and even DL

  16. This is a spoilers thread so I can say this. I'm glad she died(she looks dead anyways). She was a throwaway character. Now they can take Peter and Issac in different directions without the love triangle holding them back.

    I'm going to assume she's dead because the tag line was "someone dies, someone flies" and Claires mum survived. They haven't lied with their tags yet so I doubt they will now. I'm happy she is gone too. There are so many different ways they can use the death now. Further a heel turn, the key issue, hell even setting aside differences since they know they had/have at least one thing in common

  17. In DC's defense, they really don't need to. They bring out Batman and Superman movies. They really don't need to promote character awareness now do they?

    Their movie promotions are just standard action movie stuff, which is what they should be towards the non-geek.

    I only partially agree. They don't need to promote character awareness and neither does Marvel in the case of Spider-Man but they DO need to sell more comics and for any company whose licensing division is getting big budget movies made it is the job of the comic company is to take advantage of that and say "you like that? want more? read these."

    exactly. I don't remember much for distinct promotions for the first Spider movie and look how that blew up in the box office. Something like that is a result of the characters' saturation, similar to how the first Superman movie is heralded as a relative classic in and out of comic fandom. These promotions will help movies, certainly, but Marvel and DC being comic companies they should remember that the movies can help sell comics, not just that comics could possibly make good movies.

  18. Yeah, we got them here in Chicago. In fact, several of my relatives saved issues for me. Eventually I had to ask them to stop because I don't need more clutter. Regardless, it was a really cool promotion which exposed Spider-Man, Marvel and comic books in general to literally millions of non-comic readers. Hopefully DC will follow with reprints of Superman and / or Batman (or maybe The Spirit).

    I had three people saving them for me too. I had to ask them to stop as well since I'm not much of a collector and I already have all these tales in at least one other format. It would be great to see other characters show up like this, definately.