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Posts posted by TheRetreater

  1. just curious if it is happening to any of you other peeps.

    for the past couple months reprinted issues of old-old Spider-Man tales have been coming with one of the local newspapers. it is stuff like the original electro story and the enforcers, the type of stuff that is in the first essentials volume. they split the story into two parts so the format is just a very thin comic. I assume much of the purpose is to help build hype for the movie.


  2. Aaron Eckhart is Harvey Dent/Two face! Yay!!!!

    ....well, that's the net opinion. I don't think I've seen a single film of his.

    I think the internet just likes him because he was in "Thank You for Smoking" and that movie's status is a free pass in the biased gazebo of information that the internet is.

    I've seen a couple of his things and there isn't anything that makes him stand out as good or bad, as two-face or in general.

  3. yeah, but I have fond Man-Thing memories. We pre-gamed for Man-Thing and just MST3Ked it to no end. But atleast it wasn't as bad as most straight-to-sci-fi-television movies (even though it wasn't intended to end up that way)

    and hey, grabbing an cattle fence isn't nearly as bad as being shot

  4. I love how they continue to connect the characters. the whole first scene in the apt was amazing.

    It's been fun, but the identity of Claire's daddy was just too forced. I think that one flopped.

    I disagree. It is one hell of a coincidence but that is pretty much what makes Heroes more than just people with powers. It has already been established that Nathan has no problem playing it loose so it isn't out of character for him to have kids scattered around.

  5. i have no idea what that means either...fill me in.


    This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard:

    The suffix -xor (also -zor, or other variations thereof) can be used, like the standard English -er and -or, to derive an agent noun from a verb, such as pwnzor or haxor, meaning one who pwns or hacks, respectively. It can also be suffixed to the stem of any verb, with no apparent change in meaning. The resulting verbs can be conjugated as regular English verbs.

    it is funny how people spend so much time trying to make Wiki entries so technical and sterile for even the most silly of topics

  6. I haven't seen it yet, but the reviews are mixed. Either it is pretty good, or the worst movie ever. The phrase "flaming pile of shit" was used in more than one review I read.

    thats a bit harsh. This was better than Manthing. There just wasn't anything that made it particularly good in any way

  7. surprisingly less bad than expected it to be. I really feel like it edged the line on camp value but I can't make fun of it nearly as much as I wanted to going into it. on a scale from raspberry to communal elevated hand-slaps, it gets a shrug with a-matter-o-fact smirk-n-nod

  8. Awesome! This furthers my hopes of Simon Pegg being cast as Ant-Man, and them using Irredeemable Ant-Man as the source.

    I feel like only Irredeemable would work if they are using a comic source. Otherwise you would have to go way back to the very very origin, his first wife's tale. Irredeemable would be more entertaining.

  9. I respect Vin Diesel. He seems to know where he stands in the world and takes it in stride. He's not the best thespian, obviously. It isn't that I enjoy his movies but he definately doesn't make them worse.

    Ummmm, he helped make the Riddick game good and he wrote the opening to the D&D anniversary. I care about him for that much, at least.

    Elsewheresssss, I had no idea Wanted was going to happen. thumbs up

  10. ATHF has always done a great job cutting a promo. It always gets me to watch the show. For a couple minutes. You think I would eventually remember that I don't find it entertaining. Well, I won't walk out of a theatre like I can change the channel at home.

  11. Yeah, it's beginning to bug me that it's looking like 100% action just for the sake of action. I'll still see it, but I'm not quite as excited as I was a few weeks ago.

    eh, I guess I'm not alone. The trailer really just screams testosterone and loud noises and I don't expect anything more than that from the movie. The only "well done" part, that gets me about all the trailers/ads, is the rebuttal to the arrows blotting out the sun.

    The production value is great but it hasn't shown me anything to make me think highly of it as a movie

  12. That reviewer's surface excitement pretty much sums up why I'm not really interested at all in this movie. It seems like I'm the only person ever because all my friends are super excited and think the trailers are the best things ever.

  13. there was some obvious patterns in those shots and it seemed like there was ways to sustain a collision with those shots. I'm a little skeptical partially because I've never played so I don't know if there are tricks/gameplay gimmicks I don't know about. It looked intimidating and I'm sure it is tough, but I saw enough gaps, both literal and figurative, to make it something I wouldn't normally be interested in seeing as a web video.

    I miss arcade games

  14. Post your thoughts on Rogue Galaxy once you get some playing time. I am usually my friends' goto guy when it comes to videogame stuffs but I've been bad about staying up with it all the past couple months. A friend has been bugging me about that game because it seems cool but he doesn't know if he wants it. He asked me what I know about it and I simply don't.

    That said, Ar Tonelico has been dancing on the fringes of my mind for ps2 games