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Posts posted by drqshadow

  1. The Bard's Tale is an awesome game. Have you met the singing Kunnal Trow yet? They appear whenever you rob stuff from an ex-chosen one.

    I haven't really seen a lot of it yet, since Autumn's playing through it first and I'm working on Jak. It seems kind of unclassifiable... strange overhead perspective, Python-esque sense of humor, odd battle system (I've watched her run from enemies to play her flute and summon something). I'll give it a shot pretty soon here.

  2. I finished Max Payne and have moved on to GTA: San Andreas.

    Isn't that game so black, Q? The whole game is like Menace II Society turned up to 20 on the N-word Scale, 35 on the MF-word scale, and just 12 on plain foul.

    Yeah, I don't think there's a white recurring character so far. Wait, scratch that, there's the pothead and his cronies. But yeah, it's a pretty big change in terms of characters from the previous chapters. I think the language is a lot more believable and the characters themselves seem a lot more real.

    Every single person in the city is heavy on the word "asshole" in their dialect, though. I always crack up when somebody says it, just because it's said so often. And the shit CJ says to his girlfriend when they go out on their dates is hilarity x 12. "This is so interesting... I'm just gonna listen..."

    Yeah, the dates are crazy. I just had one pull a driveby, and then on the way back, she was shooting at some sucka-ass Ballas and they opened fire and she caught about 17 well placed bullets and died. I wonder if that means no sex for CJ.

    I couldn't get her to die. She sat in a burning car until it exploded, then got out and told me she wasn't having a good time and wanted to go home.

    Another time, I really wanted to take her out using the pimp car that's always sitting outside her house, but the door was locked so I went about punching at it in hopes the door would just fall off. She got in the way a couple times and caught some jabs in the face by mistake, then went back inside.

  3. I finished Max Payne and have moved on to GTA: San Andreas.

    Isn't that game so black, Q? The whole game is like Menace II Society turned up to 20 on the N-word Scale, 35 on the MF-word scale, and just 12 on plain foul.

    Yeah, I don't think there's a white recurring character so far. Wait, scratch that, there's the pothead and his cronies. But yeah, it's a pretty big change in terms of characters from the previous chapters. I think the language is a lot more believable and the characters themselves seem a lot more real.

    Every single person in the city is heavy on the word "asshole" in their dialect, though. I always crack up when somebody says it, just because it's said so often. And the shit CJ says to his girlfriend when they go out on their dates is hilarity x 12. "This is so interesting... I'm just gonna listen..."

  4. There was a game a long time ago called, Spiritual Warfare that was a Christian based game.

    That's the one I was referring to in my earlier post, Yoda. I think.

    Anything by Learning Tree is a total Christian free-for-all.

  5. I think I've mentioned this before, but the practice of carding everyone for M rated games isn't all that new. I worked retail at Circuit City for years, and you were constantly reminded that you'd immediately lose your job if you were caught selling an M-Rated game or R-Rated movie to someone under 18. I know Toys R Us has the same policy, since my old roommate worked there when we were in school.

    I don't have a problem with it, personally, so long as it's applied universally like Yoda mentioned. What's the point of rating your products if nobody's there to enforce them?