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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Thought that it should be mentioned that writer, forumite (though he never posted much) and cohost of the E-2 podcast Better in the Dark, Derrick has passed away. I'm heartbroken. The world is worse off without him.
  2. I pretty much agree with everything you said, but I have to say the early work on GOTG was pretty great space opera. Injustice Gods Among Us Year 5 Complete Collection: This shit keeps getting wilder and wilder. Issues: 65 Trades: 5 Omnibus: 5 Graphic Novel: 2
  3. Godzilla vs Kong: Like all these movies, things are best when monsters are onscreen. I geeked out several times. It's fun on almost every level. I did leave feeling a little empty. Perhaps that's because money is tight and I rented this on Prime, but I don't know. Amazing effects, especially in the ... third act. Sorry, didn't realize there was no longer spoiler code. Villains/Downrange: reviews forthcoming Without Name: this was supposed to be for a review, but it's just 90 minutes of a guy going to a weird place and getting high and seeing weird shit. I've done that on my own. Lame. The House on Haunted Hill/Lucky: review forthcoming White Boy Rick: great crime film based on a true story. Great acting all around. It's a breezy 2 hours and teeters on excess. Features: 45 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 5 Rewatches: 0
  4. Immortal Hulk #17-19: trying to catch up on this great series. The Borgias: even in the early 2000s it's pretty insane that a prominent Chilean and Italian published something so brazenly blasphemous. Of course they did it as a "historical document" about the evil Borgia family. It's vile and beautiful at the same time. This DH book collects all four graphic novels and I'd never read the fourth before. Holy shit. It's dark. Haha! I guess I'll count this as a TPB as it collects four GNs? Jim Valentino's Shadowhawk Chronicles: what a weird collection. It escapes people sometimes how high Valentino's work sold at Marvel. More than some of the other Image guys, even. Look at sales figures from the time and Guardians of the Galaxy was on the top ten list of comics sales more often than it wasn't. Shadowhawk's a mixed bag. I recall the "mystery" of who he was under the mask was big at the time. But reading through, it's not even attempting a mystery. There's just some people who aren't Shadowhawk and Shadowhawk. But the cops and press aren't even like "Who is Shadowhawk?" They just want to arrest him. This has almost everything with him in it except the two Youngblood issues. But characters from all over the Imageverse appear. Savage Dragon (I had the cover for Shadowhawk #4 poster), Spawn, Chapel, hell, even the 1963 characters. Still, kind of weird for the WildCATs to be here seeing as they're DC characters now. The book is in black and white and poorly formatted. In fact, the pages seem blown up to the point that at some times, word balloons run off the page. Perhaps that's one of the things that had to happen fro him to reprint the characters of so many other creators (including those who no longer work for Image). Interesting. Once they tell us who Shadowhawk is, there's more than 7 issues of him going across the Imageverse to find a cure for his HIV. So wild. In fact, I think the only thing other than the Youngblood issues were the two issues where he crossed over with Vampirella. I remember those being pretty good. Issues: 65 Trades: 5 Omnibus: 4 Graphic Novel: 2
  5. Age of X-Man Marvellous X-Men #1: this is solid. Everyone is mutants now so it makes sense that the X-Men are celebrities. Fun first issue. Asgardians of the Galaxy #6: this might be the best issue of the bunch thus far. Conan the Barbarian #3: this is really fucking good. Daredevil #1: the first issue of the Zdarsky run. Holy shit. It's good. Also, yes lady, don't get involved with Matt. It won't end well. Female Furies #1: strap in. This is fucking garbage. I get that they're going for sexual politics in this, but it's really hard to go from Darkseid forcing Granny Goodness to sleep with him and spurning her to making the Furies go through a contest involving cooking, evening gowns and swimsuits. It's fucking dumb. And SO MANY artists who try to grasp a little of Kirby's magic (as this one does in flashbacks) end up giving work that looks like the shitty Topps Comics Kirbyverse with guys like McFarlane inking sketches Kirby had and trying to place them in sequence to make a comic. If I could remember the fuckwad's name who wrote this, I'd put him on my list of people to never read again, but I have a feeling his career in comics won't be long. Give me the Female Furies and I'll fill it with sexual politics and the horrors of war and make a comic no one would think you can do with these characters. But this, this is horseshit. Black River: this is a graphic novel by Josh Simmons. Perhaps he has some trouble with long form work, but it felt like a lot of wasted space. Still, it's chock full of nihilism, fucked up comedy and just pure bleakness of the human condition, so it fits with his other work. Defenders Epic Collection The End of All Songs: this is the final chunk of the Defenders book written beautifully by DeMatteis. You'd think the weirdest stories on any book that has been written by Steve Gerber to be written by Gerber, but no. These are wild and great. Manslaughter and Interloper are two of my all-time favourite C-list Marvel characters and they get a lot of page time here. Perlin's work is sometimes rough, but at other times great. Solid. Man-Thing by Steve Gerber The Complete Collection vol. 2: speaking of Gerber...been reading this along with the Defenders Dialogue podcast. Great stuff overall. Amazing art and fun stories. Hack/Slash Omnibus Volume 6: the relationship between Vlad and Vampirella is hilarious. Fun comics. Issues: 62 Trades: 4 Omnibus: 3 Graphic Novel: 2
  6. Uncle Peckerhead: review forthcoming Sorry to Bother You: I wish I'd seen this sooner. I was under the impression this was bitingly satiric (which it is), but not that it would be a nightmarish sci-fi/horror film. What a wild fun ride this movie is. Great acting by actors I already loved, and a few of the wildest moments I've ever seen on screen. I loved it. Also, continuing the trend of my girlfriend and I not being able to pick out a movie that doesn't turn out to be super fucking weird. The Dirt: man, I'm bad at keeping track of movies this year. This is decent for what it is. They change the timeline around from what actually happened, but it makes sense. Iwan Rheon and Machine Gun Kelly in particular did a great job. And oh lordy, I don't know who the actress is that played young Heather Locklear but holy 😍 Features: 38 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 5 Rewatches: 0
  7. Justice League The Snyder Cut: it contains all my favourite parts of the theatrical and more. Hangs together as a film WAY better. Though, there's no way this would have been his original vision, because WB wouldn't have gone for a four hour theatrical release. I'll be grabbing this on blu ray to see it in widescreen. Features: 35 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 5 Rewatches: 0
  8. Coming 2 America: Not as funny as the original, but it absolutely can't be expected to be. It's fun. New prince was annoying at first, but I ended up enjoying the younger generation by the end. Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot: darkly comic biopic about an alcoholic quadriplegic cartoonist. Joaquin Phoenix is amazing in it. So is everyone else. Never saw this on anyone's year end list podcast-wise a few years back, so I'm to assume it's very underrated. Great movie. Black Mountain Side/High Moon/Outcast/Open 24 Hours/Sword of God/Landmine Goes Click/Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker: reviews forthcoming. Features: 34 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 5 Rewatches: 0
  9. The Punisher #7: I'll say it again, Rosenberg is the best Punisher writer inside the Marvel U. Weapon H #12: Great series overall. Fantastic ending. Wyrd #1: solid start. I'll check out more. X-Force #2: decent. FINALLY getting to the stack on my bedside table. These are books I've read over the last three months that I've been too lazy to log: Richard Corben's CHILDREN OF FIRE #1-3: When Corben died, I wanted to read some stuff of his and this miniseries I'd never read before was already on my TBR pile. It isn't fantastic. Three issues of anthology books. I should read the Den books next. Or reread his Marvel horror stuff or the DarkHorse releases. Amazing artist. Event Leviathan: This is far better than the other DC work by Bendis that I've read. A fun super-spy mystery that has a great group of characters. But I have to ask: if Batman is putting together the best group of Detectives he can find, why is Plastic Man one of them? Why not Dibny? Seems odd. Frankenstein Underground: Ben Steinbeck's art is so killer on this. The story dips when they start explaining the hollow earth conspiracy stuff. Yawn...but great character work and amazing art. Birthright vol. 9 War of the Worlds:one of the finest fantasy books ever. Still refreshing and exciting 45 issues in. The Medusa Chain: a DC graphic novel from way back. It's awful. Yikes. Issues: 57 Trades: 4 Omnibus: 0 Graphic Novel: 1
  10. Well, it's March and I'm already pretty certain 30 COINS is going to be my favourite TV show of the year. Holy shit, it's fucking bonkers.
  11. War is Hell #1: Another 80 years of Marvel one shot, but holy fuck, I absolutely cannot with Chaykin's Cabbage Patch Kid art anymore. Age of X-Man Alpha: This is fucking exciting. Captain America #7: Coates keeps me dancing on the edge of giving this up. Dead Man Logan #3: not bad Heroes in Crisis #5: I know this isn't popular, but I think this is one of the most unique ways of creating an event in an established superhero universe. It feels more like Wildstorm than it does DC. Ice Cream Man #9: continuing its march as being the best anthology horror comic of the modern age. Journey Into Unknown Worlds #1: another 80 years of Marvel thing. Unremarkable. Marvel Knights 20th #6: huh...that's it? Mysteries of Love in Space #1: a dumb fun DC special. A couple good stories. Quantum Age #6: not the greatest ending, but still a good story overall. Issues: 50 Trades: 1 Omnibus: 0 Graphic Novel: 0
  12. Oh yeah, UPDATE: the movie I ACTUALLY forgot was Pale Door. But in my torment, trying to figure out which movie I forgot, I actually remembered a different movie I'd forgotten I'd watched instead.My count hasn't changed because math.
  13. Becky: this movie is fucking rad. Coming To America: the boys and I finished Wandavision, so it's back to movies. With the sequel now out, I wanted to rewatch the original. I haven't seen it since it first came out (I was 8). It holds up pretty well. This is the first movie that Eddie Murphy played multiple characters ( and Arsenio Hall, too), but I was totally duped by one character in the movie until the credits outed it. Crazy. I had to explain to my sons that two of the peripheral characters were played by Murphy and Hall, but we were all blown away by one. Looking forward to watching the sequel in the next few days. Features: 25 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 5 Rewatches: 0
  14. Pale Door/Queen of Black Magic: reviews forthcoming Date Night: not bad. Fun date movie. Going, Going Chumbawamba Live at Leeds 2012: this performance film is the final performance from a band who began as anarcho-punks, moved to aggressive pop rock and then to A Mighty Wind-style folk music. Fantastic Brian Regan On The Rocks: better than his last special, but still, I'm not feeling Regan like I used to. Features: 23 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 5 Rewatches: 0
  15. Invaders #1:I read this when I was in the cups, and couldn't remember a page of it. Then I reread it and actually teared up twice. What a great first issue. Love the Invaders and this is the right way of going about telling more of their story. Justice League Dark #7: this was really fucking cool. An anthology story featuring Man-Bat as the Cryptkeeper setting up the next big bad. Solid. Marvel Comics Presents #1: this was really fun. All the stories were good. Of course, it's anchored by Wolverine as the original was. Loved the Namor story. Return of Wolverine #4: pretty forgettable. Uncanny X-Men #10: this is dipping into the Age of X-Man event which I'll be checking out next. Uncanny X-Men Annual 1: great! Reintroducing Cyclops. Blossoms 666 #1: terrible. Crypt of Shadows #1: a fun throwback horror comic with some great stories. It's an 80th anniversary of Marvel thing Freedom Fighters #2: this was just ok. I'll give it another. GI Joe Silent Option #3: solid. Guardians of the Galaxy #1: not too bad. I'll check out another. Naomi #1: Man, been a while since I've read Bendis, and HOLY SHIT is he ever long-winded. Lots of pages of characters complaining and having irrelevant conversations. Just awful. Shazam #2: Not great. Superior Spider-Man #2: This is great. Spider King Frosbtite: nooope. Issues: 40 Trades: 1 Omnibus: 0 Graphic Novel: 0
  16. A-HA! I remembered it. Untrue: I remembered to look through my "watch it again" thing on Netflix. YOU CANNOT KILL DAVID ARQUETTE. This was actually a very good movie, and I really enjoyed it. I've always liked him, and even though he's a dumbass, he's got a lot of passion. If you don't know, this is a documentary about him getting self-retribution for the wrestling stuff, by...wrestling for real. I know I already counted it, but I'm amending because I counted it as a feature and not a doc. Features: 20 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 3 Rewatches: 0
  17. Yeah, I left it too long. Then I was in the basement watching something else when I remembered. Then I forgot again. 🤷‍♂️ Bliss: This is one of three movies with that name that have come out in the past couple years and are on Prime. This is ANOTHER movie my girlfriend chose as something romantic to watch on Valentine's because she wanted a regular romance or romantic comedy and, of course, like the last one, it is a mindfuck. This one isn't as successful as Palm Springs. 1. It has Owen Wilson. I don't like him. 2. It doesn't pay off. It doesn't make sense. They don't explain things because it's cool to be mysterious, there's a massive flaw in the logic of the rules the film establishes that are breached and no explanation is offered. But, then again, it has Salma Hayak. Features: 21 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 2 Rewatches: 0
  18. Goddammit! I remembered the movie I forgot last night. Then I forgot it again. Haha! Fuck it! I'm counting it. Features: 20 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 2 Rewatches: 0
  19. I'm missing a movie that I watched before the one below but I can't remember for the life of me. Get Him To The Greek: youngest wanted to watch Hangover III AGAIN, but this movie came up in the Netflix search so i pulled an audible and we watched this instead. I think it's a great example of Jonah Hill being possibly the greatest straight-man in modern comedy and Brand, who I don't really like, is great as a rock star. Elizabeth Moss is delightful in an early role and O'Brien from TNG/DS9 is great too. Features: 19 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 2 Rewatches: 0
  20. I haven't. I have a very low attention span for audio drama, which is weird coming from someone who planned and scripted one of his own that went nowhere. I like the idea, and the setup is a little on the nose being that Logan is obviously being set up as the killer in the first issue, but I enjoy the peripheral characters who are the only ones you actually hang out with in issue one.
  21. The Punisher #6: holy shit. Where are they going with this? This truly is the golden age of Punisher comics. Turok #1: I really want a good Turok comic.This isn't it. Uncanny X-Men #8, 9: this is crazy. Love Legion stories. Wolverine the Long Night #1: I was prepared to not give this the time of day, but I really like it. This is the comic adaptation of the audio drama, right? X-23 #8: Not sure how long we're going to beat the dead clone horse here, but here we are. Asgardians of the Galaxy #5: the first one of these I didn't like. Babyteeth #14: goddamn. This is fucking good. Black Widow #1: this is the Soska sisters' run, and it starts off pretty well. Conan the Barbarian #2: ok, this one I really enjoyed. Fantastic Four #6: solid. Hawkman #8: yeah, I'm out. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four Volume 2: still fucking great. Issues: 25 Trades: 1 Omnibus: 0 Graphic Novel: 0
  22. Billy Jack/The Trial of Billy Jack/Billy Jack Goes to Washington: reviews forthcoming. Rivers and Roads: The Head and the Heart Live From Pike Place: this is a documentary/performance film about my girlfriend's favourite band. It's like The Last Waltz-style presentation (not so deep on the interviews) with the added awkwardness of a former band member being interviewed. Pretty good. We're watching Some Kind of Monster next. Haha! Features: 18 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 2 Rewatches: 0
  23. It's a gooder. Biohazard: Degeneration/Biohazard: Damnation/Resident Evil: Vendetta: reviewed the three RE animated movies for the patreon supporters. The Born Losers: review forthcoming Shirley: look, they fictionalize the writing of Hangsaman with a script that is sometimes sloppy and rudderless. But I truly appreciate a biopic of Shirley Jackson that feels like one of her novels. It's a fun exercise that works probably better than it should. The performances in this are top-tier. Especially Elizabeth Moss. The score is INCREDIBLE. This is a best of year list contender for sure. Features: 15 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 1 Rewatches: 0
  24. Blood Moon/Chopping Mall: reviews forthcoming Whiplash: Jesus...Teller is amazing in this. So is Guttenberg. But JK Simmons acting is still sitting in my head this morning. It is one of the finest performances I've ever seen. Why did I not watch this sooner? Features: 10 Shorts: 0 Documentaries: 1 Rewatches: 0