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Everything posted by Dread

  1. I'm going with Thor TDW. The crazy space opera vibe (Krull meets Norse Mythology) was really fun for me.
  2. Dr. Strange was straight garbage. This was officially the easiest choice.
  3. This was the hardest choice yet. Captain Marvel gets the vote for being different. More of a fresh vibe. Also, for a character I really couldn't give a shit about in the comics, the movie did a good job of making her interesting.
  4. I enjoyed Homecoming, but there's a real argument for Winter Soldier being the best the MCU has to offer.
  5. Damn...I would have written the fuck out of Chris Benoit meeting Wolverine.
  6. haha! Yeah, pretty much. Back to back nights though
  7. Same. Haha! Both are bottom of the barrel for me.
  8. I'm not a fan of either films, but Killmonger is probably the MCU's best villain so I went with BP.
  9. GOTG showed that the MCU could do something different. IM3 is an awful film.
  10. IT Chapter Two: watched this with the oldest the other night and it's pretty damned good. The monsters look more cartoonish in this one, but I really enjoyed the casting and the take on the novel. It's less faithful than the first, but appropriately so. Anchorman: again. Oldest wanted something lighter after IT. Haha! Features: 69 Shorts: 2 Documentaries: 10 Rewatches: 2
  11. They spent five movies putting the Avengers together and then spent half of the Avengers movie putting the Avengers together. My vote is for the one I dislike less. Mainly for that airport fight.
  12. Cold Skin/Valentine: Dark Avenger/Howl: reviews forthcoming. Features: 68 Shorts: 2 Documentaries: 10 Rewatches: 1
  13. The Return of Captain Invincible: review forthcoming Monster Squad: finally was able to get this on Blu Ray after my DVD special edition went missing. Not features on the BR though. That's a bummer. Movie looks good. Features: 65 Shorts: 2 Documentaries: 10 Rewatches: 1
  14. A couple episodes into the new Unsolved Mysteries and loving it. Beautiful cinematic documentary filmmaking combined with the tone and case-type of the original show. No host was the best thing they could have done. Robert Stack is unreplaceable.
  15. The Last Space Race #1: I think I found it. A sci fi comic I actually give a shit about. The Unstoppable Wasp #1: I loved the last series, but I can't get past the art here. Can't do the manga influence. Not for me. Weapon H #9: still fucking great. What If Marvel Comics Went Metal with Ghost Rider? #1: god this is fucking horrible. What if Peter Parker Became the Punisher? #1: this is really fun. Felt like an old school 90s What If? X-23 #5: not bad. Didn't light my world on fire. X-Men Black Mojo #1: Oh my God...this was fucking funny. I dug it a lot. X-Men Black Mystique #1: decent. It did feel very rote. Babyteeth #13: holy shit. This was good. Bettie Page Halloween Special #1: the first story was fun, but the second was almost unreadable. Books of Magic #1: so...are they just remaking the original series? No complaints here, really, because the other Sandman U reboot books have sucked horribly. This was pretty good. Dead Kings #1: good introduction to the world. I'll try another. High Heaven #2: still pretty good. Infinity Wars Arachknight #1: this was...not too bad. Infinity Wars Sleepwalker #2: still pretty good. Infinity Wars Soldier Supreme #2: this was also pretty good. Judge Dread Toxic #1: no thanks. Justice League Odyssey #2: this is kind of cool. KISS Blood and Stardust #1: I'm intrigued, but not enough to continue. Lodger #1: a crime book by the Laphams? I'm in...I read it. Nope. Not in. Mars Attacks #1: I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. I would check it out in trade. Moon Knight #200: this was a slog. Old Lady Harley #1: holy shit this was awful. Red Sonja Halloween #1: same as the Bettie Page one, first story was decent, but the second was unreadable. Also, can we do something other than Kulan Gath? Supervillains Unite! The Complete Super-villain Team-up: this is a really fun collection of mostly shenanigans between Doom and Namor. I did it as a read-along for the Defender's Dialogue podcast like Godzilla. Next up is Man-Thing! And now the stuff that's been sitting on my bedside table forever: Savage Dragon #246-7: really enjoying this part of the run. Young Romance The Best of Simon & Kirby's Romance Comics: some of these are pretty hokey, but there's a lot of really great storytelling and boisterous early silver age work here. Recurring themes: young women are a pain in the ass. Haha! People talk all about Kirby defining superhero comics in the 60s, but he also created several genres with Simon, Romance Comics being one of them. In the Pines: 5 Murder Ballads: this is a cool collection of adaptations of old murder ballads by Erik Kriek. There is stark terror in a lot of these pages and it was extremely compelling. Flayed Corpse and Other Stories: I almost bought this when it came out through DCBS but it was an expensive month so I dropped it. I then picked it up last summer when Stacy and I went to Seattle at the Fantagraphics Books store. It is quite easily the best sequential work I've read all year. It's a collection of short strips that deal with horror, sex and nihilism. It's beautiful, funny and sad. Josh Simmons has quickly climbed my list of favourite cartoonists. and more: Return of Wolverine #2: this is really good. Sentry #5: this is likely a lot of noise signalling nothing, but, overall, I'd say this is a successful miniseries. The Army of Darkness Halloween Special: garbage from jump. The Punisher #3: still so fucking good. This is a golden age of Punisher comics. The Whispering Dark #1: a slog. I'm out. Vampirella: Roses for the Dead #2: this was decent Vampirella Halloween Special: not good. Vampironica #4: this was ok. It feels like it's treading water a bit. What If Thor was raised by Frost Giants? #1: this was a lot of fun. Something that captures that 90s WI? feel while using a modern method of storytelling. It was quite solid. X-Men Black Juggernaut #1: This was pretty fun. Issues: 155 Trades: 12 Omnibus: 4 Graphic Novel: 7
  16. Hagazussa/Revenge: reviews forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga: this was not bad. Rachel Macadams is a delight and Dan Stevens is great. Some decent laughs. Not a bad date movie. Also, is there a sexier man alive than old, bearded Pierce Brosnan? Features: 63 Shorts: 2 Documentaries: 10 Rewatches: 1
  17. Ha! He's got a podcast too. Literally! with Rob Lowe. Stacy and I are just past halfway through season one of Lucifer. Definitely fallout from episode 666. Really enjoying it. It's sexy and fun and really indicative of the urban fantasy I like to write (minus the grisly nihilism).
  18. Yeah, I haven't got to it yet. Haha! I'm MONTHS behind on comics.
  19. This is going to be the least amount of comics I've read in a year in a very long time, I think. Time to up the standards of what I read to get rid of the chaff. I've got a stack of trades and stuff I've read too on top of these single issues, but I'm too lazy to add them right now. Haha! Infinity Wars #4: solid. Way better than any of the tie-ins thus far. Justice League Dark #4: way better than the previous entry in this arc. I really dug this one. I like this team. Marvel Zombie #1: nice to see what ol' Simon Garth was up to in the Marvel Zombies universe. Great issue. Steffano Raffaele did one of my all-time favourite zombie comics, so his art here is extra appreciated. Murder Falcon #1: a guy summons a heavy metal murder falcon to fight monsters by playing his guitar. Yes, I like this. Ninja-K #12: consistently the best thing Valiant has done in the reboot. Old Man Logan #49: only one more issue left. Will be sad to see it go. One of the best things Marvel's done in years. Quantum Age #3: not bad. Red Hood Outlaw #27: really fucking good. Scream! & Misty: this is a 2000AD horror anthology. Not bad. Shuri #1: not bad, but not good enough to keep reading. Issues: 119 Trades: 9 Omnibus: 3 Graphic Novel: 7
  20. Platform/A Record of Sweet Murder: reviews forthcoming Features: 60 Shorts: 2 Documentaries: 10 Rewatches: 1
  21. Thanks for all your work on this Mike, What a pain in the ass!
  22. Tigers Are Not Afraid: review forthcoming Features: 58 Shorts: 2 Documentaries: 10 Rewatches: 1
  23. Watching Parks and Rec with the boys and I'll be damned is Chris Prager isn't the most delightfully positive character in television.