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Posts posted by drqshadow

  1. Once again, that be spoilers. You've been warned.

    12 issues in 2 years! They made it! :)

    I enjoyed issue 12, though it felt a little too much like the heroes had been holding back to keep things interesting, and finally decided to cut loose. A LOT of ass-kicking this issue, a lot of death, and a lot of finality. Thor returning to the team at the Scarlet Witch's behest wasn't quite the mark-out moment that I thought it was going to be, but the Iron Man 6 armor more than made up for it. Stark piloting a fucking low-flying space station?! While drunk?!? Good times.

  2. The reason Ennis' later MK Punisher work (mostly) sucked is because Garth hates superheroes, and he didn't like having to incorporate them into his Punisher stories. So he made the heroes look like assholes, which hurt the overall product.

    Heh, you don't have to tell me twice that he doesn't like superheroes... I just read the first issue of "The Boys." :)

    I can only partially agree with that assessment of why the later issues of MK Punisher sucked, though. Even the issues without superheroes, like the underground sewer zombie whateverthefuck monsters story, were just crap. I think he was more tired of the idea of having to work within the confines of a non-Vertigo work environment, but had made a commitment to the character, so he shat out whatever came to mind.

    But the issues with Wolverine and Daredevil were wholly insulting, too...

  3. I agree. Only they seem to be nothing but more of the same. Ennis is repeating himself over and over with a nastier villain each time. He's repeating a winning formula but he's still repeating.

    I'll admit that there are a lot of recurring themes, but I wouldn't quite go so far as to say each story is a repeat of the last. It's an action book, so you're pretty much required to have a gunfight every issue, but I think the underlying themes are fairly varied. You had the rescue and escape mission of the Russian missle silo story, the corporate espionage and constant back-stabbing of the Barracuda arc, the war against public perception in the crooked cop tale... the end result is typically the same (Frank emerges victorious by slaughtering everything in sight) but I've enjoyed the stories quite a bit.

    And it's head and shoulders above the slop Ennis was shoveling out near the end of the MK Punisher series. Man, was that stuff bad.

  4. Man, Liefeld is such a scam artist. He "creates" a character for Tom Cruise to play... "He looks like The Silver Surfer. He climbs walls like Spider-Man and he has basically the same level of power of Superman." Yeah, good job taking the powers of two or three of the more recognizable comics icons in the history of the business... where's the originality again? Oh yeah, and they had to rewrite the script because it was too similar to the Matrix. Which just so happens to have been one of the more successful film franchises of the last decade.

    Liefeld is a snake, man. Plain and simple. His art sucks, his storytelling is worse, and he's got a big name because he hung with the right group of artists at the right time.

  5. That's probably for the best, especially if you've been unsure of the series as a whole lately. This is more of the same in every sense of the word, and I'm sure it won't be the last time I'll say that about a GTA. Maybe when the next-gen version is released late in '07 we'll have something amazing to play with again, but the luster is wearing off with the old engine. Running around causing chaos is fun from time to time, but how many discs of that does one really need to own?

    Thanks for the feedback, man, always appreciated. :)

  6. Copied and pasted from the oForums because I'm lazy...

    When the early 90s X-Men cartoon was ported over to Japan, they deemed the intro credits to be unattractive. They hired some anime guys to put something together... pretty freaking sweet.

    And you've gotta love the stereotypical bad Hair / J-Metal tunes they stuck in. :)




  7. What I do not want, is Marvel seeing they fucked up and reset the whole thing someway.

    I've been kind of dreading the same thing, especially since the closing panel of #2. Some things just can't be taken back, even if the characters in the storylines buy whatever excuse the writers come up with. A big part of why I'm digging this series is because it's so far from the norm when it comes to company-spanning events. Things are actually happening, characters are making decisions and changing. I can't remember the last time I read a story that really shook things up and made me realize these characters are supposed to be living beings. Up until now it's been "big bad guy comes in, a couple guys die, enemy defeated, rejoice." The whole vibe of growth, debate and conflict that underlies Civil War is too big a deal to try to write off, and I think Millar (and ultimately Quesada) know that.

  8. I never understood that in this storyline. In real life the conservative patform is about as little government as possible, where as the Liberal platform thinks it's the governments job to tell you what's allowed and what's not.

    I honestly think the parties' stances on gun control wasn't even in the writers' minds here. It may not be an obvious parallel, but I'd say the current debates over gay marriage and gay rights were probably a little more of an inspiration. In that instance, your description of the two parties' systems of belief couldn't be further from the truth. It's not liberals moving to promote a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.