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Posts posted by Zephyr

  1. Makes sense. Titles being delayed till next year. People waiting to get X-box 360s that wont come in till next year. Big DS titles having just come out. But next year will most likely see a large jump in sales.

    Yet I've seen maybe two commercials.

    I've seen plenty of commercials, but I've noticed that they are targeting an older audience, so the commercials aren't everywhere. I'm still not getting one, but I laugh everytime I see the commercial where the guy says at the end in a monotone voice: "PSP. Hells yeah."

  2. I think the only one I have ever played is Revolution X. Was that the one with saving Aerosmith, firing CDs at enemies and whatnot? If it is, I played it back in elementary school and didn't think it was so bad, at least compared to these others. So I'll just have to regugitate what I've heard from G4, IGN, and other magizines and vote ET. :D

  3. If you haven't seen this show yet, you need to. It's one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. The whole scene in the convinence store from last week was priceless. Apparently this show used to be a comic before coming to Adult Swim. Has anyone read it before?

    As a side note, the poor town you can donate money to in Animal Crossing is called Boondox.

  4. I just bought Mario Kart over the weekend, but when I tried to use my existing wireless port, it didn't detect it. :( So now I have to go get something that will work, and I'll definetly be going online once I get it. I also can't wait for Animal Crossing, just so I can meet and trade with other people, instead of just trading with one or two other people.

  5. From 1up.com...

    Just when is Kingdom Hearts 2 coming out any ways? Sometime in the year 20XX when Maverick hunters have all but ravaged the world? Regardless, Disney fans have plenty to celebrate today as it was revealed in Japan's Shonen Jump Weekly that one of the new worlds to be featured in the highly anticipated sequel is none other than the 1982 classic film, Tron.

    As you can see in a scan posted in this thread, Goofy, Donald and that cutie Sora are fully decked out in the duds of the Master Control Program universe, as well as Mr. Kevin Flynn himself, Jeff Bridges. Having the crew of Kingdom Hearts tackle a world based on a live-action film is nothing new to this sequel as a world based on Pirates of the Caribbean, complete with a seriously detailed Johnny Depp has long since been revealed.

    Only time will tell if we see Goofy on a light cycle or perhaps Sora competing in gladiator-style disc battling to the death, but one thing is for certain -- Kingdom Hearts 2 just gained +10 nerd points. And it is good.

    TRON!!! :OMG: Also here is the photo of them decked out.

  6. his license to practice law in Alabama revoked for ethical lapses such as "attacking and threatening" the Blank Rome attorneys as well as accusing the firm of conspiracy.

    Nice to see him getting in trouble for being a jackass. I can just see him telling the Blank Rome attorneys that they have half a frontal lobe.

  7. slight spoilers...

    I just finished it, and I have to say I wasn't too pleased with it. I still liked it, and the insightful moments into Jarlaxle's and Entrei's relationship are always great. But it felt too much like a linear classic D&D module. Walk here, fight an encounter, keep walking, fight another encounter. and the items and spells were taken almost directly from the rule books. Arthogate's belt of strength is just that, a belt of giant's strength +5. I blame it on the cleric. There have been clerics before, but this guy was just using healing spells left and right. And when he cast the second light spell later in the book, one gargoyle is blinded while the other isn't. I can just hear the dice being rolled, one enemy making his save and the other failing.

    Even the first dragonlance books in the War of the Lance series were based directly off of a module, but it wasn't this obvious.

  8. I never said SotS was about Drizzt, I just mentioned him as one of Salvatore's famous characters. Anyway, I found my copy of the book, and its the older one from when the book first came out, and it lists SotS as the third book in the Paths of Darkness series. However I went to the library and found the more rescent paperback version and, sure enough, it says Sell-Sword book 1 on the front. So he just decieded to go back and write more of Jarlaxle's and Entrei's story, and I for one am happy to see that extended

    And The Two Swords was a great ending to the Hunter's Blade trilogy. You should pick it up ASAP.

  9. If you don't know, R.A. Salvatore is a fantasy writer largely known for his legendary drow, Drizzt Do'Urden. If you haven't read his books, go read them. Now.

    But if you have, you might know that he has a new book out, Promise of the Witchking, which is supposed to be book two in the Sell-Sword series. Well, I looked and found the first book was Servant of the Shard, which was written in the middle of the Paths of Darkness series, and I always assumed it was a part of it. Did Salvatore always have the Sell-Sword series and just stopped, or did he switch what series Servant of the Shard was a part of? I know I have a copy somewhere, I just have to find it. If he did switch it, its a very strange thing to do.

  10. Finially got around to listening to them, and I have to say awsome job! The only thing I can say to change is to try and pick something that you can talk about in a more positive light. Just so the whole show doesn't end up with negitive reviews on everything. Keep up the great work!

  11. Maybe have Top 5 and a Bottom 5 List of the Week/Month?

    Building on that, you could pick around five of something, like 5 fighter games or 5 action mangas, and then put a poll up on the forums and have the members vote on them. One week you can announce what the poll is for next time, tell everyone to come vote on it, then share the results on air the next week.

  12. I have to agree with him. While some would still go to the theater for a new movie, after the cost of tickets and snacks for you and a friend, you've just spent about the same amount it costs to buy the dvd. The movie theater industry would be severely damaged

    "Nobody has benefited more from DVD sales than me. I bought my house on DVD sales from `The Sixth Sense,'" he said. "But take away my house. That's not why I do what I do."

    Its always refreshing to see someone driven by the love of doing something and not just profits.

  13. I have always liked having my own "ideals"

    Me too, my favorite characters are the ones that have neither a voice or dialouge. I feel more like the main character than if they have a voice and everything they say is written down. Of course this is Pac-man and not an RPG hero, so we'll just hope they choose a good voice.

  14. :grumble: No wonder we got such good tickets

    My friends and I were going to enter the costume contest, but now we just have a bunch of materials sitting around. This was going to be awsome, and now all we can do is hope they reschedule it for 2006 and keep a show in Columbus.

    They went too fast. After getting something like 100,000 for the first show, they charged ahead and scheduled around thirty. And now there's two.

  15. I knew that Jack was hugely misinformed and not as elequent as a lawyer should be, but after reading those reply's from him, I find he reminds me of those people online who act like little kids when you try to tell them something.

    YOU: Hey, try not to rush in next time, OK?

    THEM: NO, u r teh n00b!!1!

    I mean, who responds to a list of interview questions with "kiss the gaming industry goodbye,"

    As a side note, I wonder if this is really Jack Thompson replying to these. He could be plotting some evil scheme where he passes out his email address to everyone, collects all the hate mail and then send crude, unintelligable responses to thoughtful emails to get more hate mail. He then releases them all to the media, but first switching his moronic replies with something smart. I wouldn't put it past him...