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Everything posted by drqshadow

  1. I absolutely hated him when he first got big on Deathwatch, but grew to really appreciate him from "The Long Halloween" forward. I really like what he does with his characters' personalities (Superman looks like a babyfaced boy scout, Batman's cape is constantly playing visual tricks on his enemies) and enjoy how he breaks the mold of typical body types with his non-heroic characters. I also really respect him for working in such a visual field, since I think I remember reading in an old Wizard that he's colorblind. I'll be generous and give him an 8. He's really progressed nicely over the last ten years.
  2. That's the only one I could think of, too.
  3. Having finished Symphonia (and Eternal Darkness, actually) I'm now working on Jak II.
  4. Exactly. This sounds like pure shit. I'll give it a chance, because Miller's produced some gems in the past, but on the surface it sounds really cheeseball and stupid.
  5. Good news all around. I need to pick up the DVD of the first one some time...
  6. Jack Thompson is a barrel of laughs.
  7. Working my way through Tales of Symphonia on the Cube... I'm disappointed thus far.
  8. Late reply. I voted him a seven. He pretty much personified the line-heavy muscleman style of the mid 90s, but I'm starting to see some of the flaws in his work lately. He seems to not have the ability to draw a woman who isn't straight-up stacked, and his crazy detail-centric style can distract from the action going on in the foreground from time to time. He's still a superstar artist, and his partnership with Scott Williams is probably one of the best historical penciler / inker collaborations in the modern era, but I'm slowly losing my love for him as I'm becoming more critical of what I read. In the 90s, when he was on X-Men and later WildCATs, and I was a bit younger, I'd have ranked him a nine.
  9. It doesn't look like him because, I think, this'll be the first time he's played Jay since cutting his hair. So it's a wig. Silent Bob looks somewhat different between Clerks and Chasing Amy / Dogma for the same reason.
  10. That sums it up for me, as well. He actually wasn't as wordy with his writing in the 80s, which was his prime, and seemed to try to make up for his fading abilities and ideas as a writer by filling the page with paragraph upon paragraph of wordsmithing. His work with John Byrne on the X-Men of the mid 80s is legendary freaking stuff and still a great read today, but he was definitely losing steam before he left Marvel in the 90s. Read X-Men #1, which he wrote with Jim Lee, for an example of some of the most needlessly lengthy dialogue ever. Ever.
  11. I think it was just a way of explaining the dismemberment, I don't think it'll come out that she was setting him up or anything. Even though I saw the first couple of pages earlier in the thread, I didn't feel like all that much had been spoiled. I really liked how they followed up the "he threw my legs four miles" with "he threw my legs four miles up." Awesome.
  12. Red / Blue Supermen. I actually enjoyed Knightfall and Death of Superman because they injected life and fresh storytelling into characters that had been dead in the water for years. Spider-Clone I think got a bad rap because Wizard had such a huge, huge hate hard-on for it. Emerald Twilight was fairly well-explained (Hal's hometown was wiped out and he just lost it because he couldn't stop it). The red / blue Supermen was just a blatant publicity ploy, and a dumb one at that.
  13. I've actually played ET through the use of an emulator. Autumn actually remembers playing it on her 2600, but I was not fortunate enough to have one when I was young. It's hilariously bad. I don't remember ET being able to levitate by straightening out his neck in the film version.
  14. Old people porn! Ahhgh My site used to be #1 in google for "butt clapping." Search results are constant sources of amusement.
  15. Good to see some parents are still taking an interest in what their kids are doing, rather than blaming the creators.
  16. Actually, it's rumored to be below $400. Not that I'll be buying one until it drops significantly, but that's what the voices are whispering at the moment.
  17. drqshadow

    The Ultimates 2

    ----THAR BE SPOILERS----- I'm not usually one to say I told you so, but... yeah. Four months ahead of time and I had this ish solved. I'm better than Batman.
  18. Looks like they're telling the first arc from the Ultimates' first series.
  19. I'm sorry? Some day... some day I will join you rich fools in the world of the 360.
  20. Yeah, it's fairly evident after you've been around the site for a couple of visits, but when it comes to usability you want to shoot for the lowest common denominator. Wouldn't "< 100 Words" be "less than 100 words"?
  21. I hate every one of you who has a 360. I just wrapped up Project Gotham Racing 2, and have moved on to Sega GT 2002. The transition is almost comical.
  22. I meant the only uncropped modern cover, probably should've specified.
  23. The titles of the posts, for instance, "100 Words: 001" and "Earth-2.net: The Show — Quickie 01," should probably click through to the posts themselves and stand out as headlines somehow.