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Posts posted by TheRetreater

  1. Assholes.

    Which side?

    There's been similar concept technology before and there will be similar concept technology in the future. Just from a bried glance at news covering it, I don't see anything notable coming out of this

  2. I'll just continue making wild assumptions whilst avoiding her book then. People keep saying its good, is it?

    I'm a huge fan of the series. Season one was definately better than season two, though. I'd recommend going back and reading those before starting in with the current issues to develop your comic-taste-buds.

    There is tension in the John Jameson/She-Hulk union right now but She-Hulk did calm JJJ down about his son being married to a hero by saying she would help him sue Parker. She plans on dragging the lawsuit out for eternity and never actually taking anything from peter or giving anything to JJJ.

  3. The vibe I'm getting is very much like the new cartoon series. Which is good, I really like the new series, and it is better suited for someone my age than the old cartoon's vibe.

    The voice acting in the trailer is very good, gives me high hopes for their entire performances.

  4. I'd give it a try. A friend of mine ran a Pen and Paper one-shot and that was pretty good.

    I see the problem of everybody wanting to be main characters and losing interest in it because they can't be. There's gonna be a million river knock-offs.

    The other problem would be unique classes, but I suspect they could come up with many more good, and game-playable, classes than I could in the past thirty seconds.

  5. Oh, I just remembered a real good one. When we got a Gamecube, we got an off-brand mem card (big no-no, btw actually) and after having it for about 4-5 months, the whole thing just entirely exploded (corrupte, whatever). Lost all our SCII and SSBM data, which had everything unlocked, so we had to start from the beginning again.

    Madcatz has always treated me well, but similarly I had a little cousin want to save his game (like a half hour of play) and did so by erasing a couple "years" of work in Harvest Moon

  6. I couldn't stand the show when it first came out, but the G4 reruns somehow manage to be on my tv as background noise as I'm doing other stuff.

    I am entertained by it but almost worried if I made it a point to watch it again, like when it first came out, I would lose interest again.

  7. I just thought of one from my childhood.

    Getting ready to fight the final boss in Mega Man 2 before stopping to save it for later. But when I return to play, none of the passwords take you beyond the 8 robot master stages being cleared. Curse you, Wily!

  8. I'd probably go with an group of characters who are somewhat less godlike than Surfer or Sentry, perhaps with an old-school Avengers feel. I would say that all the members had to have actual abilities though, no norms.

    Beast- Brains AND brawn. Plus he's blue, so that saves on uniforms. Hanks pretty much at or above the Hank pym/Reed Richards/ Tony Stark level of intellect, although this might result in less adventures since his experiments might actually go right.

    Madrox- Detective, joker, multiple man, Madrox coud relly benefit from a semi-big time gig.

    She-Hulk- Sass and brawn, although the property damage involved i. superteams its good to have a lawyer.

    Spider-woman (Mattie Franklin)- A chance at redemption after the events in ALIAS. Nice to have another chick on the team as well, especially one who can bring Jonah Jameson into the controvery of public super-heroics.

    I feel like Spider-Woman doesn't fit and would probably replace her with someone who is a bit more "leader"

    Beast is smart and all but he doesn't strike me as leadership stuff, and Madrox is more "boss" than "leader" which would be better used to create tension between him and the leader.

    but his son is also married to She-Hulk.

    but for how long... Dun Dun DUUUUN

    She-Hulk is still one of the books I look forward to the most each ish

  9. Crispus Allen should not be The Spectre. He should be alive and well on the GCPD.

    I love that book and agree. His death is the only time I've ever felt continued remorse for a comic character. I still feel bad for his family about his death. And it was in such a cold and blunt manner. But the point is, he was better and of more use alive then as the Spectre

    But to add something new to the conversation, I've always been a big fan of Jim Hammond, The Human Torch. I would like to see more from him, especially following Civil War he could be a great Cap support character. And he could always be included with Namor stuff, because of the history, which could also make some great stories with Marvel current events.

  10. If I found it unenjoyable enough that having to do it again would make me go AGH!, I'd stop playing it before it reached the point of yelling.

    That being said, WoW comes the closest when you and your party does the work through something then someone else dickishly steals the goal. That is more an AGH! at jerks, though.

  11. Dude. What about Big, The Goonies, and Red Dawn?

    Don't forget about them. ;)

    Goonies 2 video game for NES will forever fill my Goonies need.

    Short Circuit wasn't really good enough cinema for me to care if they ruin it or not. If the remake is a good movie on its own, good for them, if it isn't, then shame on them.

    *Batteries Not Included, that was cinema

  12. I spend between $20-25 a week and if I have bonus munnies I'll buy a trade of something "old." I use that to catch-up on something that received good buzz and see if I like it. Right now I'm working my way through the Strangers in Paradise (really, really, really good) collections, though I haven't had a lot of bonus munnies recently so it is slow going.

  13. Spike

    He isn't beyond human like Vash is which makes him more relatable. Also, he isn't bipolar like Vash is going from stupid-giddy to uber-serious. Both have the really cool, smooth skills and poise but Spike doesn't get anything taken away because of the above about Vash.


    Babbo (MaR) or Tetsusaiga (Inuyasha)

  14. The difference between old time novels (which were serialized) and serialized comic books is as follows: serialized novels do not have a separate classification as comics do (RE: TPB), so they're still listed as novels. Down the line, if a new classification arose for novels which were once serials, I would be all for reclassifying said books as such. Until one does, they're novels. But comic books have three distinct categories: periodicals (monthly or otherwise), trade paperbacks (the collection of stories which were first serialized) and graphic novels (stories first published in book format).

    I can totally buy that, whether I agree with the comic classification reaction or not. I do, however, agree with the legit rant which (come full circle) is pretty much the same problem with the Videogame issue.

    I've enjoyed the back and forth. This is why my focus was modern rhetorical theory. But, as it stands, I'm pretty much out without becoming incessantly repetitious. Kudos

  15. Again I quote OED:

    graphic novel, a full-length ... story published as a book in comic-strip format.

    Published as a book, not collected as a book.

    The collection is still "published."

    I can see Mage; The Hero Discovered from my current chair. The Hero Discovered was originally published in 15 parts by Comico Comics. The inside cover of the square bound book collecting those issues (yes I got up to grab it and check) states

    MAGE, VOL. 1: THE HERO DISCOVERED. First Printing, Published by Image Comics, Inc.

    My stance is simply that the book sitting open on my lap is a Graphic Novel. It is a full length story published as a book in comic-strip format. The way it was originally published would not impact the physical object-on-my-lap's classification. To me it is little different from the fact that Great Expectations was originally published serially. The bound edition is sitting on bookshelves everywhere is still a novel.

    and a slight aside... Do you subscribe to OED online? Or receive it as part of an institution?

    I really miss the days when I was able to use it through my school.

  16. Anyone else find it odd that the only "normal" human in Peter's premonition was Simone? Any chance she might have powers?

    I was thinking the same thing. Also Micah's family's attendance at the event gave me a little hope that the storyline is headed somewhere... eventually, ugh.

    I am a bit confused about where these premonitions come from, though I feel the seeds have been sowed that he picked them up from Simone's dying father (I think it was her father, right?). Which would also hint at a more long-term power usage...

  17. to argue technicalities and interpretations of definitions, wouldn't not allowing the collected Watchmen to be referred to as a graphic novel mean that it is not a full-length story published in a comic format? I feel that it fits the OED criterion.

    no it was not originally published that way, but I can hold in my hand the physical object I would call a Graphic Novel.

    Even less strict, Ultimate Spider-Man: Warrior TPB could be a GN. It is a full length story of its own simply amid other similar stories. I don't see it as much different from The Bourne Supremecy being its own novel, yet there still exists Identity leading into it and Ultimatum following.

    I never really pay attention to the credit lines for it but I would be bugged by something like the Batman movie saying it is inspired by a GN unless they could actually cite the specific story collection they used.

  18. Normally I would be pissed about this, but it kind of fits in this case. The FF are media darlings. Why wouldn't Dodge approach them to put their name on the fantasticar? If it was the batmobile, it would be different.

    I agree but for a slightly different reason. I feel like only Torch would be such a shill just because he's a media darling. But considering how one of the classic story-lines of FF is "hey, uh, they want us to pay rent... do we have it?" it makes it easier for me to look beyond this Dodge bit.

    not everyone has the automatic funds of Bruce Wayne