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Posts posted by slothian

  1. The BBFC stuff is rather irksome. Whilst the UK isn't unliberal, Gordon Brown's Labour party has moved to the centre-right and whilst they aren't the same political party as that of Thatcher, they get away with a LOT of distinctly Thatcherite policies whilst painting themselves as better as their rival party when they were last in government over 10 years ago. I have a feeling Stavros is a Labour man, so I apologise if this thread gets hijacked for a debate on British politics! (Even if I'm a lapsed Liberal Democrat with no current affiliations!)

    Anyways, good to hear my compatriots featured this week! The actor who plays the absentee Lord, incidentally, is well-known for two prominent BBC sitcoms so I always get caught off guard when I see him seriously act.

  2. Ever wonder why my ish isn't on weekly? Well, I've recently launched an excuse for where my writing energies go! Sloth Town is Blogspot's answer to Dread Media in that it's updated weekly on Mondays. But it isn't specifically about horror. Or audio. Or award-eligible. I guess that wasn't a very good analogy...

    Either way, it's me writing about non-Comic Book Movies stuff. Some of it (like my most recent post) will feature references that may whizz over the heads of non British residents, but hopefully that won't put you off. Plus the first post shills, so I feel this site now owes it a look!! :happy:

  3. Even if I went away empty-handed this year, I honestly feel more honoured by the on-air feedback for my writing. Last year, I got awards for my contributions, but mere laughter and talk of my voice's ability to "wetten panties". So on the whole, I haven't had cause to complain on either year!!

    Congrats to all the winners. I am legit surprised that WFP8 didn't make the top 3 though - I thought everyone preferred bad reviews to good ones (although I don't begrudge either Mask of the Phantasm or the Demon's Quest of their positions as both episodes were fantastic). Also glad to see WFP3 get recognition because it was so nicely balanced in terms of content.

  4. Can't really add much to the above glowing praise, James! But damn it, I'll try!

    .....I like that you grade out of 100! Even if that sounds jokey, it does at least define scores better than out of 10. If I have several Comic Reel-lief films rated 8.5, I'll simply order them in terms of preference and explain the positioning when I do my Top 10/15/20 list. Your way is much easier in that regard!

  5. Honestly, this is probably my least favourite article of mine, if only because I was going to tear the JLA film a new arsehole and then the production status really screwed that over! I'm glad I pinned down my Alba thoughts though - I've got a more general look at the role of women in CBMs to come, but I tempted to save it until after this summer's crop of films.

  6. I've NEVER seen this show before, so I'm quite interested - not least by Mark Hamill's Trickster. Given that Hamill would go on to voice him in the DCAU, you almost wonder if it could be considered in continuity. Admittedly it would be pre-Wally West of the S:TAS/JL/JLU....and this show IS live action, but still. Much like his Joker voice was used to begin another DC live action show Birds of Prey (which I also didn't see), Hamill's career whoredom might well theoretically link ALL TV shows EVER to JLA!! :D

  7. I think this could be quite entertaining. It won't be in the same league (or anywhere near) Batman Begins but it could top Superman Returns...swearing off a JL movie because of two successful franchises is a lie. SR sucked big time.

    True enough - I've pimped it recently, but episode 72 is somewhat award-winning! :D

    I don't want a JL movie in a Batman Begins universe anyway.

    I'm along for the ride. Especially if I can see it filming in Vancouver. Brody, by the way, is a great choice for Flash.

    The problem is not so much that it affects the new Batman universe, or to a lesser extent the Superman one with asthmatic Superboy and a character called "Lois Lane". The problem is that this may be the basis of a New Wonder Woman universe, Lantern universe etc etc. I'm really hoping that somehow these movies did a

    Incredible Hulk/Iron Man

    and had a character interlink any stand-alone films with the Nolan Batman films, to obscure the relevance of this JLA movie.

  8. Do Warner Brothers not read my columns?!?!? They're about to tar some of DC's greatest heroes and set back proper feature films of them by years/decades just so Adam Brody and his seemingly Australian Justice League can fight Maxwell Lord in Canada.

    Did Catwoman teach these people nothing? And do they really want to piss Chris Nolan off so soon after his Joker dying already limits his third film scope? Haven't the producers who suggested Superman can't fly when facing a giant spider been pensioned off? Can anyone persuade the writers to strike again?

    I've got a million of these, trust me... :grumble:

  9. Here's a question for peops: do you like famous bands from your area/state?

    My home shire produced notable modern day alternative acts The Young Knives (who are awesome) and Kasabian (who are best heard live). Also attached to Leicestershire: Showaddywaddy, Mark "Return of the Mack" Morrison, and Engelbert "Please Release Me" Humperdinck

  10. I enjoyed Superman Returns, it wasn't a bad film. But what they did wrong was establish it as canon to Superman I and II. All they really could have used was the John Williams theme and the Marlon Brando dialogue. It should have been a seperate series from the Christopher Reeve films.

    Kates Bosworth's performance wasn't what it could have been, she seems to have taken what Dana Delany and Teri Hatcher did with the role and mix it with the attitude of a mother.

    Kevin Spacey was fun and probably one of the best things about the film. Throughout the film I didn't think one time about Gene Hackman, Clancy Brown or John Shea's portrayels of the character.

    Brandon Routh was okay, for a man who had the weight of Christopher Reeve's performance on him, he could have done worse.

    The rest of the acting was decent and helped the film pace well.

    Also I wasn't a big fan of the last 30 minutes of the film, when the continent of Kryptonite is made that's when the film kind of lagged for me.

    The last problem with the film is that since it was written by die hard fans of the first 2 films and there are an overabudants of references(like lines and similar-type characters)to those two films.

    But since this reply has become more of a review here's my score. 6 out of 10

    You should hear the reviews on the main podcasts, #39 & #72. I seem to remember #72 winning some kind of award.... :happy:

  11. Wait, Lois Lane is a hard-nosed petulant bitchy reporter?!?! That can't be right - I mean I watched Superman Returns and she wasn't like that at all....

    No slothian, from I recall Lois was an annoying bitch, and also she sucks at being a mom.

    Eh, I don't remember her being a *bad* mom in that film, but the fact she was one at all was part of the problem. I'm not saying Lois Lane's character can't mellow, but in that Superman Returns is meant to be a continuation from Superman I & II, I saw nothing of Margot Kidder in Kate Bosworth's performance, which you can't blame on the script alone when you consider what Routh did.

    On Topic: I like the idea of keeping ye olde Batman TAS theme. Like Mike, that film just gets me pumped up at the start of all WFP episodes, much like I love hearing Vincent Price in the Dread Media credits.

  12. And I'm struggling to place where Des gave his thoughts on the film - I *think* it was the 2007 round-up, but I'm listening to WFP, and I can't listen to 2 podcasts at once!

    Des did not give his thoughts on the film in his 2007 round-up because that was about Top 5 films of the year.

    Des refused to see it on principal and watched Vincent Price in The Last Man on Earth instead. He's sure it's much better.

    The third person is so awesome!

    Hmm, could've sworn I Am Legend got more than one review....