George W.

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Posts posted by George W.

  1. Sounds like you need anger management classes to me.

    Teras Kasi about was 10 years ago, and I stopped getting overly frustrated by games after that. These days it's just sheer clumsiness. Well, except for the Uwe Boll movie, but you can't tell me I wasn't justified.

    Come to think of it you aren't far from me. Do you use Netflix?

    Just canceled Netflix. I only used them for a year, and got a few horribly scratched disks, but nothing broken.

  2. The boss let me off 3 hours early so I figured I'll get to play some video games and watch a movie. I pull the movie out of the Netflix sleeve and it's broken in two. How the hell did nobody notice this back at the shipping place? I doubt the post office did it because have you ever tried to break a dvd in two? It's not easy. Some asshole did it and sent it back like that.

    It's not that difficult. I've stepped on 'em, sat on 'em, put one in a microwave (Uwe Boll film). Hell, I even winged one across the room and shattered it. Actually, now that I think about it, that was a game CD. Masters of Teras Kasi for the Playstation. God that game was frustrating.

  3. You know what grinds my gears?

    Superhero t-shirts.

    I mean, if you want Superman or Batman, those are everywhere. Spider-Man or Wolverine, dime a dozen.

    But if you want a Green Arrow shirt? You're fucked. Riddler? Doesn't exist. Deadpool, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Black Panther, Luke Cage, Echo, anyone from X-Factor? Not a chance.

    How about a shirt for Preacher? Nope.

    Sons of bitches, those t-shirt makers. Every last one of them.

    And that's just in my first 5 googled results.

  4. From

    "Punisher" Cut To A PG-13

    By Garth Franklin

    She may have been (allegedly) kicked off the project but considering what they're doing to her baby, one doubts director Lexi Alexander would want back on.

    Not content with being situated as the sole wide release on the worst filmgoing weekend of the year (the post-Thanksgiving weekend), Latino Review reports that Lionsgate has decided to edit their upcoming "Punisher: War Zone" film down from a hardcore R-rating to a PG-13.

    Why is it happening? The likely answer is "The Dark Knight" which managed a PG-13 despite its super dark and intense scenes. But whereas Batman has all sorts of psychological angles and a superb script backing it up, "Punisher" has no such quality filmmaking pedigree and thus is very reliant on the hardcore bloody stylings of the violence, as demonstrated in a super-violent clip screened in San Diego last month.


  5. Had to go with Nightmare on Elm Street. It's hard for me to say why without comparing the main characters, so I'll just say it: Freddy scared the living shit out of me as a kid. He is my boogeyman.

    But I'll back you on the Jason X thing. I could not stop laughing at that movie. It's probably my 4th favorite bad movie, behind Jaws: the Revenge, This Island Earth, and Frankenfish.

  6. Listening to the e-mails now, and I just remembered a thought that occurred to me from the last episode. Batman and Robin go into the cave during "Over the Edge" and change into their costumes before running. Mike asked why, and I think I have an answer. It's been shown in past episodes that Batman has a ton of little gadgets in his costume itself and not just the utility belt (lock picks come to mind). Robin probably has an equal amount in his costume to. They might also be bullet-resistant, which would be helpful if running from some trigger happy GCPD rookie.

    As for the amount of time it takes to change into their costumes... I've got nothing.

    Also, Mike, about the last Kryptonian thing, you wouldn't want Zod in continuity?

  7. Maybe it's just me, but your third point sounds like you're saying it's better to get hammered than deal with life. Again, I'm not soapboxing, I just can't wrap my head around it.

    It isn't better to get hammered than to deal with real life. I didn't mean to insinuate that. But, for me, it is better to wait a little bit (usually about 12 to 24 hours) and think about my actions in a mostly analytical manner than it is to react just on my emotions. To do that, I need something to pass the time and distract me. Today, it's alcohol. In the past, it's been marijuana, comic books, video games, movies, or drawing.

    Also, this was a really good show. Top marks to both of you.