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Posts posted by Davedevil

  1. Hellboy: Wake the Devil - Really fun and creepy story. Starting to see more of the characters' personalities. Art's pretty much there already, besides not having Dave Stewart yet. 

    Batgirl #50 - Good wrap-up to this team's era. Pretty good selection of artists, and Stewart does layouts once last time.

    Harley and the Suicide Squad's April Fools Special - Loved most of it, until the Suicide Squad bits show up and I really don't care for it just yet. I hope Harley's book continues on its own direction. Nice to see Jim Lee again, he does pretty well with the action. And the Wall's back to looking how she should!

    Black Panther #1 - Gorgeous Stelfreeze art. How he does shadows is amazing. The plot's pretty interesting, but part of the dialogue doesn't flow so well.

    Black Widow #2 - Pretty fantastic. 

    Spider-Women Alpha - The art by Vanesa Del Rey just doesn't appeal to me, not here and not in Constantine. It's an enjoyable book, but I'm a little more interested in the parts by Latour and Hopeless.

    Star Wars Poe Dameron #1 - Phil Noto does fantastic work on this. It's great to see a little more of the characters, especially his squadron. The backup story was really cute.

  2. Happy birthday to one of the coolest people in nerdom! 

    What, Donovan?!?

    I kid! I kid cos I love! I tell ya, the best folk in the worls are priso.....people who listen to my output!! Happy birthday sir!

    I'm pretty sure I got into the wider world of online fandom through some links from Don years ago so....I blame him for everything. 

  3. Constantine the Hellblazer Vol 1 - Great stuff. Nice to have a good modern Constantine. Has some of my favorite Hellblazer art so far.

    Daredevil by Bendis and Maleev Ultimate Collection Vol 1 - Damn good. You can clearly see where the Netflix show took its cues from. The voices are on-point. Some shocking moments. Really keeps me guessing. The plot structure was unusual but not that hard to follow. Maleev is so good. I mean he takes shortcuts as far as repeating panels but it's still great. The David Mack story at the beginning left me cold, it felt a bit like Daredevil #191 and most of Miller's run done over four issues.

    Godzilla Oblivion #1 - Pretty interesting set-up. Some scientists find their way to an alternate universe where Kaiju attack on a regular basis but Godzilla is humanity's protector. Art's not bad, but having James Stokoe covers sure makes it pale in comparison.

    Daredevil #5 - I dunno man. There's not too much to grab onto, with Matt Murdock barely being a character. Art's starting to lose its luster.

    Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #5 - Still fun, I'm liking where this is going.

    Darth Vader #18 - Awesome.

    Eleventh Doctor Year 2 #7 - Pretty intriguing. The art was a nice change of pace from the usual but still fit in with the look.

  4. Yep, it's an ongoing series. Marvel really knows how to take my money.

    Hellboy Beyond the Fences #2 - Not as good as the first issue but enjoyable enough. Paolo Rivera continues to deliver stunning work. 

    Harley Quinn #26 - Downtime issue, to catch your breath after the events of last issue. I don't like basing her look on Suicide Squad's, but it had a funny nod to it. Dug the art by Hardin and Timms.

    ANAD Avengers #7 - Solid issue, has enough going on that even though I'm not reading the crossover I'm getting enough out of it. Best Kubert art since this series started.



  5. Alien - Just felt like watching it, and I don't think I'd ever seen the theatrical cut. I still prefer the Director's Cut for the additional scenes but you can't go wrong either way. This might be one of my favorite movies. Although every time I watch it I question having the Alien get stuck in the pipes. Still, the finale's sold by Ellen Ripley losing it, as she's singing that song.

  6. Superman: American Alien #5 - Read it for the Manapul art and he didn't disappoint. Lettering was pretty noteworthy too. The voices are all pretty well-realized, except for some of Luthor's. I'm more than likely picking up the trade.

    Captain Marvel #3 - Read it twice and it's still pretty unremarkable, aside from the great Anka art.

    Star Wars #17 - Great issue. Art's too muddy for my tastes but still pretty good.

    Anakin and Obi-Wan #3 - Doesn't really advance the plot, but gives more of Palpatine manipulating Anakin. Checchetto's still doing an excellent job.

    Web Warriors #5 - The ending left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth, but overall it's a solid comic.

  7. The Ultimates 5: And because I'm here for this, it's probably going to get cancelled. (Witness: Weirdworld, Angela, and Survivors Club all got cut within the last week or so.)

    It's doing fairly well though, it was #67 in the monthly sales rankings this past February, close to Ms. Marvel and New Avengers. I think it's pretty safe for now.

  8. I think DC's biggest problem is that they forgot these movies are supposed to be fun.

    Not neccessarily. I think it's perfectly valid to make a dark superhero/comics movie - I think Batman in particular lends himself to that - and it follows that "fun" doesn't particularly aid a consistent dark tone.

    I don't think Mask of the Phantasm is fun at all, and that has the reputation among comic fans of being the best Batman movie ever. 

  9. I'd say that everything since Morrison started has been one of the best eras for the Batman books. It could be unfair because of the number of books there are, and I've never really followed the ongoings,(I read the Snyder and Capullo run in hardcover) so maybe I don't have enough perspective on this?