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Posts posted by Davedevil

  1. I listened to the episode again and I was about to mention Zombieland. Probably one of my favorite movies.

    Also, I'm not sure what a director's cut might be like. I've heard rumors that the original intent for Spidey's origin would be a lot more convoluted and planned than what was on the screen.

  2. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that Shana did a great job too! Earth 2 is a site that just keeps growing and growing. Awesomeness.

    Saw it for the third time today, with my mom. She said Peter reminds her of me, and I said she reminds me of Aunt May. This is why my mom is awesome.

    While in the theater waiting for the movie to start, I watched all the trailers,the alternate international versions and some of the behind the scenes stuff(yeah, I'm a big dork), since I had them in my iPod. Yeah, there were a couple of things that didn't make it to the final cut of the film.

    • First trailer- "Do you have any idea what you really are?"
    • Second trailer-"If you want the truth, Peter, come and get it!"
    • From the Australian version of the third trailer- A teacher asks Peter if he wants to play football and he replies "Too dangerous!"
    • "Did you think what happened to you, Peter, was an accident?"
    • One of the behind the scenes things- Peter at the school, without his mask, yelling "THIS ISN'T YOU DOCTOR CONNORS! STOP IT!"
    • Second trailer-"My dad has 500 officers looking for you." "500? Seems a bit excessive."

    Also, there's this bit, with Dr. Ratha and the Lizard.(It only hit me that he died on the second viewing)


  3. With the little details like him sleeping with a night light on, having Gwen in his wallpaper(my crush was my wallpaper for a while) and being distracted while in a conversation, I really connected to this Peter. I saw this with my mom, and she said Pete reminds her of me. I said Aunt May reminds me of her. :P

  4. I was about to throw an online tantrum when you gave your opening thoughts. And then, I actually continued to listen and I was like, "Oh, so E2:TS is still one of the best podcasts out there! Very well!"

    I agree, all of the actors did very well with their roles. My mancrush on Andrew Garfield and my massive crush on Emma Stone short circuited in that hallway scene. (Just freaking cute. Hope that's what will happen when I first ask out a girl.) Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker and Spider-Man were both a lot better than Tobey's, who couldn't pull off snarky, and couldn't cry convincingly. I agree with the point made about wanting to see Peter be snarky with Uncle Ben, though. Reminds me of a Paul Jenkins issue in the early 2000s where Pete is moping at Ben's grave, and reminiscing about how Uncle Ben gave him his sense of humor, playing pranks on Aunt May and each other.

    Also, glad Mike liked the crane scene. Everywhere I go, I see nothing but bad things about the crane scene, but I come really close to crying at that bit. Even listening to the music by itself gets me all choked up.

    Speaking of the music, I really dug it. Elfman's music was a bit too unfocused and didn't have a main identifiable theme(I still love it, though) and James Horner's ASM is a bit more old school, and had motifs that appeared throughout the movie.(The piano bit that keeps playing whenever Peter does something important and the superhero theme.)

    Anyways, this is probably my favorite Spidey film because the leads were better, the action scenes(directed by Vic Armstrong,stuntman extraordinaire, not Marc Webb, which probably explains the disjointedness) were fantastic and there are really fun twists like the important people knowing Pete's secret identity.(since they're not idiots)

  5. Great episode,Mike. Glad to hear some love for this series, and I can't wait for more variety in topics for Earth 2 The Show.

    Few things to say about this:

    -I've heard Buccellato pronounced Boo-che-la-toe.

    -Last I heard, The Flash is one of the biggest selling titles, so good to hear a lot of people are picking this up.

    -Good point about what direction the art will take if Manapul and Buccellato leave. I had the same...fear, I guess, with Daredevil. I love Paolo Rivera, but he only takes a couple of projects a year for a good reason, and apparently he already left, with Khoi Pham taking over the art chores. Their art styles are very similar, but it just doesn't feel the same. Whoever does the Flash the next could either ramp it up, or just be the guy who came after Manapul and Buccellato.

  6. Hey there everybody! After listening to over 70 episodes of Bigger on the Inside(in two weeks, too. Why I'm not insane I have no idea) I just had to join in the discussion!

    And I have a story, too: For the past week, I've been trying to get my friend to watch the show. After I heard several recommendations for Blink, I tried to get him to watch that. Still no luck. Last night,though, he mentioned that he liked Carey Mulligan, and I said that she's in that episode. Several minutes later, he was watching the episode. (At midnight too, the perfect time to watch the episode!) He said it blew his mind. Looks like I converted somebody!

    Anyways, howdy guys.