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Posts posted by Davedevil

  1. Just watched this. I enjoyed it, but I felt it was lacking some of the spirit of the comics. The Legends of the Dark Knight episode of The New Batman Adventures spoiled me; I know that they're never going to straight up adapt Miller's art style to animation, but some of the raw nature has been lost with how smooth the style was.

    Other than that, I thought it was fine. The VA was fine, other than some wonky moments with Gordon and Bruce at the beginning but they improved as it went along.

    Last thing, the fight with the mutants and the "Operating Table" line was disappointing. The last one was due to the lack of thunder.

  2. Unsurprisingly, "The Doctor's Wife" won the Hugo.


    I really like Asylum of the Daleks. My only quibble with it is

    The Rory and Amy subplot was resolved a bit too quickly. Plus, Rory waited 2000 freaking years for Amy. That's about three times as long as the Doctor's been alive. You can't just brush aside something like that.

  3. Yeah, I thought how Peter got his powers is a little bit too convoluted, like how they did the origin in the Ang Lee Hulk film. I was going to do a whole bit comparing both, but I don't really want to remember the 2003 Hulk movie. Plus, it's hard to write about what lead Peter to getting his powers. It's easier to just watch it.